Who's actually voting for him?
Who's actually voting for him?
Other urls found in this thread:
I am
He's our saviour and will make America great again.
My deaf and blind 93 year old grandpa
The uneducated.
stupid butthurt racist faggots
I am
I'm a faggot edgelord
i just.....
i can't.
the fucking racism here.
you people are ill
literally shaking right now.....
wow.....just. just wow. literally unbelievable.
ill never understand this......place.
it feels like
after the past 2 weeks i have been here it just seems to get worst and worst.....
blatant racism
child porn spam
animal abuse
anti semitism
holocaust denial
woman hating
fat shaming
off topic adult cartoons
the list goes on and on.......
the n word literally hurled around like it was a casual insult......
are there even moderators to control this insane place??!!!
disgusting.....are you even "humans"? or just jaded pieces of SHIT??!!
i see why you people are callled the sewer of the internet...
None of you fuckwits are voting for president. Read the US Constitution article II section 1
Summarise it for us
G8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8
Me, not because I like him or even think he remotely qualified but because I would never vote for Hillary. Would have seriously considered Sanders but never Hillary.
Is Sup Forums full of Bernouts? I sincerely hope that no one supports hillary
no more black lives matter bullshit destroying our country.
Isn't the "n word" a casual insult? I hear people use it all the time, it's in music, movies, television, books. So yeah why not here?
you sir are a wigger.
He's objectively the best choice
I'm assuming this is your first election. Whichever candidate has the least pull in the media always has the "uneducated" vote. They also have all kinds of other unfavorable followers because the data comes from biased, low sample sized polls.
i just.....
i can't.
the fucking racism here.
you people are ill
literally shaking right now.....
wow.....just. just wow. literally unbelievable.
ill never understand this......place.
it feels like
after the past 2 weeks i have been here it just seems to get worst and worst.....
blatant racism
child porn spam
animal abuse
anti semitism
holocaust denial
woman hating
fat shaming
off topic adult cartoons
the list goes on and on.......
the n word literally hurled around like it was a casual insult......
are there even moderators to control this insane place??!!!
disgusting.....are you even "humans"? or just jaded pieces of SHIT??!!
i see why you people are callled the sewer of the internet...
Oh, shit time to go to my safe space.
They've got the outrage but a mythological worldview and no desire to learn anything. If they were more intelligent we'd sure have a lot more socialists.
>support hillary
You're pretty much going to have to unless you want Drumpf fucking shit up
Those with a who believe he wont change thing for the better are just children born in the late 90's. Realize that its the rich which are powerful. The rich are untrustworthy. Thjs man known as trump is not rich but beyond wealthy. He is not powerful but influential. He is not uneducated but brash. This man holds our futures within his grasp. These so xalled canddidates should not be running. These are criminals who dare take ghe positions against our true neexz or demands. These are end times. Trump is apoart of the wealthy. Agenda 21 iz deep within its proceedings...the release of Haedes is upon once more...please if you value honesty and the American values our forefathers fought for. Then please go look at trumps policies and his standpoint on all issues related to finaces and politicz of foreign nature....what is hapening to other countries like Venezuela will soon jappen bere if se dont put a valiant human to represent our country. Think it through before you believe the majority of the populous. Obliterate ignorance. Erradicate arrogance. Hail Lucimphar.
I am because he's slightly better than Hillary.
how is an unqualified jackhole with dubious financial expertise "slightly better?"
Pls make him president to see how he fucks up this planet
Quads of truth!
Fuck you, wigger.
Because he's better than Hillary. He will be a terrible president in many aspects but at least he will put a stop to the SJW PC bullshit and save free speech and individual rights for the future.
Is that a white guy photo shopped black?
Illiterates, people ignorant of history, providing they haven't previously:
Invested in a Trump casino
Worked for a bankrupted Trump casino
Bought sheisty "classes" from fraudulent Trump "U"
>durr hurr hurr liberals are nazis
Because she's that terrible imho. You are free to feel differently.
10/10 OC
They actually are fascists indeed, yes.
Actually I gave you reasons why Trump is worse, so no
you want a totally unqualifed person with zero government experience running this country because of some stupid right-wing propaganda you read about Clinton somewhere
these are facts, not feels
you are actually a butthurt faggot
What era, specifically, are you hoping this empty- promise- bearing fraud will return us to?
What greatness was lost?
>durr liberals make me do shit I don't like
>like respect multiculturalism
>durr their nazis
u guys never ever have logical arguments. like .. EVER. pathetic.
i hope ppl see this.
What are you, stupid?
It's not just a simple comparison on the issues, though. It's what Clinton will do to the public perception of progressive / socialist ideology by serving the financial elite in office while calling herself a liberal progressive. Eight years of her and the people will be ready to elect Adolf Hitler. That's not a good thing.
give him some slack, user doesn't know time before his mom's basement
I am, if the other choice was different I would consider voting against him
I also didn't vote for him in the primaries, I didn't want to have to make this decision
The presidential election really has come down to picking the least bad one this time. For once it's probably a good thing that presidents gets deadlocked by the other party and congress so they can't accomplish much so who wins is more about symbolic value than anything else.
Don't bother. None of the kids here will listen.
>logical argument
>liberals are fascists
pick one
You're seem to be under the mistaken impression that we're arguing or that I care about what your thoughts on the matter. I assure you, we're not and I don't.
Have a good one, friend :)
not enough to vote for Trump
100% with HER
Gotta protect my self- interests.
