Keemstar thread

Keemstar thread.

I was on the haters' side until I watched his response video, just out of curiosity.

If you want to experience what it's like to discover that you have been bullshitted hard by people you trusted, I recommend giving this a try. I assume most of us don't really give much of a fuck, so do it for the psychological experience, if not for Keemy Boy.

I admit I was wrong and I am now very suspicious of Grade A and Leafy and the other ones, because their lies can be proven to be lies and manipulations, whereas Keem's stuff sounds completely legit and plausible the way he explains it. So far, there is no absolute proof of lies on his side, whereas there is on theirs. Keem also admits to some shit he did and apologises a lot for those things. I found him far more believable than the moralists on the other side.

Facts I didn't know:

>I didn't know Keem's previous YouTube occupation was to be a professional troll, from which many samples have been taken out of context, including the nigger shit, which I never minded much anyway

>Keem can explain everything

Guys, I am now convinced Keem did nothing wrong. I know most of us just joined in on the hate because we thought he was an asshole and there's nothing more joyous than fucking an asshole up, but the truth is that he isn't an asshole. Yes, he's demonstrative, Italian, but I was astounded to see how different he actually was from what Leafy and Grade were saying. Absolutely amazing.

The only worthy YouTuber's "exposed" video was Idubbbz' and it so happens that Keem appreciated that one, mostly because Idubbbz fabricates nothing and has actual points.

ITT: we love Keemy Boy.

Other urls found in this thread:

Another response worth watching.

Josh outed himself by saying his skype name was his real name; if he hadn't, nobody would have known. Keem didn't know. I can't blame him for not assuming Josh's skype name was is real name, who uses his real name on skype to begin with?

Keem posted the conversation to show they had a friendship originally, that Keem had helped Josh and that Josh was thankful for it, not to "expose" or "dox" him. That's completely believable.

Josh made 9 videos about this. Since Josh has less viewers than Keem, how hard is it to believe Josh is merely trying to get views by sucking on Keem's name? Very believable.

Keem has dyslexia, this is why he can't read too well and sometimes mispronounces words. Once you know that, you can't really find it funny anymore, like mocking a handicapped kid for not being able to run.

God damnit, enough with the fucking Pedostar and Leafyisgay threads. Why do you people fucking care what they're doing?

I believe my OP explained it well enough, didn't it?

No. Your OP doesn't at all explain why you or anyone should care.

No and I'm not reading it. He's an overgrown pedo who gets off to YouTube high school drama. I saw that stupid video of him, leafyisgay and that dog fucker girl talking. He was giggling like a school girl the whole time.

>tfw OP is a keemfag

Nobody cares about youtube drama, keemstar is and always will be a massive cunt


>He's an overgrown pedo

He isn't. The pedo thing was started by us to mess with him, somewhat based on Grade A's video, but he has nothing to show for that rumor. It's pure slander.

I came to defend him because I believe he tells the truth, yes. I don't watch his channel or care very much, but I felt a duty to the truth.

all i want to know is if hes coming back to drama alert


He's already come back, yes.

OP here, in exchange of tolerating a keem thread, have one of the best YouTubers I know.

>The only worthy YouTuber's "exposed" video was Idubbbz' and it so happens that Keem appreciated that one, mostly because Idubbbz fabricates nothing and has actual points.

ITT: we love Keemy Boy.

Fuck off keemstar, im not watching your shit.

idups for life

Idubbbz be rollin dubs all day


you care a lot about this, just like a girl cares about game of thrones. fucking pussy, go do something worthwhile instead of watching soap operas
>fuck you

>I was on the haters' side
I totally don't believe you.

Nice attempt at damage control, faggot.

>Giving a shit about YouTube attention whores and drama-mongers

It's almost as if none of you are older than 23.

Obvious bait but

>I didn't know Keem's previous YouTube occupation was to be a professional troll, from which many samples have been taken out of context....

There's really nothing much else to say about this. If you "professionally" troll people (joke, make fun of, antagonize, sarcastic, etc...)
Then you'd best be ready to get some fucking backlash and hate.

Example: "I hate niggers! hahaha!"
Publics reaction: "Hey, this guy is a racist, everyone unsubscribe and make videos examining his racist and hateful ways."
His reaction: "B-but, I was only joking!! D: Im a professional memer!!! Im nice guy!!"

