Why do the prettiest pornstars always choose black dick it isn't fair

Why do the prettiest pornstars always choose black dick it isn't fair.

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Because they get paid more to deal with a smelly nasty nigger.


Oh shrilling troll thread, you so silly

because they're being offered exceptionally high amounts of money for it, else they won't do it

true story, one bigwig in the porn industry wrote about it, look it up

supply and demand economics

they get paid more because tiny dick cucks like you subscribe to blacked


what? is she exclusively into black dick or is she "ruined" because she got with a black guy?

Lets just say shes a big fan

that nigger on the right has a nice dick

It is purely economical. Black dick content sluts make two to three times more than their white dicked counterparts.

Who actually likes black guy porn though? Just blacks? Whenever I'm looking for something to have a jostle over I'll instantly disregard anything with a black guy even if the girl is stunning.


Because the pornstar doesn't choose their partners, someone else does, and then pays the actress to deal with whatever cock they hired. Some male porn stars work for less than others. Do the math as to why you see so many black guys in porn.

lol who actually gives a fuck WHAT the guy looks like or what race he is?

Closet fag much?

why must you cry about this all the time.

post a link

post link


Read the file name you fuckin tard

>pic related
but she´s ugly as fuck like 2/5

What do you mean?

so you would watch some old greasy indian guy put his smelly dick into a chick? and then see his body banging in front of you?

It was James deen who wrote that

The filename says "LEAH-GOTTI-BLACKED-11.jpg" you fucking idiot.

because its like a hotdog through a hallway for a white guy after they have destroyed by a titan

Why is her head so tiny?

so i copy and pasted into pornhub but nothing came up. should i take out the quote marks and dashes and .jpg?

Leah Gotti is the woman in the photo. The pictures are produced by a pay-to-view website called "Blacked". There's pictures everywhere, but don't go to a bunch of shady websites trying to find it. Just google "Leah Gotti Blacked" and stuff like that and the images should help you find an album somebody leaked.



if you weren't racist it wouldn't bother you Sup Forumstards...

Pornstars are not people

interracial porn is made for white people who think black are inferior and like seeing a girl being degraded by fucking a nigger

...lol what the fuck is wrong with you queer?
YES. Because i don't give two shits what the guy looks like. I don't care if it;s a greasy idian or some cut motherfucker. I'm not looking at him and i hate the under the balls angle.

Time to stop making excuses and get out of the closet


There we go

It's you again. It's clear what your fetish is. No need to disguise it. Does your femdom master put you up to this?

Are you fucking 12?

i just.....
i can't.
the fucking racism here.
you people are ill
it feels like
after the past 2 weeks i have been here it just seems to get worst and worst.....
blatant racism
child porn spam
animal abuse
anti semitism
holocaust denial
woman hating
fat shaming
off topic adult cartoons
the list goes on and on.......
the n word literally hurled around like it was a casual insult......
are there even moderators to control this insane place??!!!
disgusting.....are you even "humans"? or just jaded pieces of SHIT??!!
i see why you people are callled the sewer of the internet...

always good to learn about a new subsection of racism.
fuck people

i bet you like nigger porn


sage goes in all fields

this, it's like watching zoophilia with dog or horse fucking some whore

Implying they'd look at you let alone fuck you if they weren't getting black dick. Shut up cucklord

don't forget the sage

Are you kidding me?
Are you still using the "n" word?
In 2016?
This is outrageous.
Also, what is wrong with black porn?
Black individuals are beautiful, both in the inside and the outside.
You bigot, racist ignorant bigot.

money. just like anal. they get paid alot more so if you're a career whore which do you choose, less money or more?

the guy who finds talent for the blacked site has a great eye for QTs. And the cash to get them to take black meat on camera.

Choose is such a strong word. They pretty much get offered more money to fuck a black dude than a white dude. the choice isn't over a 6" dick or an 8" dick or even white or black. Its 1k or 2k.
there are a lot of things i would do for 1k
>there are a lot more i would do for 2k


nigger porn

>Also, what is wrong with black porn?

aids, syphilis, hep-c

the jewish porn producer is buttmad when girls want more money to fuck his stable of nigras. im shocked