If the victims were armed, less people would have died.
oh wait
If the victims were armed, less people would have died.
oh wait
Other urls found in this thread:
it was a sniper
this is some low quality bait
why does 13% of the population commit 50% of the murders
Oh just shut the fuck up.
So you agree that snipers should be banned?
If only police had guns than this wouldnt have happened!
If the attackers didn't have guns, nobody would have died
no. Re read my post. niggers should be banned
this is exactly how the rest of us feel whenever you blab about the government trying to take your guns
I'm assuming you know it's true and you're just tired of arguing on the side of a lost cause
Lets give the police whistles, then there would of been 50 dead instead of 5 dead- nice reasoning retard.
If blacks could act civilized, none of this would have happened
Although the Minnesota guy getting killed was fucked up
Agreed if I had a nickle for everytime I believed something racist some nigger would rob me
Who said more people didnt die because of the people armed with guns?
'Mericans wonder why the rest of the world laughs at them.
Fewer people, you neanderthal
Yeah and I've come to realise that your all stinky foreigners that's why I'm voting for trump don't need any more eurorats showing up in adidas tracksuits smoking cigarettes
niggers or blacks?
No, we know exactly why the rest of the world laughs at us…
>Implying they are different
Some blacks are okay. All the poor ones suck though.
Rather be surrounded by these type of daily heros than faggots from the UK
Well, I'm black and I feel as though I'm not a nigger
When you can't find any justification for your shit laws so you insult other people to make you feel as if you have the superior opinion
If no one has guns sandniggers would invade
You're lightskinned buddy
>Be me, typical BLM supporter
>Shouting anti police slogans with my cool black buddies
>Guy starts shooting up the place
>Ran for my life
>Expect police to protect me
>I fucking hate those pigs, they better protect me
if no one had guns, less people would be shot, and if that's the case whats going on in Australia?
I'm not though. I'm like Kanye black
And this is how the government controls people
Keep em scared of scenarios that would never happen?
Sandniggers invade us with what? Their airforce? Their Navy?
You fucking idiot. I bet you would let Barack O Bush fuck you in the ass if he said he thought there was a WMD in there and the only way to get it out is with his dick
Kindly move out of the bible belt and grow the fuck up
If the attackers weren't murderers nobody would have died.
Dont let em do it
If the attackers hadn't been breathing air, they wouldn't have killed anyone.
If the victims weren't armed how many people do you think would of died faggot. This just proves guns are A-ok.
Maybe not the government forcing the idea, but possibly.
But if your scared of scenarios that A) are unlikely and B) pose no threat any way to a certain degree, then your going to be trapped in your glass box for the rest of your life. But you keep your shit america, i dont mind watching your country burn in flames when this all backfires for you
>I think life is like call of duty because I'm either underage or a stupid liberal
He was armed to the teeth from an elevated position and firing on unsuspecting people.
>Machine gun clip
FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, but I'm living a pretty successful life, I think, for where I am. Graduated highschool with a 4.3. Probably graduating college with a 3.9. I'm going to law school next year, probably stanford. I regularly do volunteer work and I'm working part time while I go to school
You're speaking hypothetically, which will never be the case just stay hiding from terror, when it comes down to it I'll be on the frontline defending my country
the fact that people are even afraid of the middle east to invade it blows my mind
We started a never ending war on terror based ont he action of 12 individuals (who most likely had the assistance of our own government)
And hillbillies still think the muslims are coming to put Shariah law in their alabama swamp.... not knowing that most of these southern preachers already encourage shariah law, they just have different names for it (like family/conservative values)
The entire diagram is a meme you mongoloid
First one to edit that top fuel logo to top kek has my respect
there's no reasoning with americans.... you're all like goddamn children.
For fucks sake, your cops strapped a bomb to a remote control robot and blew up a guy.
That's some cartoon level police work right there.
