Nigger hate thread.
feels appropriate due to recent events.
>cant even host a peaceful protest without shooting people
>wonders why they cant be equal
Nigger hate thread.
feels appropriate due to recent events.
>cant even host a peaceful protest without shooting people
>wonders why they cant be equal
Other urls found in this thread:
always innocent on camera
fucking niggers belong in zoos for the other races to throw snacks at
All you people that start Nigger hate threads. I'm just curious. Do you actually know any blacl people in real life or just go by what you see in tv? Serious question .
This one actually dindu nuffin though
I voice texted this, and what I got was licorice. But what I was saying is, he looks like black man, not a nigger.
I know some black people and they hate niggers too.
GTFO nigger apologist. You don't know what happened before he got shot.
i grew up in new york, never had a white friend until i was 18, i always defended my black friends, but they constantly let me down. you blacks give yourselves that wrap. if you all worked together to be better humans, then the rest of the world will see how you are growing as a race. but instead, you conform to stereotypes and dig yourself in a deeper hole.
That negro still uses MySpace?
It was proven he had no criminal record and seemed to be on good terms with his employer/family/friends
I hate niggers as much as anyone. But this shooting looks sketchy. I'm sure he's done something in the past that would warrant a good beat down but this guy looks like a black man, and not a piece of shit nigger.
i'm black, but i can completely agree. thankgod i'm african and not some idiotic african-american ghetto coon killing themselves all the time. i wish we can actually work together and become better people, instead of causing mass violence, and creating stereotypes.
Honestly dude. Who does more damage in this world a few poor Niggers that do thug shit or whites that consume an inordinate amount of resources pollute the planet like no one else and start endless war after war to collect said resources? How gives a shit about Niggers. They're small time. Probably the smallest problem humanity has as a whole compared to other cultures.
And you do?
Also whats with all those Facebook and MySpace Picture?, what are they supposed to mean? Look at this menacing black guy dressed with baggy clothes 8 years ago!
im white and completely agree with you. i want equality between races so bad. i always wanted my blacks friends to prove all the haters wrong, i always fought for them, and they ALWAYS let me down. i wish they could wipe the dirt off their shirt, put aside their egos, grow as a race, and join the rest of the races in luxury.
And him and his girl had crip shit posted all over social media. But what matters is what happened in the moments leading up to the cop's shot. And none of us know what happened. I'm just tired of the media and #blacklivesmatter faggots pretending he was some kind of saint.
>what are they supposed to mean?
Nignog's wearing blue in almost every pic
you act like white people are the only ones polluting and using resources. america is so diverse. we have more races than anywhere else in the world. every other race uses their problems to fix themselves... except blacks.. they dwell on the problems and conform to stereotypes
also, sorry about your black friends. tbh i would've gave up on them earlier. good on you for sticking up for them for a long time.
>join the rest of the races in luxury.
What the fuck lol
He most deffinetly wasnt, that does not mean the shooting was any more justifiable
you know what i meen man, the rest of the races grow together, but the blacks are below all of us because of the way they act.
Get out of here. This is a nigger hate thread.
Bu missuh'.
I's dindu nuffin.
Da officuh uz harassin' muh.
*Innocent because fuck America.
Fbook 0dot0 com ; BlackHistoryRevealed ; videos ; 445217752348515
replace ; with /
read the comments as well. you muricans are fucked. these nggrs will soon think they can fly.
Consumption is almost endemic in white culture. More so than any other culture. The defining characteristic of white culture is consumption. It's almost a duty for a white person to have a house and a cottage. Own tons of toys like ATVs boats etc. Fill said homes with loads and loads of shit and live life In complete excess because white men put pussy on a pedestal etc...
He's not a saint obviously. But he wasn't a criminal like the nigger is in most of these cases. This one legitimately was a regular person and didn't deserve to die. The crips stuff is minor shit. Do we all deserve to get shot because we post some shit online? 90% of Sup Forums is hate speech. Does this make us horrible people who deserve to be shot?
>that does not mean the shooting was any more justifiable
Correct. Also doesn't mean it was unjustified.
Also, it has since been found that Castile matched the description of an armed robbery suspect. Just because he was viewed as a nice guy by a lot of people and hadn't been caught yet, doesn't mean he wasn't a gang member.
>This one legitimately was a regular person and didn't deserve to die.
