Sup Sup Forums I talked to a representative of heavens gate to find out information on the cause of the 1997 mass suicide and how and why someone still maintains the site. Here's what I found out
Sup Sup Forums I talked to a representative of heavens gate to find out information on the cause of the 1997 mass...
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oh shit son i hope this aint bait
Checked and not bait. Super weird responses
Is it really too difficult to put this in correct order mane?
Sorry on a cell phone
Amazing how delusional people are
yeah im a little lost but still, thats pretty cool, but what does he mean by Jesus tried to reach the "next level" because apparently according to my class jesus died to descend to hell and open the gates, is he saying that jesus got himself killed to try and reach the spacecraft or whatever it was
I know His answers sounded so brainwashed.. I'd feel sad for him but I don't. Just stupid people.
>according to my class jesus died to descend to hell and open the gates,
um. exactly what kind of school did you go to?
I'm not sure what that meant I didn't care for an explanation because I'm sure it would be more bullshit
tbh i really do feel bad for him, but yeah i do agree with you that he was a tad retarded mate not gonna lie
a catholic one, they said it was one of the theories (im an atheist now btw) but i dont really know i didnt pay too much attention
I wish I could've gotten a name
their identity is publicly documented, I thought - there have been periodic articles about them for years. vice even did a piece not too far back
yeah, that would've been pretty cool, but he prolly doesnt want his personal shit out there because he prolly knows about all this shit going on, on the internet
Jesus may have decended into Hades to destroy Death(Hades) himself and make way for the new shit like Jesus and hell and heaven idk
If you got a name please share hub
hades??? ok i really dunno then i thought he was the god of death in the oddysey or hell
hell as in god of hell
What you guys are talking about is people think jesus, descended into hello for three days after the crucifixion. He did this to get the souls of the damned that went before him, this allowed them to accept jesus as the savior so they could ascend to heaven. Jesus than came back and walked among the people for 40 days, showing them that he had come back from the dead (hell) and than he ascended to heaven during what is called pentacost. The keys and gates were the act of him freeing the damned sould that had died before he had a chance to save them.
this post proves that even poor bait is still bait if you react to it
so i was sort of right he went down in to hell to open the gates i guess i meant to say to free the souls and shit
Yes exactly. The opening of the gates was to help the damned souls get to heaven. Just thought id throw out a little christian mythology for anyone who cared
What was bait? Just thought id drop some mythology knowledge on yall
yeah that wasnt bait btw, i am genuinely retarded but i think the other part where the guy mentioned hades he was definitly taking the piss
>Here's what I found out
Who cares? Bunch of psychos.
I actually do a lot of research on cults and odd (non-mainstream religions) as I find them quite interesting, specifically death cults and occult magic cults.
Heaven's Gate is definitely one of the weirder ones, and I am surprised that they are still keeping the site up and running if there is nothing else to join. Interesting that they responded to you. Have you seen the videos they did? quite strange. Applewhite basically presented the Heaven's Gate philosophy on video. They're on youtube somewhere. I have watched them all, and this guy is quite creepy.
Islamic cult has killed more than all cults combined.