What do you call this in your country?

What do you call this in your country?

A Flag



Dutch version of Ukraine.


A mistake

A caliphate






we call it: "Dutch people are naturally born homos"


a mistake

How much gibs do the Walloons get from the Flemish?

fuck off stupid separatist shitlord devoid of historical sense

go suck a dutch dick

a de bruyne

légitime argile française

Wallonia is all yours, Frog.
We don't want to be associated with that thing.

(bell - hee - kah for all anglotards that can't into phonetics)

Flanders is rightful dutch clay

Dit is een goede paal.

getrekkerde sos is getrekkerd

A pile of shit, I hope someone nukes it.

Ik ben eigenlijk een communist.

will never happen

I am more right-wing than VB but I think Belgium should be modelled after the Swiss

Also, how do you feel over the fat tht N-VA stated "we should have respect for the Quran" and that the Christmas market is called "winter fun" not to offend muslims, cucklord Bart?

don't choke on that dutch cock antwerp goblin










Krulbroodje aub

I don't see any alternative as voting VB is literally a wasted vote
This has also nothing to do with the fact that the Belgian revolt only succeeded because the French didn't like another strong neighbour

Walloons are our brothers, literally 1/3th of Walloons have a Flemish last name and vice versa, also Walloon is the most Germanic Romanic language ,older than French.

"Dzhie peîns et nej' I think not in Walloon

You suck the dick off the Dutch and do not know or deny our own history. Hence: you must be from Antwerp. Fuck you, And fuck your kind. 1830 happened for a reason but you got Dutch cock so deep up your throat that I will not ever try to explain it for you.

Flanders is Dutch and Wallonia is French, that's it.

If you wanted to keep it so badly then you shouldn't have let them kick your ass

>1830 happened for a reason

French armies cockblocking the Dutch?

But they didn't. It was mostly French soldiers that fought against us during the revolution and we still kicked their ass back to frogland.

The national congress in London decided to seperate us.

>Walloons are our brothers
Clearly someone has never been to BHV, I get confronted with Walloon aggression everywhere i go. There's also this fun experiment you can do: go to Brussels or Wallonia and try to start a conversation in Dutch, i wish you good luck.
L'union fait de la force, as long as they can leech of Flemish money and don't have to learn Dutch.

>You suck the dick off the Dutch and do not know or deny our own history.
Bit ironic coming from someone who's deepthroating the French who tried to eradicate your own language and culture

>you must be from Antwerp.
Flemish-Brabant actually

Do most immigrants in Belgium speak French or Dutch?

>they want to leave
>you try to stop them by force
>they leave


They left by complaining to other countries.
Thats like kicking your brothers ass in a fight and he starts complaining to your mom and you get punished.

Glorified buffer zone

Flemish francophonic nobiljons =/= Walloons

learn the difference and direct your hatred against your own francophonic Flemish nobility aka FDF, which is hated universally amongst Wallons, ok, flamouche?

They speak berber and turkish. They're too busy sucking Mohammed's cock to integrate

also, this is from a pro Belgium demonstration in 2011
You're literally a cuck

If you go to Flanders everyone speaks dutch, if you go to Brussels and wallonia everyone speaks french and if you go to the Ostkantone everyone speaks german and French.
Dutch is the majority though because Wallonia is a barren socialist wasteland


le no true walloons
meanwhile the communist party is winning in the polls

Good one

Vlaanderen en Nederland of Vlaanderen en W*llonië?

Groot-Nederland of schijt-België?

Belgische nationalisten letterlijk dood uzelf


>Belgische nationalisten
Hun mentale gymnastiek is altijd lachwekkend als ge hun wijst op de waalse hypocrisie

Good numbers Ireland

how long do you think I am aware of the internet, you dumb typical Belgian retarded living-in-2005 cucklord

you're kind is even worse than the Swedes

tell me, what more do you have to teach me, cucklord

don't choke on those dutch dick my voorpost voorman

remember to lube up well and open up wiiiiide

everyone who doesn't agree witth retarded flemonationalists == belgicist

luister eens goed antwerpenaarke, het is al erg genoeg dat je jezelf vlaming noemt (Antwerp historically Brabant cucks as they are claim nowadays that they are fleming) Wij West- en Oost-Vlamingen zijn echte Vlamingen, knoop het goed in je oren Brabanderke, wij zouden nog liever ons bij de Walen aansluiten dan bij jullie. En ik zeg dit met groot gemak wetende dat mijn volksgenoten het men me eens zijn.

Ga toch heen, halve Hollander, dat ben je altijd geweest, dat zal je altijd zijn, en wij, ECHTE Vlamingen, lachen je je uit in je gezicht, demi-Kees.

no need to sperg out senpai

Probably some shitty African country.

