New loli bread. the old one is filling up with thumbnails

New loli bread. the old one is filling up with thumbnails...










just like this one, jeez

todd's plz ty



OP here. well i tried. looks like this is the new spiderman. Oh well its just as annoying but at least they aren't lying to themselves about being pedos themselves

what the actual fuck is wrong with you?










anybody have more like this

Anybody know where this is from/have more?

you're the best senpai





You glorious faggot





Stop it already

Look on . Its got a lot of stuff sfm, but you need an account to view loli stuff, like that.

vinput source?

he seems like he has mostly loli

just post toddlercon and babycon to help sift through all his bullshit

somebody got the full sized ones?




note to self: buy chains and leather




aw she even has a pink 3DS







>posting a thumbnail of a gif/webm

nigga you're going too far



mmmm, love the anal




didn't there used to be a whole collection of DS girls?

i got a little folder for that

this is my fetish




ive no idea but if there are and the are all gif/webm then id love to see em










how do i add a filter for files


even doing this thumbnail thing, you gotta think they're still looking at/enjoying all these pictures they are spending so much time in the threads, saving the pics, editing them, etc.

reminds me when people kill pop stars because they're such big fans of them. the spiderman/thumbnail posters think that loli's are too good to live.





/^[1-6] KB$/
to the filesize filter



non thumbnail posters should start putting a signature in their posts



>to the filesize filter
i am too stupid to find that one

>Non-thumbnail poster


The thumbnail poster would just use that same sig?



well now we know its being done on purpose
yeah didnt think that through i guess