I subbed to idubbbz because he's good and his video was worth watching. His stuff is good. I also subbed to Keem because he doesn't deserve the hate. He's just too responsive and cares a lot.


I'm actually eating and watching videos right now, it takes a second to write here. I type very fast. I even said I don't care all that much but I wanted to give truth a chance, and I always enjoy conversing with user. Isn't that the reason we're all here? You're lonely and you want to feel like you have some non-invasive, non-expensive friends online.

I care more about exchanging with you than anything else.

I was, I made over 10 threads to hate him and get him pizzas.

this place is filled with a bunch of normies now holy shit you guys care about stupid faggot drama and probably Twitter about it jesus christ it even capitalized that shit automatically


Thing is, Keem was doing this over 7 years ago.

The nigger thing happened almost a decade ago, and they just pulled it out to make him sound racist. Same thing with the fans comment. He literally had a channel called "Fuck the fans" where he was insulting his fans for fun. Everyone was in on it. Something very Sup Forums-like actually, since we do the same damn thing every day.

He hasn't done trolling like this in years and years.


Why did GradeAUnderA and leafy betray him?



What's the difference

How am I being autistic?

You cared enough to respond.

I don't care if he's racist, lol, I just want to see him cry and burn because for some reason his agony gives me a vicarious sadistic pleasure.

I really don't give a shit who's right or wrong.

I'm guessing they snapped at something and took their revenge this way. I suspect leafy just wants views, and I don't know about Grade. Maybe Grade wanted some views and subbers from this debacle too.

What's 100% sure is they both Leafy and Grade aren't clean in this. I unsubbed from both.

I really don't know what made them suddenly decide to go hate on Keem this much and this dishonestly.

I know, but if you watch his response video, you'll want the other ones to crash and burn. Trust me, I experienced it. I was once just like you, then I took a Keemy to the knee.

I watched the nearly hour-long response video. I don't fucking care. Leafy is fucking annoying and grade has made me chuckle a few times but Keemstar is just a tear-soaked manlet.

Sorry, but that's how it is. Keem must be sacrificed for our amusement.

The first red flag for me was when Leafy and Grade completely denied ever having been friends of Keem. I believed them, but then I read the chats they had and even video interviews about Keem they had, and I realised they had lied. Leafy and Grade said they were barely acquaintances, but in truth, they were close friends and both had been very grateful of keem, in their own words, written or spoken, and I knew that was fishy.

It's just disgusting for Grade to say they had never been friends at all, only to then hear Grade, in an interview from some years ago, explaining why Keem is a great guy and how they became friends.

Did Keem fuck Grade's wife with his Italian penor or some shit like that?

GradeAUnderA and Leafy are just as childish as keem in this internet soap opera.
I recall someone calling out Grade for his association with keemstar, and the fact he wouldn't "expose" him. His response included exact phrases such as "I only make drama response videos if I can add something to the discussion, we all know keemstar is an asshole blah blah" and he also mentioned how that exposed video would get him lots of views but actually do nothing.
Watching his exposed video was strange, considering it meets all of the criteria of why he wasn't planning on making it. They're just pissy because of a "he said she said" game of broken telephone that keemstar was "shit talking" them. It's also hilarious that they thought he wouldn't when they decided to befriend him.
Link to grade's comment:

>Keem must be sacrificed for our amusement.

It's not much fun once you realise you're being played by other dickbags and your being played becomes their amusement.

>>e-celeb jewtube drama

They seem far more childish than Keem, to be honest. I can't fault Keem for anything now that I know both sides of the story.

Grade attacks Keem for things he does himself, and claims that Keem does them! That's some convoluted level of bullshit.

Keem is far more straight to the point. I don't care for Internet drama or news, but I respect the guy. Also, the other ones attacking his daughter, that's just shitty. She's 6, leave her the fuck alone.

>family guy

Thanks for the bump. Bumps are a precious currency on this board. I never have enough.

I don't wanna be that guy but all the summer in this thread kills me.

When you can form your own opinions so you let youtubers do it for you

You believe in summer? That makes you the most newfag piece of shit ITT.

I formed my own opinion after I heard both sides.

No YouTubers make my opinion for me. Don't let them manipulate you into ordering pizzas for cool guys.

wew lad you learned all those new confangled 4chans terminology already. Good job.

go home keemstar

Been here since 2008. Took me a moment to see which new terminology (new to you) you meant.