Sup Forums here

Sup Forums here

explain this image to me

Other urls found in this thread: does btfo mean

mediocre music critic gets btfo by one of the most innovative /bleep/ musicians of our time.

i thought you guys loved the guy i've seen images of him wearing giant sunglasses and a poster saying Sup Forums

antny didn't like his music so he got mad

some of us love him some of us hate him

I respect what he does and like that he has a sense of humor about himself but his opimions are generally trash

More like
>alt-right melon has twitter war with chav hack

why is alt right suddenly bad? pol loves it

pick one

>alt right
Funny way to spell Reddit-tier Neo Liberal


i also liked when tyler the creator had an emotional breakdown after fantano blew cherry bomb the fuck out

the cyber bullying tweet makes it even better

damn it's almost like these two camps of people are exactly alike

luckily Tyler has a safe space to retreat to after his record gets panned by critics


that's not how you spell neo nazi white trash

Sauce? Would like to see his meltdown

Define "btfo"

>Things that never happened

>pol loves it
You just answered your own question

DELET THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! does btfo mean

What the fuck is there to explain? The image is completely self-explanatory.

>melon reviews Zomby's album
>melon doesn't like it
>Zomby see review and get butthurt

it was very shortly after cherry bomb was released. fantano reviewed it immediately and tyler went ape shit and ranted on twitter about how unfair people are to him

when everyone mocked him for crying he deleted everything. there were screenshots and links to his twitter though

i'm sure they are still around. it was in direct response to fantano although he never tweeted at him or named him. just made it really fucking obvious that's who he was talking about

>bringing up your home board when it has nothing to do with your post
fuck off

i've seen people from Sup Forums do it a million times

never anons from another board. only ever "yeah, i've been to r9k a few times but that's it"

we ae the best board on Sup Forums

someone please do post the pictures of tyler chimping out

but we are not /an/ ???

anthony doesn't know shit about electronic music
didnt even bother to review elseq

these are two of about a million. he was much angrier in the others. looking for them now

a long string of them were in all caps


Anthony Fantano runs a independent music criticism youtube channel, called "The Needledrop," on said channel he did a review of one of Zomby's projects which was not very positive. Zomby called him out, and then this image happened.

Jungle and Breakbeat are different, but similar, sub-genres of music.

You do realize he tweets almost everything in all caps regardless of emotion.

hahahaha the meme producer got angery from the meme reviewer

Pretty sure Tyler only tweets in all caps

>Sup Forums
>even considering it a mediocre board, not to mention calling it the best board

>bernie supporter

Is everyone who is not on board with every leftist orthodoxy going to be labeled alt-right now?

these tweets are not what they were hyped up to be

the BEST TEETH IN THE GAME says an album is shitty. Zomby acted like a faggot about it. Normal Twitter.

he called them out in his latest vid tho

anthony is a fucking idiot who only got popular because of his mbdtf review

I know what he's referring to.

It was really fucking bad. It was like 100 tweets in two hours that sounded like a Kanye meltdown. All about how Fantano, the general public and the music business are lynching him. How his music is way beyond what any of us fucking idiots could understand.

Pretty sure it was only hours after Fantano put up his Cherry Bomb review. We had many threads on it while it was happening so I'm sure it's in the archive.

I'll be moderately satisfied if his next album goes the route of "Fuck It"

sorry how dare i call a person who whines about ess jay double jews and associates with sargon of akkad, mde, and theamazingatheist alt right

>Oh I'm sorry, how dare I fallaciously place a label that I know absolutely nothing about onto someone for having different opinions than me and occasionally talking to people I don't like

Just fucking admit that you're wrong instead of making yourself look more like an ass.

Disliking SJWs doesn't make someone an alt-righter.

>some of us love him
people here only like him ironically now

i unironically like his meme channel more than i ironically like his review channel

A mediocre misguidedly nationalistic electronic musician is taking time to be petulantly upset on social media at a bad review for his music from a less-informed, amateur music reviewer.

Since you're from Sup Forums -

zomby is basically being Phil Fish here.

my nigga do u even know what the alt right is

sorry how dare i call out le trve liberals

melon getting BTFO like the nerd he is