I guess a cringe thread.
I guess a cringe thread
Other urls found in this thread:
She's like 10 fuck off you pedo
I hate when people don't understand that actors have little to no say in their character
>sportsdirect.com Uk's number 1
Try harder.
Memes were a mistake
Other than the fedoras I don't see much cringe, I do see some sluts I'd fuck though
i just.....
i can't.
the fucking racism here.
you people are ill
literally shaking right now.....
wow.....just. just wow. literally unbelievable.
ill never understand this......place.
it feels like
after the past 2 weeks i have been here it just seems to get worst and worst.....
blatant racism
child porn spam
animal abuse
anti semitism
holocaust denial
woman hating
fat shaming
off topic adult cartoons
the list goes on and on.......
the n word literally hurled around like it was a casual insult......
are there even moderators to control this insane place??!!!
disgusting.....are you even "humans"? or just jaded pieces of SHIT??!!
i see why you people are callled the sewer of the internet...
Look at the filename, retard
I want to point out that students serious about theatre don't wear fidoras or trilbys unless the costuming calls for it.
I dont know, I feel as if this is different. Sulu was never intended to be gay. It's sort of how I felt on the Marvel character Iceman too. They change things because they needed to fill a quota and blamed it on a timeline distortion. It's the same in both universes.
It's really fucking weird.
This isn't cringeworthy. This man is as alpha as they come.
Anyone got that picture where an user posts his girlfriend's pussy and finds out his girlfriend used to be a man? It's a nice middle ground between humour and cringe.
holy fucking shit is this a faggot thread
>after the past 2 weeks i have been here
I'd kill him if I was the dad
Jesus, that's creepy.
Even the road markings are UK, the other guys right;
"Sports Direct.com, UK's number 1!"
lol nice bait faggit
So this is CP.
Join the room
Is she pregnant or what?
being in the theater group is somehow gay
>gay guys
you literally get your pick of the litter as a straight male.
if you're still in highschool, do it faggot. you'll wreck many pussies
lol havent seen these in a while
even her father as a meme has been on a decline for yeeeeeaaaaars
nice to see some gold
who is this wtf
>Based Takei
Sorry to admit, the file name is wrong. This was taken in the UK...In my town :( It's called Crawley, West Sussex.
admins deleted everything holy frick
That's called suiside
Well, it was "Technically" CP
This is going to be a meme?
It is isn't it?
Worst meme ever
This is fake as fuck btw
dude, way more stuff got deleted than just the cp
this bread was raided like some medieval town's women got raped by the mongolian hordes, nobody survived unscathed
That can be true in a lot of cases, but in Sulu's case Takei had quite a bit of involvement. He of course deferred to the writers and creators, but a lot of Sulu's secondary traits are things that Takei came up with.
Takei just thinks a new gay character would be better than shoehorning something to a character already hetero. Sulu has kids in the main canon, but maybe abramsverse Trek is completely different. All in all it's not a big deal, all Takei is saying that Sulu wasn't gay in Roddenberry's original shit so whatever.
By all accounts, and based on interivews, Pegg wrote Sulu in as gay as a tribute to Takei. Cho even talked with Takei about it several times, and Takei basically said "thanks but no thanks".
Takei is a lot of things but he's not stupid, he knows this is a dumb change and is change for the sake of change and doesn't do anything to promote gay characters - if anything it's simply a gimmick and turns people off of that kind of shit (more than they already are).
Got it.
Also to add, the headlines are a bit misleading. Takei's reaction is more of a shrug, less of a condemnation. He's saying he doesn't think it fits the character of Sulu, not that he is going to march and demand a petition.
There are gay people that are complete faggots, but Takei is pretty based all things considering.