#BlackLivesMatter is now indisputably a threat and a terror sign

#BlackLivesMatter is now indisputably a threat and a terror sign

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no they dont.

In the same way the Christian cross is a sign of the kkk

All niggers must hang

*are hung

>blacks have always been a threat


They literally only understand violence. That's the African way. They are not evolved enough yet to fully fit in to a civilized white society.

>>Thinks the KKK is relevant in any way

They're a terror organization. What happens if they don't get what they want? Riots, shootings etc. Their agenda is war with anyone who isn't black. Why is black deaths ONLY important to them when it is a white man doing the shooting? 60 black folks get shot in Chicago and their focus is on the justified shooting of an armed felon resisting arrest. Defies logic.

The FEDs are so deep in BLM.. Just need to get them to start turning on each other like they did with The Black Panthers.

The mainstream American media is, again, happily hitting the Black Lives Matter crack pipe in its pernicious pursuit of high ratings. These blood-lusting junkies were nowhere to be found when, with haunting predictability, Chicago news headline after headline detailed the carnage that has consumed dozens of communities in that city where black men kill each other with terrifying regularity.

Where were these Black Lives Matter protesters after the slaying of Chicago’s little Tyshawn Lee, the 9-year-old lured into an alley and shot to death by a black man seeking gang-related vengeance against his father?

Did little Tyshawn’s murder at the hands of a black gangster–an all too common occurrence in Chicago–not warrant wall-to-wall news coverage or Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson-style calls for “justice”?



Because the ugly truth behind #BlackLivesMatter is that black people killing other black people does nothing to advance its political power in the same way that one white cop killing a black criminal can.

Despite the media’s overindulgence on white cops killing blacks, there is still a far-larger amount of black bodies being sent to morgues by black killers. Here’s five devastating facts, liberals can’t deny, that prove it.

FACT 1. Over 1,400 more black Americans murdered other blacks in two years than were lynched from 1882 to 1968.

According to FBI data, 4,906 black people murdered other blacks in 2010 and 2011. That is 1,460 more black Americans killed by other blacks in two years than were lynched from 1882 to 1968, according to the Tuskegee Institute.

FACT 2. Black People (mostly men) commit a grossly disproportionate amount of crime.

In 2012, white males were 38 percent of the population and committed 4,582 murders. That same year, black males were just 6.6 percent of the population but committed a staggering 5,531 murders.

In other words: black people–at just a fifth of the size–committed almost 1,000 more murders than their white counterparts.

The figures above highlight a horrific truth that black racialists and white liberals routinely ignore: Lawbreaking black Americans, young black males particularly, put themselves in close proximity to (mostly white male) police officers at rates sometimes five to 10 times higher than whites. This is a recipe for disaster. Thusly….

FACT 3. Despite making up just 13% of the population, blacks committed half of homicides in the United States for nearly 30 years.

DOJ statistics show that between 1980 and 2008, black people committed 52% of homicides.

In 2013, black criminals committed 38% of the murders. Whites accounted for just 31 percent.

There are five times fewer black people than white people in America and, yet, they consistently carry out a larger share of the crimes? Given this rate, it’s no wonder that there aren’t more assistances where cops kill black criminals.

FACT 4. Chicago’s death toll is almost equal to that of both wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, combined.

There have been almost as many deaths in one American city as there have been in the two major wars carried out by the U.S. military this century.

Chicago’s death toll from 2001–November, 26 2015 stands at 7,401. The combined total deaths during Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003-2015: 4,815) and Operation Enduring Freedom/Afghanistan (2001-2015: 3,506), total 8,321.

FACT 5. It would take cops 40 years to kill as many black men as have died at the hands of others black men in 2012 alone.

University of Toledo criminologist Dr. Richard R. Johnson examined the latest crime data from the FBI’s Supplementary Homicide Reports and Centers for Disease Control and found that an average of 4,472 black men were killed by other black men annually between Jan. 1, 2009, and Dec. 31, 2012.

Professor Johnson’s research further concluded that 112 black men died from both justified and unjustified police-involved killings annually during this same period.

You are dangerously well informed

Post sauce for all these though?
SJW's need a lesson


BLM are a bunch of crybaby faggots desperate to feel oppressed and have a cause, but they are not responsible for the black racist murderers that attack the police in Dallas.


