Racism is not wrong. If these coons went back to Africa there won't be high crime rates..
Racism is not wrong. If these coons went back to Africa there won't be high crime rates
What an intelligent point of view I've never heard any of this before! Fuck off loser
coon confirmed
5 pigs got killed last night. LOL
Dirty slav confirmed.
am I the only one who thinks actually doesn't give a fuck about her boyfriend being shot and actually feels quite badass and famous for being in that situation? Also , god fucking damn, it's ASKED, not aksed. monkey
buh buh then the people might notice all the corporate crime
from Boston my bud no dirty Ivan
that bitch didnt give a fuck about him, he was probably trying to tell the camera "i aint even yo boyfriend bitch" with his last dying breaths
Where is the facebook pic of that other black guy that got shot with his two
I think there is a video? don't have it though, check some gore thread
> Black People: Steal a lot of people's money
> White People: Scams a lot of people's money
Deep down we're all alike
Scamming is a lot worse than stealing to me personally idk why but there's just something so scummy about being a scam artist
How about blacks turn the BLM movement towards their own. You know, since they kill each other over 4000 times a year vs the 300 police shootings of black individuals whom most of which had it coming.
We are not alike at all. us whites have morals..
Getting into an intellectual battle with someone trying to part you from your money is fun and entertaining.
Getting held up at gunpoint by someone that can't speak english is just scary and makes you angry.
Life needs more entertainment and less fear.
> Jews: Scam a lot of people's money.
The only thing you have is a false since of superiority you fat faggot
We are the problem black people are here. If we weren't lazy and did our own chores, then we wouldn't have bought slaves. Then comes along people wanting them to be people so they became part of our country.
They ignore of the statistical data that portray them as animals. It's racist to point out facts.
Hi niggers
I noticed them lol
" T H I S S T A T E M E N T I S F A L S E "
The US gov tried that. It's called Liberia and it failed terribly
Stop cosigning you faggot
At least white people create businesses, employ workers, pay taxes and generally contribute to the economy in the process of scamming people out of their money. A society composed entirely of greedy people who still follow the law will function much better than a society of criminals who disregard the law. That's why Europe and America are rich and Africa is poor.
He didn't get shot because of racism
He didn't get shot because he did something wrong
He got shot because that chink thought the kid in the back was a dog.
Stop stealing, raping, murdering, attacking, blaming white people. You gross swamp monkey.
Yeah shut the fuck up you're probably some fat ass with a shitty job who doesn't help society or make it worse stop acting like whites are gods perfect creation we all have are flaws
This is what I was talking about
Racism is wrong. Not every nigger is a criminal and not every white is an educated, hard working man. Go hang yourself, dumb kid.
At least they wouldn't be here. That's makes it a success
Is this one of those coons that got shot?
the amount of implying going on here. im sure you are some nigger who even if he has a job spends it all on getting the "new Js" coming out and collects on food stamps.
That black kid in the middle kinda looks like a real life Riley Freeman.
fucking idiot racist
not all niggers are from africa, some come from the carribean
educate yourself
This isn't actually confirmed as Sterling, yet.
Oh sorry. I didn't understand thought you were talking about something different
.. user you are fuckin dumb lmao
Yes, it's the one that was on the ground, one of the one's that "dindu nuffin" and "wasn't reaching for a gun"
Imperialism. Done.
If you hate niggers so much you only have one person to blame and that's the white man for bringing them to america maybe be more grateful to the blacks for building this fucking country but instead we stuck them in ghettos made them go to shitty schools than us, no wonder most of them aren't educated
Hail Satan
What you mean is no one is confirming that it is sterling, but looks like him, looks like his kids, and was taken off the myspace account of "Alton Sterling"
All the incriminating pics have been deleted though, have you visited his facebook today?
im sure people could pull up photos of white children holding guns but the underlying point would be the message portrayed by the parents. whites probably go hunting with their kids and teach them gun safety and tell them to only point the gun at what you intend to kill. these little nignogs probably grow up hearing about how "they rode up on t down the sckreet"
anybody who identifies as african-american ought to take their african ass back to africa
Blacks never had the advantages that you privileged crackers had, who do you think built the projects and ghettos African Americans lived in??
Get outta the box user.. You are confirmed 13yo fgt
If we had reasonable drug policy the crime rate would plummet
Point and Case: Colorado's crime rate and police abuse rate plummeted by legalizing pot.
Same thing happens with other drugs
DEAL WITH IT soberfags
Back? They were born in America you idiot.
but the vast majority of niggers are criminals and the vast majority of whites are educated and hard working. go hang yourself dumb kid
My God. Who the hell are you, you disgusting subhuman Nigerian fucker? What would drive you to such a pathetic low, shitmonkey? Slavery is over now. You're not wanted here. Gtfo retard. Just, please leave.
How does that justify racism? Are you fucking retarded?
"Niggers are uneducated thugs"
Maybe because you put them in shitty schools and ghettos to live in
Well thats where they belong. or more better in Concentration camps
because the VAST majority of niggers are criminals! how do you miss the point of that post?
