What's the worst thing you've seen or come across on Sup Forums?
>inb4 OP or this thread
Studded for her pleasure
Crush porn
I wanted one to pop...
what's this?
Holy shit this is great
That vid about a daisy being destroyed or something... terrible
What the actual fuck do you have to do to get that shit on your dick?!
That must feel pretty painful for the guy. Those pearls (whatever they can be called) don't even go inside, but instead they stay outside and force the skin to stretch.
i just.....
i can't.
the fucking racism here.
you people are ill
literally shaking right now.....
wow.....just. just wow. literally unbelievable.
ill never understand
it feels like
after the past 2 weeks i have been here it just seems to get worst and worst.....
blatant racism
child porn spam
animal abuse
anti semitism
holocaust denial
woman hating
fat shaming
off topic adult cartoons
the list goes on and on.......
the n word literally hurled around like it was a casual insult......
are there even moderators to control this insane place??!!!
disgusting.....are you even "humans"? or just jaded pieces of SHIT??!!
i see why you people are callled the sewer of the internet...
Fuck off newfag
Somebody pissing and shitting on a baby. And a nig nog frenching one.
Wow you just go right for the bait huh tard? Going for the fish Darwin award.
yes pleas
Why thank you
I once saw a thread with a dude and his gf. the dude was fingering her ass and there was a little white worm on his finger. he then said that he and his gf are into "worming". Anybody got that shit screencapped?
Can you be anymore new, you fucking autist
Fuck you're right i'm pouring some bleach down my throat whilst typing
A guy fucking his infant child. The child was screaming, and blood was pouring out of the child.
That shit was back in like 2005 or 2006 when Limewire was a thing. I thought I was downloading movie/episode for a series, but instead I got that. Pretty much shit myself thinking, that the police are already on the way.
man, those were the days
And? Did police showed up?
CP, more CP and CP.
A dude fucking a deer and many spooky things that I wish i had never seen
Just the shear amount of cerebral palsy level racism
im thinkin arby's
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
It's not even pearls. He has some dick disease.
Well obviously not. It's not like those networks were being tracked back in the day. Now that I think about it, I had nothing to worry (except for the mental scar), but I was a newfag to the internet and stupid.
How he does the beans above the frank
oh god I saw a picture yesterday with a glass in her ass...all I could think of was this.
A webm of a pig fucking some slut.
Join the room
I have a cyst on my dick, looks like one of those things in the OP pic, should get it removed i guess..
good show
It's from a film called Tusk. Pretty fucked up.
no pls no
What was the worst thing you've ever done?
I won't tell you that, but I'll tell you the worst thing that ever happened to me...the most dreadful thing...
Oh god, now that you mention it, they aren't those pearls I thought they were.
Jesus christ.
There's no cure. Just burn your dick.
thanks dude, watched while drinking tomato juice,
i felt a little bit disgusted, nice to feel this feel again, didn't feel disgusted by anything since like 5 years
You're not scary you kike
Sounds fake. There was known to be CP on Limewire but not graphic.
would like to try this, but don't want a infection
What the fuck
It's just something you're born with. They're kind of commonish, and the cure is to go to a doctor and have it drained/removed. I'm just paranoid that it'll fuck up my dick, and it causes no problems so I haven't touched it. Just looks bad.
Bid me to beg your pardon regarding your recent remarks towards my person, diminutive one? I'll have you know I excelled at my position in her majesties forces, and I've been instrumentally numerous scrumptious scrumps on Al-Quaeda, and I have in access of 30000 stasi helmets on my bedpost.I am refined in the art of advanced simian flanking and I'm the highest ranking marksman in all the royal guild. You are scant concerned to me but an afternoons Bob-a-job. I shall vaporize you to a single point, the physics of which has never been witnessed previously in this universe, index my ruddy articulations.You assume you can abscond with your slanderous digital sentiments? Suppose further, vagabond! During this exchange I am telegraphing my illicit congress of private dicks throughout the colonies and your pigeonhole is being gerrymandered presently so tally-how scallywag.The tally that eviscerates your how, so to speak. Your demise is imminent urchin. I can materialize in any vicinity in any instance, and I can snuff you out in over 9000 flavors with not but the balls of my fists. Not least, am I vigorously honed in bare-knuckle boxing, more over I am privy to the glorious arsenal of her majesty, and I will utilize it to it's most unpalatable ends to detent your offensive extremities beyond the countenance of this throbbing tectonic shelf, you unremarkable deposit.Whoa, whoa that you fail to foresee the satanic vicissitudes your little clever comment would have bulliate that you are to arrest your capricious ejaculate. But you have not the will you had not the occasion, so the extortion ensues you pribbling mass of cerebral condensate. I will issue displeasure in every crevasse of your immediacy and therein you shall gradually derespirate and subsequently expire. Your demise is imminent ragamuffin
I've definitely seen that same text on here before, fag :)