>killing cops is bad
>the federal government will save me



Fucking this.

Blacks are like children. They want to be able to do whatever they want and get away with it using blame tactics and excuses.

Now that they're free and their culture is becoming the dominant one, you're seeing hard-working, law-abiding people being punished and shamed because they can't get their shit together, despite countless "programs" and handouts.


Seriously, How is it that only niggers cannot get used to living in civilized society?

Philando Castile wasn't a felon, nor was he resisting arrest.

How do you know he wasn't resisting arrest? We saw a video that began AFTER he was shot.

Don't be autistic user, there's nothing you can do to defend that cop's actions. That was one of the few times the cop was actually wrong.

5 - 2

If he was wrong, then I'll admit it. But we haven't seen definitive proof. Don't be a girl and jump to conclusions based on emotions

> cops kill

So they just like any other gang or cartel

He was sitting in a car. He was shot in a Fucking car.
Resisting... Are you fucking dumb

We can look at the evidence that has been given to us from the video alone

>Man is still in his car, hard to believe he was being arrested for anything yet
>Woman claims he told the officer he was carrying a gun, the right thing to do
>She claims the officer told him to get his license out before shooting him
>He yells out that he told him to keep his hands out of his pockets
>She replies by saying he then told him to get his license out, which he doesn't reply to, probably because he realizes how stupid he made the situation
>officer shooting right after asking for the license can further prove he couldn't have resist arrest since he wasn't being arrested yet
>4 shots into the man, an absolute overkill

Whether the dude has a criminal past or not is irrelevant, the cop was wrong and should be face prison for the murder of the man.

Wait so when that white kid shot all those black people in church, must of been every single white person declaring war. Gotcha

Just leavin' this here:




>The woman claims

Thats all the info thats been released so far.

Yes, it's in the video, the only thing we can really look at.

Also if he had not told the officer about the weapon, the officer wouldn't have shot him for reaching in his pocket after requesting a license, and later yelling out that he told him not to reach for his pocket. It's clear the officer knew of the weapon.

He was also told not to move, but reached for his back pocket to get his id. How is the cop supposed to know he's not drawing a fucking gun you retarded piece of shit?
If someone is pointing a gun at your face you best do exactly as he tells you. Why do niggers always have such a hard time understanding that?

>A 28-year-old nursing student who declined to be named said she was sitting in the parking lot of a nearby apartment building and saw the scene unfold. It was around 9 p.m., she said, when the car was pulled over.

>"I just heard the officer say, 'Put your hands up,' and before he finished saying that there were four shots," the woman said.

Witness account, also

Lol lets silence these niggers

doesnt that mean its a problem with the police in general instead of it being a racial thing? kek

You're indisputably a fagot

How do you know this? Source of being told "not to move" other then the unprofessional paniced police officer.


>being a cuck and allowing officers to point guns at you

Guns are for the safety of the people, dumbass. If the officer is fearing for his life because a man is legally carrying a weapon, he shouldn't have chosen that career. The officer is clearly a pussy and should do something else for a living.

Officers doing things such as taking away weapons from legally armed citizens for the officers safety is wrong and an abuse of power.

They killed enforcers of your tyrannical government. They're heroes and patriots akin to our founding fathers. If BLM was even responsible.


Why would he have his weapon drawn for a traffic stop? (As hes asking him for his id)

Why would someone tell a cop hes carrying a legal ccw if he was gonna shoot him?

>people can't lie

Why shouldn't you!


This guy gets it. I'm glad more people are awakening to this idea that people need not be sheep and slaves to the government and their enforcers.

So you retard. If you call up a gang or cartel to help you out with a domestic dispute. Or someone stealing your car. Or some shit.

They either won't help you or demand some kind of immediate compensation.

inb4 BUT TAXES well fucker you dont have to pay taxes up front to police, in person, in cash. And many poor people are exempt from taxes. Or barely pay anything.


Agreed, but since the police haven't actually released ANYTHING about the stop or how he acted we can only go by witness accounts and the video. At this point, anything ftom the police officers perspective is purely speculation.



We all need to sign this shit.

BLM is terrorizing society. They fit all the requirements of a terrorist organization.




Philando Castile literally did nothing wrong. He was probably a better person than you in every sense of the word.