Quit talking out of your ass, faggot. You don't know that.
Holy shit you're fucking retarded just stop man.
Source your links for all these bullshit statistics you're spewing out of your ass.
Then he is the smartest crip ever Living the thug life to the fullest yo...while managing to have no criminal record and no more apparent gang affiliation than "nigger likes blue"
We tinfoiling now?
because ATVs are fun and toys are fun, and pussy is awesome. whats your point
black people have an inferiority so choose to take out what happened to their ancestors on the people who stopped it.
>We tinfoiling now?
>attacking the source, not the info
If you see something that is incorrect, then say so. Use your brain, nigger.
>no more apparent gang affiliation than "nigger likes blue"
Incorrect. More here:
Seriously, do you not know how to Google?
i dont get it what happened what did i miss
I'd usually tell you to fuck off and use google but trips so...
>http //
nigger getting shot by cop again
dindus got shot and the monkeys are losing their shit, one dindu started shooting cops in Dallas. will blow over in a week
Couple of niggers in the USA got shot by police this week. Niggers chimping out nationwide. Some niggers killed 5 cops and injured 6 more sniper style yesterday at a protest in Dallas.
the funny thing is, if you do another google search, youll find 10 more whites being killed by a cop that never make it to the news
god i fucking hate niggers
Of course you won't see any of this on the mainstream media. It doesn't fit their agenda:
>paint Castile as a saint, murdered by a racist cop
>niggers like you take the bait
>word spreads
>niggers get riled up and chimp out
>news outlets get more drama to cover
have you ever seen a nigga with money? fuckers buy gold and diamond encrusted everything including teeth. stop talking out your ass shitbird.
i wish the news could see these threads, show the public how the races truly feel behind closed doors.
>/ip logged/
crazed nigs shot cops in Tennessee and St. Louis today but the national media is suppressing the story.
You're just as bad as the nignogs saying he was a saint. Just grasping at straws to make him look bad just like they do to make him look good.
Lets not attack the source? That is exactly what you people is doing (cant believe the girl we dont know what happened before!) But ok lets pretend does are fully credible sources with no agenda against the anti-white media (their words not mine) they still dont make an any more of a case of him being a gang banger other than "wears blue" and "posts dumb shit on facebook" has he been convicted or been a suspect of violent crimes? At age 32? Is he that good of a gangster? How a known violent gang banger manages to get a Job at a public school even if it is just the cafeteria?
Ok lets say he and his gf where dumb stupid niggers who worshiped gangs, no different to dumb stupid armchair militias posting about how they want a race war, or dumb stupid spics worshipping narco lifestyle, or dumb stupid Facebook neo nazis
Making a leap from that to deny the presumption of inocence or to even worse say they somehow had it coming its ridicoulous
>grasping at straws
How the fuck is that grasping at straws? The officer said over the radio that he was stopping the car because the driver fits the description of the suspect.
>How a known violent gang banger manages to get a Job at a public school even if it is just the cafeteria?
Seriously? If he hasn't been caught then he has no criminal record. Of course a background check isn't going to throw up any red flags.
>Making a leap from that to deny the presumption of inocence or to even worse say they somehow had it coming its ridicoulous
Just as ridiculous as assuming some nigger who associates himself with an extremely violent gang was murdered in cold blood by a racist cop.
this country is the cancer of civilization. Prove me wrong.
You mean the UK? They aren't all bad man.
Oh, another one of these? How original. White people are so creative.
Wtf do you expect when you niggers are constantly in the news for chimping out when whites kill blacks? Where's the black community's chimpout over the 5 white cops killed by a nigger?
I know right? White people's thought process is so thrown out of wack that they actually believe their delusions of grandeur. i don't know if i should cry because there are actually people that have such childish, ureal beliefs, or laugh because there are people out there like this.
You idiots "chimp out" and make yourself look just as fucking retarded, and claim that you're better. You're no better. Just some more dumbasses that think that the color of their skin means more then it really does.
No, we really are better. Just look at the events over the past couple of days. I guarantee it turns out that both incidents of cops fatally shooting a black man were justified. This faggot sniper, on the other hand, was purely motivated by racial hatred. Throughout all of this, whites kept a level head. Niggers chimped out and cried racism before they even had all of the facts.