"scared" so why are you on the taking away guns side is it that you are scared ? Not willing to shoot a nigger down is it because you know you're weak and stay in the basement these guys deliver real reasons guns should be banned just.if guns weren't there it wouldn't of happen
You'll be on the front line of a shit storm caused by guns. You stay their mate I'll gladly watch while I'm here "scared" yet safe and alive.
You say I'm speaking hypothetically, but there's plenty of proof and logic behind what i say. Australia banned guns and look how much better their doing?
But you stay ignorant, it doesn't affect my life in anyway, I'm still going to be safe here.
This, imo their scared of something happening which is just a sub category of what they are currently going through anyway.
They are saying suicide bombers are an issue yet they are doing the same, with a little less suicide
>implying a bunch of goatfuckers across the ocean in some desert are a threat to our country.
this is vietnam 101. When you attempt to occupy a country, dont be surprised when there are insurgents. Theyre going to stop giving a shit when we do
ty user.
Also signing.
These black lives matter protesters are the most racist people in the country.
More guns = more needless death
Fewer guns = less needless death
You really need to realize that in peacetime you do not need a weapon.
Not willing to shoot a nigger down because there's other solutions to issues than murder. Not willing to shoot a nigger down because if neither of us have a gun i won't need to. What about that doesn't make sense. Stay ignorant, have fun
If criminals didnt break the law then nobody would have died
I dont know man, white supremacists openly advocate the superiority of whites whereas MANY IF NOT MOST of blm advocates dont think blacks are superior.
We should make murder illegal. I think it would lessen the amount of murder in the country.
>liberal logic
If a frog had wings it wouldn't bump its ass when it hops..
Bro that's fucking amazing! Find another country whose police force plays COD:IRL.
The KKK advocates the superiority of white people but they don't actively advise the murder of blacks.
BLM however stands with the black panthers which advocates for the murder of innocent white people.
Signed. start a thread with this m8.
And when the house isn't on fire you don't need a smoke detector.
You don't NEED a gun.. Until you do...
well if people was allowed to kill willy-nilly then it would be a lot more fucking common cause no one scared of consequences then. Idiot
Live and die with pride but hey I can't judge a pussy for his moms actions maybe if she wasn't such a whore your dad would of stayed to man you up for real life
But white supremacist organizations are already being labelled as terrorist groups. Look at the KKK, skinheads, etc. BLM being named a terrorist group just makes it even.
[citation needed]
I believe we should make murder with guns illegal, it would prevent so many gun crimes.
I was brought up on logic and intelligence as a pose to ignorance and hate. But its not your fault, maybe if your dad had any logic when bringing your unfortunate ass up, you'd see the true sense of the situation.
I didnt say the KKK. There are plenty of white supremacist groups that openly advocate violence against and even support the killing of blacks, groups that operate like gangs, like the Aryan Circle etc.
Sums up gunless keyboard warriors
pretty much to a T
Ive met ACTUAL black panthers who are now old as fuck and only wanted to be equal to whites but the BLM are just a bunch of white hating loud mouthed dindus
Yea maybe next we can make rape illegal, and make it illegal to enter the country ILLEGALY. That will fix everything...
The liberal gun control logic makes no fucking sense. Most of the shootings that happen in this country are done with guns that are illegally brought in to this country and purchased illegally from a private gun seller. Not from regular gun stores.
Incoming reports show this year's Purge has been the most successful to date, with the most murders committed.
So murder with a nice is still okay? Phew.
Because many openly advocate for violence against blacks and whereas an sjw college girl is going to hurt anyone
>untill you do
Cant agree more
>If the victims were armed, less people would have died.
You don't need a gun, that's why you have police.
Are you saying we can't crack down on the illegal gun trade or that we shouldnt?
No one said it would completely stop the crime, but it makes it so much harder. The guy in the san-bernardino gay club shooting bought the gun with ease a week prior and that was legal, if he couldn't get the gun would that of happened? Hmm
Over on Sup Forums No.80249218
Yes as long as the murder was nice
Thank you, signed, first post is best post.
wow that's absolutly what i expected from the land of muuhhh freeedom
Lord's work, user.