Other urls found in this thread:
I have so much anxiety I can't even leave the house. I don't need this shit
That's not going to be easy.
Even the Gmask is hard. But unrelated.
I've already given up
Fucking hell just make it easy stop with the baits
Just a simple cipher, I use to do these whilst I was younger.
I'm gonna give it a try.
im simply to lazy to try
Warning you that is completely unrelated to the cipher.
Oh, didn't read, okay then.
I've lost all hope
Is it base 64?
Yes there's base64 in there
Someone decode it then. Because the base64 decoder I'm using does nothing.
This was originally Binary, may i add that theres more then one.
THEN SOLVE IT AND SPIT IT OUT. We still haven't solved the previous one.
heres a clue. Baudot. from now on no more clues.
That's easy. I've been doing ciphers for years man and it's i0.kym-cdn.com
That was a troll. It must have been.
is the gmask a fucking pepe?
Another troll thread
Singles confirm
this is hard as shit
spit it out then faggot
Baudot code is used to decrypt the start. post results
If it's a pepe I'm going to an hero.
god speed user.
I made an attempt. I failed miserably.
lool try decoding beta faggot
i've already got answer
Probably a pepe. The last one was a troll. Fucking lame.
Oh wow!
that's not the gmask that OP put up
lolno that's another one
want more of her? i'll gmask for the kek's
11011 10101 01111 11111 00111 11011 11010 11111 10100 10011 11011 11100 11111 00101 00111 00101 11011 11000 11111 10111 00110 11000 11011 11100 10010 10111 11111 01001 00111 01010 00001 01011 10000 11011 10110 11010 11111 00111 11011 01111 11111 01101 11011 10100 11001 01010 11111 11110 01111 00111 11011 01010 ?
OP here still lurking, that's right.
One off holy fuck
fuk off. u dont have shit