A friend told me on this forum you're pretty good with photoshop
Could you photoshop my ear ring out ('im the guy on the right)? My parents don't know I have one
A friend told me on this forum you're pretty good with photoshop
Could you photoshop my ear ring out ('im the guy on the right)? My parents don't know I have one
Wtf is this?
what is my reward.
because im fucking bored
Thanks! Could you remove the little metallic one in the upper part too?
Not op, but you are a nice user. Thanks for making Sup Forums a more friendly place.
What the fuck happened in here??? Is it April first???
in case your parents don't know you have ears.
Thanks, you're really good at this!
Could you manage to remove my finger rings too?
is this thread for real ?
Haha my sides im screen capping
Wtf people are actually doing this
Kill me now
Since when is Sup Forums this nice?
wtf is wrong with your neck, you're like a dinosaur
OP here, could you make my neck longer
Thank you very much, but could you please stop using that term with the F? That's offensive for gay people
why has nobody put this dude's head on a giraffe yet
how about you use the right board fucking faggot.
working on it
Here, removed the rings on your fingers too! Also added a bit of hair to your chest. Hope your parents are into that. My dad says mine make him proud, for what it's worth.
op here let me lick your ass hole :^ )
So, your parents know you're a faggot but don't know you have an ear ring?
you have full licking authorization.
You guys realize that he dosent want his ear ring photoshopped. He is just saying that so u photoshop this picture into a bunch of random shit for free.
>being this new
>OMG this will show OP xD where should i put him next!!!
Yea in retrospect this could be someone op hates and is making us his personal army without us even knowing
couldn't give less of a shit.
this is probably his friend and he probably wants me to photoshop him with penises attached
No fucking shit
You realize that this wouldn't be a fun thread if people didn't Photoshop OPs picture into a bunch of random shit. If this thread was just a guy actually removing OPs fucking rings it would be a dead thread.
Why the fuck can't you just appreciate the fun shit that comes out of threads like this instead of trying to point out that "oooh, you guise think you a trolling OP, but he is trolling you!"
>being this much of an autist
I knew this guy, he didn't have hands last time we spoke. He had some hook-like devices that he could use to hold a pencil in.
Hey we all learn at different speeds
not proud of this one what else do you guys want to see
A realistic load on the guy on the lefts shirt would be nice.
KEK nice
Put near him a bunch of long neck dinosaurs