BlackLivesMatter is more racist, than the white supremacist movement.

the implication that black lives matter more, than the people they kill, is Pretty sad.

i just.....
i can't.
the fucking racism here.
you people are ill
literally shaking right now.....
wow.....just. just wow. literally unbelievable.
ill never understand this......place.
it feels like
after the past 2 weeks i have been here it just seems to get worst and worst.....
blatant racism
child porn spam
animal abuse
anti semitism
holocaust denial
woman hating
fat shaming
off topic adult cartoons
the list goes on and on.......
the n word literally hurled around like it was a casual insult......
are there even moderators to control this insane place??!!!
disgusting.....are you even "humans"? or just jaded pieces of SHIT??!!
i see why you people are callled the sewer of the internet...

Nice pasta

Black pl are the most racist ppl ever in my experience, especially against whites, then against mexicans.

they r fucking bkack nazis n the biggest, most hatefol hypocrites ever, on the line with feinazis.


I wouldn't mind the racism if it was genuine, but on Sup Forums it's just edgy faggots trying to seem all "for the fatherland!" They don't believe this shit because they're 13 and haven't actually been indoctrinated into racism.

Are you retarded? So exactly what makes you believe these two witness reports are not nearly as credible as what a police officer says? You will not know for sure until the depart releases a statement, but watch the video. That man had no warrants, no felons, NO REASON to kill a police officer after being stopped for a broken tail light. Do you think Philando decided to kill a police officer that happened to stop him for fun?

le wild summerfag appears XD

get off my Sup Forums you redditer!!!

Five facts liberals can't deny? Why is this a liberal vs conservative thing? Why is the view that cops shouldn't kill people period politicized? BLM is a group of fucking reckless nigs, but that doesn't make the issue at hand any less relevant.

You are a retard


Everyone sign

It's not black vs. white. It's poor vs. rich and people vs. the government. It's 2016. It's time to stop being sheep.




it's everyone vs. everyone, dude

BLM is an American terrorist group, they will strike again if they are not stopped.

But it won't now that the foundation is in place.


It is a problem with the police in general. Fuck police

Yes, exactly that's part of the problem. The cops overreact because they are scared of concealed carry and are often insufficiently trained.
But if the media and Obama weren't pushing the racism narrative so hard the black community wouldn't have lost its shit so hard.
They are few things which you take greater insult to than racism many more people feel phased by it, than just a case of cops reacting wrong.
These leftist identity politics have been nothing than divisive. We had a chance to start anew, but they wanted to 'correct for history' by shaming whitey cis male for doing things he has never done personally. We are now not primarily defined anymore by our character, but by the colour of our skin and if we are profitters or victims of this fantasy of 'institutioanlized racism'


New hashtag...



why should black lives matter when the lives of others dont matter to them ?

If they're so reckless why did Dallas police support and protect their peaceful protest last night?

Because they are terrorist racial supremacists.

can someone post webm of nig flanking cop and shooting him in the back

if this happens and they are recognized as a terrorist organization, does this men everyone who posted that sht on facebook would possibly get on the no-fly list?

if so, air travel just got less crowded


Oh boy

>everyone vs. everyone


Liberals start killing cops and Obama tells conservatives that he's going to protect us by taking our guns.

>Look Dallas PD taking part in a terrorist organization

Just shut the fuck up already.

Do you think cops want to ruin their careers and just kill people for fun, even if they're niggers?

Those two looked like crackheads and had weed in the car, the woman said so herself. The cop is pretty stressed out about it, which is evidence enough that the nigger did not just reach for his wallet. Also, if you tell the cop you have a gun, you don't reach for anything right after. You wait for instructions. Use some fucking common sense.

>if this happens

Yeah, because there's a chance it will.


Cops are suppose to be some of the most trustworthy and protective beings in the United States. Safety is their job. Gangsters are dangerous. Cops, who are hired and endorsed by the government, and paid for by the civilians (taxpayer's money), have a strong disposition to be more hostile and aggressive towards black civilians. Unarmed blacks are 5x more likely to die than unarmed whites. That is the issue.

I am going to repeat since some people need to read things twice. The issue is that cops are more hostile and; therefore, kill passive black people at a rate higher than any other race.

Wow, pfft fuck out of here faggot.

>cop: put your hands up
>*puts hands up*
>gets shot 4 times practically blowing my arm off