Mate, you think you're such a sickcunt? Well I woke up at exactly 6:00. I need no alarm clock. Two women woke me by sucking my cock, which by the way is 9 and 1/2 inches. I didn't need to shower, because my body self cleanses and my pores emit the manliest cologne possible. I got in my 2011 Lamborghini Murcielago and another one of my bitches was waiting in the passengers seat. She was in the car all night, because she couldn't sleep without me having penetrated her. She hopped on me and started riding my dick while I squeezed her tits and drove with my knees. In three seconds, I arrived at the gym, which was 50 miles away. I threw the bitch off me, and she quickly returned to the passenger seat, where she would sit until I got back. When I got out the car, I flexed. My bulging, huge, muscles ripped my shirt off, and 6 women lined up. We had an orgy that didn't last too long. Each women climaxed when my cock came within 5 inches of her pussy, and went into an eternal state of euphoria after I put it in. I came, and 300 gallons of semen shot out. It landed in Ghana, and ended the drought. I hovered into the gym, because the ground was too scared of my calf muscles to touch my feet. After benching 7,000 tons, I squatted 4,000,000 kilograms. I started doing my 400 laps around California, but I got a phone call. It was a conference call with nineteen supermodels. They orgasmed after hearing my voice. My bitch in the car was getting lonely, so I went back. She sucked me off as I took the 3 second ride home. I left her in the car and went inside, to type this to you lowlife. Be honored.
>human beyblade.webm
thank you for your informations user
Daisy's destruction?
The Grifter
Hi user. I see you called someone a "faggot" I'm assuming you meant this jokingly, but I've been mulling this over in my head for several days and it does not sit right. Let me please (re)iterate you on this word. Not only does it aim hatred at a large group of people that I myself and many of my friends are a part of, the word has the power to tear down and undermine a fight that we have been fighting for decades. I don't know where you stand on the issue, but I'm assuming you value your rights to equality as a citizen of this country. You may think that this is only a word, a mere configuration of letters, but this word is the foundation that keeps LGBT people held in the depths of inequality, while men like yourself toss around hateful slurs in a joking way thinking immaturely that you are immune to hurting anyone. This is not true. Next time you throw this word out (however jokingly and privately you may thing you are using this- in this era NOTHING is ever private), think about those who have struggled for the right to feel safe in their own country. The word "faggot" creates a hostile environment and makes many LGBT people feel unsafe around those who have enough power in society to use such words. Don't make me feel unsafe. I have a right to my safety. And although I have tremendous pride in being a mature, strong, bisexual man, it really sucks when your words get in the way of my pride.
show us
off by one
Something cute to wash all this shit up
>must censor vagina
>shows insect pushed into a butthole uncensored
japan you silly
that movie is god tier af
this copypasta doesn't work, getting tired of it after the first time is sing of it being terrible shit...
kek, what a pleb
>newfag just discovered copy pasta
that's so sweet i put a tear
I once saw a couple of gifs where a former porn star killed his gay lover while the guy slept. The former porn star chopped up the dead boyfriend, and sodomized the parts.
>the worst thing you've seen or come across on Sup Forums
some OP "inb4ing"
People are still getting baited by it. It is fucking annoying.
Good Evening Homosexuals,
I am known as Jonathan, and I must admit that a rather strong, negative feeling overwhelms me when I find myself in your presence. Verily, it has become apparent that your group has a weight problem, a rather low I.Q., and suffers from various antisocial disorders, perseverating on an obsession with photography analysis. Your existence is culturally bankrupt and socially infectious. Now, be truthful: do any of you know the ways of a woman? I can understand that such weak egos may lead to public harassment, but the actions committed here are appalling. Such behavior exceeds the stigma of soiled thoughts when viewing the photographs of acquaintances.
I urge all before me to be honest. Attempt an insult, you will find that it is quite difficult. My body and mind are perfectly balanced and completely efficient. I served as the honorable captain of the rugby club, and was one of the most talented members of the polo team in my gentleman's club. If I may inquire, in which activities does the lot of you partake, beyond auto-erotic pleasures in the presence of animated features from the far east? Beyond the aforementioned traits, I have a pristine academic record and a lover whose body was sculpted by angels (her most recent fellation upon my phallus caused an ecstasy greater than all of the queen's gold). Homosexuals such as yourselves would be better off terminating your own lives as a favor to the status quo of the general public.
Picture Related: It is me and my lady who partakes in coitus for the sake of a monetary reward. Also, my lover is to the right.
wow wtf this actually makes me feel uncomfortable
>that bathtub
>that stain
it was real!
You have to use words right to sound smart.
There's an image that still bothers me, was of some homeless dudes teeth.
They had decayed so much he had maggots and flies laying eggs in his gums. He was just chilling
Brush your teeth kids
That is the best thin I've seen all day.