Spreekt voor uw eigen debiel, de verfransing hier is een live schijtfestijn dat u blijkbaar vreemd is.
Laat mij raden, kaviaarsos uit Gent?

ga nog een hollandse pik zuigen zoals je de laatste 60 jaar al deed kukk

hebben ze jouw oma ook kaal geschoren, gebroed van een moffenhoer?

niets smeriger dan een nestkakker, jij grap-van-de-wereld

Zwanst na ni hé

Dutch version of Uruguay

i kinda sympathise more with the flemish, since the french speakers were historically kind of an elite. you know, the regular soldiers that actually get killed would be dutch speaking, while all the fat generals and officers would be french speakers. so you kinda sympathize with the underdog there.
plus, the french speakers are stubborn as fuck and don't want to learn a word of dutch (let alone english)
so basically, the dutch speakers always end up being the one that make compromises while the waloons just won't budge when it comes to anything

nobody has any respect for a nestshitter you cockroach

even turks are more respectable than your kind

I hope they raped your grandma good after shaving her head bald

I hope her guts were hanging out of her shitty ass

rechtser dan jij idioot

vreet nog wat flamigante propaganda randdebiel

is het lekker dat hollandse zaad?

wil je anders wat suiker?


Una belga

arabs speak arab
turks speak turkish
nogs speak either nog or french
almost no immigrants speak dutch

>what is the Southern Netherlands?

Holland Semen(TM), loved in Antwerp

amai gij stemt PvdA zeker?


Een resem beledigingen met 0 inhoud geeft niet bepaald blijk van intelligentie


>Van Cau
>Van Hoobrouck d'Aspre
>de Mûelenaere

muh Walloons

Don't you see you gigantic retard, your enemies are LITERALLY ALL FRANCOPHONIC FLEMINGS

Have you even met a real Walloon in your life you insufferable cucklord? Or were you brought up on a diet of Dutch cum?

Go suck some cheesehead cock some more maybe they'll pat your head.

Belgium "my greatest achievement is having some islands in the caribbean" Belgiumsson.

don't meddle in our affairs go back you your containment board

Ben je zo slecht gezind door de tegenvallende oogst dit jaar?

Belgische nationalisten, ik zal ze nooit begrijpen.

Nederland en Vlaanderen, dat is de toekomst. Brussel als Europees gebied gelijk Washington DC in Amerika. En Frankrijk zal Wallonië wel pakken zekers.

Noem mij nu één (1), een enkel nadeel van Vlaanderen en Nederland terug samen te voegen onder de prinsenvlag.

And what about belgium congo?
Buy a brain
(I sorry for my ignorant partner)

Also, which islands?

you know what
i just might

>Walloons are arrogant bastards? I don't mean THAT walloons

>Have you even met a real Walloon in your life you insufferable cucklord?
There was a walloon in my class in my first year of high school, he literally spoke zero Dutch
Another one called me "sale Flamand"
I also know someone who's been married to a walloon for nearly 30 years and he still speaks no Dutch after all this time

Meanwhile, pic related with socialist/communists getting 40%+ of the votes, but i guess all those voters aren't Walloon?

zuig mijn pik vuile brabander

I did like your opinion though

Tractor kapot?

steek je kop dieper in je reet dwaas

kauw op nog wat meer propaganda nestkakker

jouw soort zouden ze moeten ophangen

fuck off the last thing we need is the opinion of some balkan retard who only know how to kill each other

leer wat een franstalige Vlaming is jij ongelooflijke zaadzuiger

Amai, zo getrekkerd door de waarheid.

Waarom reageert gij ook zo spastisch? Verdedig België dan. Allee, vertel mij nu waarom België moet blijven bestaan.

he's right though

>Franstalige Vlaming

Schiet mij letterlijk dood aub

>dvw totaal niet gefrustreerd
voelt goed

>rationele argumenten verwachten van dat debieleke
Ge zijt eraan voor de moeite vriend

Is de sperma van Kees dan zo lekker dat jullie geen schaamte niet meer voelen?

Amai zeg. Kees moet wel goed lachen. Zijn pik is nog nooit zo lekker afgezogen geweest, ik kan hem geen ongelijk geven. Iedere man droomt ervan zo'n sletje te hebben en Kees krijgt het in zijn schoot geworden omdat bepaalde Brabanders ichzelf niet kunnen helpen.

Van geesteszieke homo's gesproken...

I'm very sorry Chad.

>denkt alleen maar aan homo orale seks.
>is mateloos gefrustreerd
Ok dan, kleine dikke manliet

>This fucking thread
I didn't mean to rusttle that many jimmies lmao

Every thread about Belgium can and will result in Flemish vs Walloon shitposting


de eeuwige ((Nederlander))

Maar kom, ge zijt hier nu toch, Vlaanderen + Nederland terug samen onder de prinsenvlag, klinkt toch goed?

Goed gegokt dus, en nu oprotten.

Shut up everyone!
belgium and nederlans needed to be spain terrotories.
And now you may speaking spanish.