name my band Sup Forumsros
Name my band Sup Forumsros
arms to the side // sidearms
Porkies love sausages
Goth/Girth/Smurf and Turf
The "5" Retards
The Beat us
The band with horrible body odor
Sad hot chilli potatoes
The Love Handles
The Cure ... oh wait, there isn't any for them
Creepy Sue and the Fart Wafter4
Bareback walrus
Poo Fighters
The Non-Breeders
Huey Doofus
Utter Crap
Lazy Fuckers
The Derps Get Herps
Perpetually Offended.
Wtf? I thought they have a name already. Isn't that Maroon 5?
Moron 5
cunt robert and phatogonia
The Gender Exchange Market
The Aural Fedoras
Blackie and the Plaids
The /band
Phimosis theory
I have a question about the girl in jeans and glasses. Is "malnourished" a gender identity now? Or is it still a disease? Trust me, I want to help, not to offend.
Dirty Sam feat. Rectum Breakfast
Tugboat Macnughlty and the not evens
"one 2/10 and 4 weebs"
Triggered non genders
Suicide squad
suicide squad
2 guys wanting to fuck the girl on the left while ignoring the other two. The skinny one will be mildly successful. The bigger one will settle for the one with dyed hair. Both of them will have an experience with Boo Radley over on the right and never talk about it.
Name My Band Sup Forumsros
Sorry user. But you where 3 seconds late
4 faggots and A Fatty
Grandmaster Flash & Tame Five
Dallas' Police
No no,you've got it all's: "The one on the left doesn't think she's pretty because she isn't so she flirst with allguys to get male attention but will only want to be with guys who won't give her the time of day while the one on the right will let you finger her butthole and the one standing next to her will let you fuck her butthole but none of this matters because both guys are gay."
Three chicks I would plow until I was friction burnt