Just over recession, no depression, pls
Teatards detected
I really wish I could see your face when Trump becomes our God Emperor.
This post is irrelevant, your decision has been made for you. Hillary 2016.
>implying you would have guns in a socialist america
>implying the government wouldn't be running the factory
you can't be a socialist while claiming to be intelligent, those two things just don't go together
Doesn't matter what you "care" about
My examples still stand, you are incorrect in your summation that Trump is a better candidate
doesn't matter who's voting for him.
Hillary Clinton will win, whether you support her or not.
She is CRUSHING that wig-wearing faget in every national poll, and in every swing state.
denial is not just a river in Egypt, you dumbshit trump supporters have fooled yourselves into thinking he can somehow win. idiots.
Trumperor Drumpf
Trumperor Drumpf
I'm certainly not. He is directly responsible for the shootings last night taking place.
All of his loudmouthed hate speech is doing nothing but fueling the fires of racism in this country. Fuck this piece of shit, and his racist followers.
And what you gonna do with no job, no money?
Oh, I completely agree. I have no love for Trump (much closer to Gary Johnson in all honesty, even voted for him last time 'round), but I feel that he has a chance to be better than Hillary. That's not to say I expect much; he's not my God, as some in his cult of personality have professed.
>implying you would have guns in a socialist america
Guess what? You don't know a single thing about socialism. Everything you think you know is a fantasy taught to you by the rich and powerful. Funny, isn't it?
Since the Orlando shootings he has pulled WAY out in front by a 13 pt lead. Then she gained even more ground after the Istanbul airport shooting, and the Dallas thing will pretty much guarantee a landslide for her.
>but I feel that he has a chance to be better than Hillary.
based on what?
At least Trump isn't a corrupt liar who will do anything to get elected. And don't forget the numerous scandals Hillary has been directly involved in. How many chances does a person get before they have proven that they aren't trustworthy? Because Hillary has blown several.
yeah wxcept one didn't have an asterik saying "oh yeah by society we mean only germans"
Nazism was the exact opposite of collectivism, it was very exclusionary.
Trump wins, no more elections.
I wanna be a boss I wanna be a big boss I wanna boss the world around I wanna be the biggest boss that ever bossed the world around
oops. damn auto-correct
The people who want to make america great again.
>Clinton is a corrupt liar
you'd base your entire decision to vote for Trump because of hearsay?
sure, faggot
>At least Trump isn't a corrupt liar who will do anything to get elected
yes he is.
they are both corrupt liars who will do anything to get elected.
one just has a grasp of actual policymaking and understands the consequences of their actions. i'm voting for her.
Get fucked, nerds.
>the numerous scandals
if by numerous you meant "zero"
you'd be correct
sorry but a series of Republican-led witch hunts aren't "scandals,"
strike 2
How old are you, 18?
Isolationism is not going to help you, son. Not to mention the jackboots.
He's not the one making excuses for terrorists and criminals. You know what gives rise to evil? Ignoring it or as happens on Hillary's side telling them that they are right.
>At least Trump isn't a corrupt liar
Nice try, but according to politifact he is exactly that.
If my option is him or Hillary, I'll vote for him.
I will cast my vote for anyone against the BITCH!!!!!!
But I also like all illegals to GTFO of any race, if illegal then out.
it's sad that people are so ignorant as to even consider him a serious candidate. He ran to fucking promote his books and make money from the publicity, he doesn't even want to be president because he knows he's not capable of doing the job he's just riding this wave of racist stupidity caused by the 2008 housing market crash, this happens 7-8 years after every major crash in history, people blame all the problems on poor people and minorities because it's an easy concept for your pathetically ignorant selves to understand. Economics are complex issues that you have to apply yourself to understand, but you won't you'll blame a black guy or a brown guy or whoever you perceive as the problem, when in reality it's all your fault, it's your fault because if a democracy becomes willfully ignorant then it's fucked beyond repair, if we elect Trump it is the Rubicon for stupidity and it'll never get better
I spent $35,000 on Trump University and all I got was this stupid email
No communist feminist globalists allowed. Trump here.
This guy.
He's the best bet, assuming chimps don't cause martial law to prolong the election.
not sure if serious
he's a globalist too. it's good for business.
and she's not a communist you stupid fuck.
I understand the desire to tighten borders and and make it harder for immigrants to enter the country illegally, but when people say they want to round up and deport 11 million illegal immigrants it frightens me.
Just consider what that would look like. Imagine the cost of hunting down and arresting 11 million people. Where is that money going to come from? How will this actually get done? Will we create a brand new arm of the government with agents hired for this specific reason? How many gestapo-like police will we need in order to find and arrest all those people? If the regular cops are going to do it, we would need to increase the size of our police forces tremendously. We're talking about the beginning of a police state.
because user needs to reach out to others from the Basement
me. 100% behind
Trump is a dipshit who used his father's fortune to make very likely less than a billion dollars in real estate speculation
Trump has no global financial experience whatsoever
because she is the most power-hungry, evil woman on the planet; she is bought and paid for by the middle eastern arab states to do their bidding; and she is a lying murderer
at least trump is just a lying, bigoted businessman
I posted reply:
He feels DJT would be good, against his utter lack of experience, knowledge of government, uncountabe lies, and abyssmal international standing.
So I was serious. For that guy, feels trump thought, reason, study and contemplation.
I am with her.