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nice trips

cops are assholes and most are skinheads. nothing of value was lost in dallas

petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/formally-recognize-black-lives-matter-terrorist-organization sign this and spread it were at 15k



She said "chimp out"

Love it!



Bush also did 9/11
15k retards

i chuckled

because you're an idiot

one can only hope these niggers will be hung from trees

fuck white trash

back to work you lazy nigger


why is Sup Forums so racism?
Me black people shud have rights to stops this racism

First learn fucking english...



We dindu nutin

this stupid

i just.....
i can't.
the fucking racism here.
you people are ill
literally shaking right now.....
wow.....just. just wow. literally unbelievable.
ill never understand this......place.
it feels like
after the past 2 weeks i have been here it just seems to get worst and worst.....
blatant racism
child porn spam
animal abuse
anti semitism
holocaust denial
woman hating
fat shaming
off topic adult cartoons
the list goes on and on.......
the n word literally hurled around like it was a casual insult......
are there even moderators to control this insane place??!!!
disgusting.....are you even "humans"? or just jaded pieces of SHIT??!!
i see why you people are callled the sewer of the internet...


>when you pasta so hard cause you got bo homework during summer

While true, this is...


All lives matters asshole. Don't have to pretend everybody is bad just for the actions of a few of them. Not all niggs are bad and not all the white are scum.

Shut up nigger


>not all niggs are bad

Just go away fag.

old pasta is old....

Fuck off criminal scum


funny how all you faggots all started crying for the police to help you when 5 niggers started shooting at you all

fuckin hipocrites



they do matter. the more pigs killed the better

police take their sweet time and then don't do shit but write a report and go back to curb stopping whoever they want

Well my boss is pretty cool.
>director of engineering
>Sr Engr from Morton Thiokol
>Autistic space wizard
>Listens to classical music
>Wears fine sweaters
>got pissed off and lost his temper once at our huge error
>looked at his desk, slowly blinked, sat in silence, told us to go back and fix it.
>not sure what planet from

The police have dug their own whole

The War on Drugs is literally the biggest crock of shit in the world and is responsible for most negative interactions in black neighberhoods

fuck off nigger.

>black people shud have rights to stops this racism
Well maybe if black people would stop being racist to everyone else then people might nor be racist to them.

trips don't lie

>funny how all you faggots all started crying for the police to help you when 5 niggers started shooting at you all

Even funnier is how you choose to surround yourself with stupid niggers. Stop doing that and maybe you wont get mugged....nigger

>Get your own sniper rifle and join our thousands of sniper assassins world wide.
This sounds like a really beta gaming clans intro.

Join the room

I think the reality is, as long as nigs have guns, cops are going to try to shoot first.



>land of the free

Police that perpetuate the largest incarceration system (half of which are for victimless crimes) in "the land of the free" are criminals and terrorists

Pretty sure they were only shooting at white police officers. Show me a black person who got shot at.

We're already here dumbass.

How about you join this room faggot

ye they do.. the pat year they repreented 30 % of police victim.. 55% where white... mot black are killed by other black

5 - 2


Right. I think they view every race as their enemy. Not like any other race is different.


nope, they're just going to chimp themselves out of existence by refusing to assimilate to modern society.

the smarter ones will inter breed, we'll get the best genes they have to offer. The rest will evolve into morlocks and fight among themselves for the next 1000 years while we explore the universe.

The meek shall inherit the earth because the strong will go to the stars.


Implying these guys are anything but edge faggots that only play reaper on overwatch in their "Hardcore Snoipah" downtime

>mfw I say all this racist shit on here while my gf is a bleck.

but they're mostly black and hispanic. If they weren't in prison we wouldn't be free, we'd be mugged.

Uh oh, somebody dun never heard about photoshop.


>by refusing to assimilate to modern society.
Their a three legit kinds of people that can't be apart of modern society

All of the above hold the rest of the world down.

>send them in for non-violent offenses
>they come back on teh streets, hardened, and with intense gang connections
>start to influence their communities with those experiences
>Proceed to become rappers and literally set black people back 100 years

Kill the police


Protip: no they don't

muslims can integrate pretty well imo. Than again, i am not european.

I lived near a muslim community in DTLA for a while. I NEVER felt like i was in danger around them. They just arent really that intimidating

>They just arent really that intimidating

Ever go to high school with them?


Then you don't know how fucked up they are.

top kek. underrated

>most are skinheads

Spoiler alert: nobody's life matters

I don't see how those that leave earth will decide not to send back down a sterilization virus on their way out into space, and let what's left of life on earth begin to recover from the effects of humanity. It wouldnt be ethical to kill people, but you could easily justify putting a stop to the species continuing its self-destructive path indefinitely.

Maybe the older generations were better, but the newer ones are a fucking nightmare.


I live in the south of england, the area i live in is almost all white like 97.7% stats but even then i have been to heavily populated muslim areas and they don't gel well with more advanced cultures.

>not getting the joke

Nope. They were always shit.
Read enough history and you'll see, in their own words. It was just commonly acceptable to be an abusive hotheaded ape. Most people in my grandparents generation were no more intelligent than a 5th grade child of today, and still fewer were better behaved.

It's a shame skinhead culture has been crushed here in the UK. All these new sandniggers could use a few bashings and mosque fires just so they dont get too comfortable.

To be honest, this was also true for our illustriuous culture in the US. Ask anyone alive if they miss how nice everything looked in the 40s. 50s & 60's, and they'll tell you the one thing they don't miss is how people treated each other in the 40s-60s. It wasnt like hollywood made it look in carey grant movies.

Shhh, don't ruin it form him. We would all be happier if we could just believe that image.

You're forgetting people who can't distinguish between their and there

Yeah cause that would mean those niggers actually understand the root of the problem.

Typo dude...at least i don't type like a nigger.

reality is already a lost cause user. Join us in apathy, and let's imagine that we lived in a world not going to shit.


The problem is that generations of systematic racism and oppression has left black communities living in poverty.

And you all act surprised when living in sub-standard conditions doesn't breed the best futures for people? Whaaaat? You're saying living in poverty with shitty public schools and crime-ridden streets won't make them all doctors and lawyers? Whaaat?

Poor people = higher crime. Oppression of a race = poor people. But hey, blame it all on them. Fucking morons.

What part?

Waste of trips Nigger

>generations of systematic racism and oppression
Shut the fuck up, it's the generations of hood rats living of benefits that have fucked them over, they have had hundreds of years to adapt to the world and make good lives, but all they do is shoot each other, do drugs, fuck fat girls, listen to rap and then moan that the white man is keeping him down.

you are far too smart to be here

sussex, the most minority's you will see are either from tour buses or in brighton because thats lefty heaven, besides that is paki shops and indian takeaways

>not understanding sarcasm

how do you adapt non black skin

oh right mj

and look at how he ended up

>Not understanding Sup Forums's hatred for niggers

Being one of the most celebrated singers and probably the most recognizable person in the world, niggers being the opposite.

wot about EDL and britain first m8

>user of the year award

I'm about to move to the EU. At least the blacks there are civilized instead of monkeys