Hey Sup Forums.
I have a disgusting wart, how do i get rid of it myself, Trier cutting but that shit is too deep, help pls
Hey Sup Forums
I took zinc tablets and mine fell off. I had them all over my hand feet and lips. So glad they are gone.
stupid fuck -.- go to the pharamcy, ask for wart removals, pick one thats like a clear liquid with a kinda high viscosity. i cant remember what it is called, but you have to apply, then the next evening you have to scrape the layer away, then apply, scrape, apply scrape, you get it. easy af, and it helps
I used this shit too, works like a charm. Just make sure to let it dry for a while before scraping. It should turn white when it dries
>too deep
Fucking pussy. Cut that shit off.
had warts several times...the acid is the way to go
ye, i applied in the evening then scraped the next evening. and i just kept going till it was gone
Vinegar you fucking retard.
Not now, obviously.
apply as much salt as you can balance on it. press an ice cube on to the salt until it melts completely
Tape, sandpaper, patience.
Finger warts die when forced to live in moisture.
Quads and you cut off your finger.
Did that for 3 months
Nah need to roll my joints
Step 1: do not cut yourself for any reason. Any doctor will strongly recommend against any type of self surgery
Step 2: wait for the cut to heal. Also Id treat it with rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, then dress it with gauze and maybe some cream to help it heal (neosporin or equivalent)
Step 3 when fully healed treat with salicylic acid. One treatment may not be enough or go deep enough, so wait a day and if its not gone repeat with the acid.
Make sure not to put acid on the open wound is the important part
Wrap duct tape around your thumb and leave it there for a while, only removing it to replace the tape. The problem is is that unless you get all of the wart it will come back. I had one on my thumb like yours 2 years back. Because of it being so close to the nail some of the wart was under it and as such OTC treatments didn't work.
is this a gore thread?
they go on their own, i just waited. Found freezing to be BS
Compound W always worked for me.
had one in the same spot, tried a lot of shit but what worked best was garlic. just cut a slice of garlic and cover it with a bandaid, you still have to do it for a few times but mine has been gone since i did that.
That's nothing look at my toe guys
frozen mustard gas worked for me
Get wart remover. It's like there is a whole industry revolving around products that remove warts.
They work.
From personal experience don't get over-the-counter wart meds, shit ain't strong enough. See a specialist on these type of blemishes, they will most likely freeze it off