Christopher Dorner: When LAPD shot over 100 bullets into the wrong vehicle. When we FIRST used Domestic Drones...

Christopher Dorner: When LAPD shot over 100 bullets into the wrong vehicle. When we FIRST used Domestic Drones. When LAPD/SB,LA Sheriffs/ Etc. Burned a man alive instead of arresting him. But remember they can arrest that little kid who shot up a church.

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Death row cost a lot
It's called saving the taxpayer's hard earned money

pic related


But dorner was black

>by flying helicopters around for 2 days straight
>save money

I dont disagree but Nixon was literally the biggest piece of shit to hit office. Fuck that guy, quote someone else

>mfw Dorner

Dormers case proved that the police can openly murder with impunity and never be held accountable.

I assure you that if that was our military doing the same thing in Iraq the men would be court martialed without question.

Someone explain to me how firing 100 rounds into the wrong vehicle without even so much as a positive Id and burning the man alive is remotely acceptable in the greatest country that has ever existed?

Yesterday, the police used a claymore mine delivered by a robot to kill a suspect. Think about that.

the dc sniper kid was arrested and he was black as the ace of spades whats your point

> Greatest RETARDED Country

>biggest piece of shit
>open relations with china
>brought us out of vietnam
>had a plan for single payer healthcare, which he was about the try and get passed
>caught bugging people, and deleting evidence
>piece of shit
The indoctrinated.

Thousands of black people everyday are arrested without incident, same with whites, asians, latinos, the list goes on


sounds like were in agreement than this wasnt a race thing tell people tried to make it one

Yeah, but niggers deserve to die.

That's California for ya...
>Dorner was a true hero; unlike those blm niggers

Wasn't the DC sniper the first use of domestic drones and wasn't that 10 years ago.

Im not op, just some user agreeing and adding more to what you said. Op wont be back cause this is a troll thread

Don't forget they offered a large sum of money for information "leading to the capture of".

Someone ratted him out, they surrounded him and burned the cabin down, then refused to pay up because he wasn't captured.

dont know about the drones but that was a long time ago

i am in complete agreement

Not trying to troll here but do you have proof of that? I would like to know more


I can assure you that at the date and time this took place, there were no domestic drones used.

Based Texas


I aint signing that shit.. Our president is a nigger and next thing you know you're on a terrorist watch list.

And this shit??? You fucking americunts are losing it I swear.

Shhhh, no politics.
Let's reminisce about how realtime Dorner threads were the greatest threads.

>fuck you white boy I ain't coming out

Dallas PD
>well not in one piece

You made it sound like the government offered the money, not a private interest group

i just.....
i can't.
the fucking racism here.
you people are ill
literally shaking right now.....
wow.....just. just wow. literally unbelievable.
ill never understand
it feels like
after the past 2 weeks i have been here it just seems to get worst and worst.....
blatant racism
child porn spam
animal abuse
anti semitism
holocaust denial
woman hating
fat shaming
off topic adult cartoons
the list goes on and on.......
the n word literally hurled around like it was a casual insult......
are there even moderators to control this insane place??!!!
disgusting.....are you even "humans"? or just jaded pieces of SHIT??!!
i see why you people are callled the sewer of the internet...


Ugh stop it with the pasta, this isnt reddit.

This pasta started yesterday and already so many people have it saved in their notes or something. Ridiculous.

you're literally signing a petition saying you're afraid of black people .............. pussification of america continues.

Is this bait?

I can't even tell anymore since Sup Forums has been taken over by retarded millennial cumgargling SJWs.

What's ridiculous is the exact same threads every single day Sup Forums is officially gay and dogshit.

Everybody should have the chance to shoot his gun empty...

Bigger than Obama?
Bigger than Clinton?
Bigger than Leonard B. Johnson?
Bigger than Franklin D. Roosevelt?