Racism is justified because the VAST MAJORITY are criminals.
why should he get out he was most likely born here as was I I am an american first before anything else
We gave them science, technology, written language, literature, law, economics, and democracy. In exchange they gave us a couple centuries of slave labor and economic exploitation. In the long term, it's a fair trade.
Let's everybody calm down.
Now no matter what the reason is, the reality of the situation is the reality of the situation, and no matter who did it TO them, things have gotten so bad that the only solution now is to move them all out.
Nothing we can do about the past user, time to look forward to a brighter, whiter future.
Imma just leave this here...
This is why black people are the way they are, they have been oppressed ever since we brought them from Africa and left only old men and the sick in Africa and they were unable to build why do you think Africa is so undeveloped?? We stole the seed from the dirt so it could never grow
i just.....
i can't.
the fucking racism here.
you people are ill
literally shaking right now.....
wow.....just. just wow. literally unbelievable.
ill never understand this......place.
it feels like
after the past 2 weeks i have been here it just seems to get worst and worst.....
blatant racism
child porn spam
animal abuse
anti semitism
holocaust denial
woman hating
fat shaming
off topic adult cartoons
the list goes on and on.......
the n word literally hurled around like it was a casual insult......
are there even moderators to control this insane place??!!!
disgusting.....are you even "humans"? or just jaded pieces of SHIT??!!
i see why you people are callled the sewer of the internet....
Slav's were the first people in space.
Not really. There were still slaves in Africa to work for the slave masters down their.
They could have build and developed for centuries but didn't and when colonies were formed it went even worse. Why do you think most people don't give a shit about shitholes down there?
what did you expect? cool trips btw
Checke'd and /thread
hahahahahahaha. Are you kidding me? We took all able bodied africans? the ignorance of this post is astounding.
Tfw you dont realise chaos is law
I am fine with that let them move back and let's help them build Africa maybe it's owed to them since we stole Africa's future
That doesn't justify the belief, that every nigger is a dumb, uneducated thug.
Maybe white people shouldn't have brought them here in the first place. You reap what you sow
succesful or wasted lucky trips?
They were born in America just as any other American. There is no "back", you idiot.
i never said they were dumb thats just you projecting. I said they were criminals. and it does justify the belief. Thats like saying its okay to get in the water if there are jelly fish around, just because one stung you doesnt mean they all will.
Go back to Stupidiavakia
Pick up a history book we took the strong and left the weak to try and build, what use would we have for old men and the sick
Now don't get too hasty there son, hard work and being independent builds integrity. Now you wouldn't want to deprive them of that and neither do I.
So what we need to do here is put them all on ships, chain them up if need be, sometimes kids don't know what's good for them and have to be made to do the right thing you see.
So we're going to chain them up and put them on ships and ship them back to Africa and give them enough food and water for 1 week. That should be long enough to venture out and find things for themselves.
Then we leave them to build as they see fit. You wouldn't want to oppress them more by building "white" buildings or "giving a hand" because that pretty much says "You can't do this without white people".
What are you, racist?
Atleast scamming takes a level of intelligence. That's how whites have always been
we've outsmarted the fucktards of Earth
understandable. but do you think we went through all of africa and took every single young strong black male? we probably took less than a tenth of the population.
African American fucking idiot they belong in Africa and maybe discuss that with all your white anons saying "they need to go back"
Youve obviously never been around death. When my dad died of cancer. My mom was strong around everybody for days until all the family left. I stayed a while longer. I woke up to he sobbing in the kitchen trying to clean after everybody left. She was in shock and while the action is still going on you put it on the back burner until things slow down
Even IF she didn't give a fuck about him, if someone is shit in front of you, it's going to have an impact whether you know them or not.
I didn't give a shit about trevon, or the Ferguson nig but this was a horse shit shooting that should not have went down that way and only the cop is to blame. You can hear it in his voice when he's freaking out
Fuck off you edgy teen fucks
i meant a tenth of a percent.
You'll all tl;dr me and laugh at me but I gotta say my piece.
I think SJW shit is stupid. Ive gone on and lel'd about nignogs.
But in my personal life, one of my oldest friends - 15 year friendship - is black. We're like family.
Listen, I have watched that dude go through SO MUCH because of his skin color. We were both raised in a very white rural community. He was disadvantaged and harassed from the get go. Harassment, fights, assaults, man you name it.
I watched this guy SCHOOL it. He never stopped bettering himself. He's now a director of software engineering at one of the nations largest institutes. His drive even caught me off guard. Never settled.
Take from that what you will. It's a prism. Some people will bend to their environment. Others, like my friend, will break free. It was amazing to witness.
12 million slaves were taken from Africa between 1525 and 1866 that's a lot of fucking people
They don't you fucking idiot. Just kill yourself, your stupidity hurts.
Tell that to the white slave masters we owe it to Africans and African Americans they built this country for us the least we could do is understand why most of them are criminals or extremely poor and why Africa is so undeveloped
what's this?
Is this pasta?
Go back to tumblr faggot
America only took about 12% of African pop good try though
Because he's not a closeminded racist? Kys edgy teen.