I'm fairly certain all fat dudes have small dicks. I've never seen a fat guy with a big dick.
Probably explains why they're fat.
I'm fairly certain all fat dudes have small dicks. I've never seen a fat guy with a big dick.
Probably explains why they're fat.
Other urls found in this thread:
i need a man like this in my life. Is anyone looking to hook up in florida? I'm 18 and willing to travel. You should call me baby 8135074362
I'm fat and have a decent sized dick
> Pic related
i mean, thats average at best
> I'm fairly certain all fat dudes have small dicks.
> That's average at best
Okay I proved you wrong.
the motivation to get laid would make most fats guys lose weight, but all the ones with tiny dicks dont even bother
fair point. should have specified that no fat guys have big dicks
Niggers included I suppose?
nah niggers get the pass
there are no fat white dudes with big dicks
ron jeremy
Cause half the cock is trapped in fat
nigga he got fat from old age
my body looks like your pic and i've got a big dick
yr thread sucks OP, sorry
Nigga hes still fat
we're evolving the theory then nigga.
All young fat white guys dont have big dicks
lol k
Why do you spend your days thinking about fat guys and their dicks you fucking fag?
cuz fag
I'm beginning to think OP just wants a fat gay thread.
I've seen a couple fat people with huge dicks
i think being fat is why they (me included) have small dicks, i reckon a good extra 1.5-2 inches of dick would be usable on me if i lost weight in my upper pubic area
Your pushing down the fat on your pubic bone. Fat autistic fuck
I call it, the love cushion
Clearly you don't understand scale. People gain weight everywhere, except in their junk. So a 180lb guy has the same size tool as his 300lb self, but it looks a lot smaller on him.
Want a bigger Johnson? Lose weight.
Johnson shared a video of pilot whales being killed by whalers in the shallow waters off the Faroe Islands. “Look at the joy on their faces,” Johnson wrote. “Why do so many whites (not all) enjoy killing and participating in the death of innocent beings?”
He continued: “The church members and regular citizens (offspring of terrorist invaders) who stood around watching, cheering, eating food with their families while watching one of our ancestors be beaten, noose tied around their neck, hung up high for all to see… then they all stand around and smile while their picture is taken with a hung, burned and brutalized black person.”
Or maybe the fat hides part of the dick, you imbecile
kek bro fist ^ pasted this then you mentioned Johnson could it be a coincidence ?
i´m in great shape and have bigger cock he has so ladies holla at me inna clubs n lets fuck ;))
You've got a nice dick, faggot.
which makes your dick small faggot
So glad I'm not fat
But, but. Your dick is tiny...
It might be fun to have a gut to play with.
Bruh, i'm fat and my dick is bigger than that.
Thanks faggot. Do you want to suck it?
Fat people have more fat on their pubic area than skinny people. They may look smaller but you can still use it all.
You are fucking disgusting. Ew
It's not that bad
There's a gif of a chubby guy with a HUGE dick and he's like outside or something?
He gets jerked off??
Keep telling yourself that, I'm sure you can convince yourself it's true.
Wtf dude, I'm not gay. Go be a faggot with your nice dick somewhere else.
Pencil dick hahahahaha
I can concur with this. I am fat with small penis, but its k because im rich as a nazi
Now you're just embarrassing yourself by trying to convince us and yourself that you don't have a tiny dick by posting said tiny dick on an anonymous imageboard. That's pretty sad, man.
I weigh 16st
I can't find the gif but I found the video instead
Jesus Christ his voice is high and with a dick like that
Are you op and just looking for this?
Wud you say lil bitch?
fat makes your dick look smaller.
I have a 5.5 inch or so dick, not large, but not small.
It looks about 2-3 inches if I dont push the fat back.
for the interested : 183 cm at 135kg
Sure you aren't, faggot.
Holy fuck more like this I got diamond
I mean, you could literally Google fat guy big dick gif like I did and you'd have tons of content. Then post your best findings like a reasonable person
>Inb4 do you know where we are
is that katy perry
Ron Jeremy. Empirically denied.
At least my dick is also fat
You don't look all that fat either.