Niggers had the same amount of time as us to develop their societies and evolve as a race before white people came over in ships and saw these monkeys with thumbs and thought it would be a good idea to use them as slaves. Why didn't they build ships and come capture us?
No, you THINK you're better but really you re so much worse. I don't have to look elsewhere but Sup Forums, and see the dumb shit that you people say everyday to make me realize that I'm a better person then you and people like you. And, as long as you hold on to your stupid ass ideals and your delusions, I always will be.
why so racist bro
This is true. A lot of liberals complain that niggers never had good role models, but look they have Barraq Hussein Obongo in the fucking White House and they're still running around chomping out and destroying what we've built!
You're a long way from home there, Tumblrina.
Skin color Is a good way of identifying which members of society will probably rape you or steal your shit, but if you look at a the skull of a nigger it really resembles the skull of his brother, the gorilla. And his skin too.
Nah. As long as I'm standing, I'd say I'm a long way up from dirt. You'd better catch up princess.
Gang bangers arent known for their forseight, kinda odd he dosent has a record dont you think?, is the police officer a Cold blooded racist killer? I dont know dosent seems likely, the point is there is a dead body as a result for what seems to be a poor handling of a procedure, as far as i know there is a justice system in place so even if he was infact the suspect the police couldnt act as judge, jury and executioner period, if the officer just fucked Up because he was jumpy and shoot close range into a vehicle with a civilian AND A MINOR in the backseat even after he was made aware by the guy that he had a registered firearm and he was reaching for his wallet then his not suited for police work.
Either way it all points to it being an unjustified shooting and corrective meassusers should be taken
So, all i have to aviod being the victim of a mass shooting or a serial killer is to stay away from people with pale skin? Got you. Thanks for the advice.
nothing will change though, white people can't get their shit together. All this talk, and nothing will be done.
That get tho
That fucker worked at a university?
Yes, I lived in NY for a long time, and dealt with niggers all the time. Even the nicest niggers I knew, there's still something primitive about them. It may sound dumb but even when you're talking to one and its friendly, you still feel on edge and like you're speaking to one of their close relations, the silverback gorilla. I have known and dealt with their stupid fuckjng bullshit for a long fucking time. I am now in Northern Europe where my grandfather is from, it is shit here but there are no fucking niggers and I am at peace.
>you people is doing
>pretend does (those?)
Illiterate dindu detected
There you go again assuming it was unjustified. Way to drink the media koolaid, nigger. If the nigger tried to draw on the cop, then the cop does have to be judge, jury, and executioner. There is no other way. Given the evidence that Castile was involved in an armed robbery and the cop had pulled him over because he matched the description of the suspect, I wouldn't be surprised if that's what happened.
Nope, not even american
A background check wouldn't throw up any red flags if he hasn't been caught yet.
Aren't you a sassy little liberal. It doesn't seem like you've spent much time with niggers, or silverback gorillas. Live a little longer, you jumped up little teenage liberal Cunt. I've lived alongside niggers a lot of my life. I worked in South Africa and New York, and now In northren Europe, and life without chimps is safer and more peaceful. Travel some, and spend time with niggers and you'll see. Liberal fuckwit.
Sieg Heil, fuck you niggers you are all pieces of cancer, dindu nuffin.
Another thing, do you really thing niggers give a shit about your liberal 50 gender bullshit? Not a chance if you're not a nigger.
>the /b tard virgin army is mad as hell and they're not gonna take it anymore
Been around niggers my whole life. Good people. Workh ard, love their families, and just try to make it like any other race. Maybe you should try to be around good people, and get that literal monkey off your back. Or whine more. I don't really give a shit what you do.
What evidence, that he ressembled the Robber? Now thats just a bulletproof case right there, ok im drinking the media koolaid, you have as much proof that he actually was trying to draw a gun on the officer, "he was a nigger and he dressed scary he most likely was trying to kill the cop" does that sounds any less koolaidy to you?
>a long way up from dirt
>catch up princess
>nothin personnel, kid
Good one, and if a cop is in a nigger neighbourbood, and pulls over a nigger who reaches for something he can't see (Even if they say it's I'd you can't trust a chimp) do they not think a cop would be on edge? Do they not think the cop could be fearing for his life?
Believe it or not, not everybody lives in a fantasy world called Sup Forums like you. There's something called the real word, where people actually meet and socialize, and don't believe every stereotype that they hear. Maybe you should try to get out into the real world now and then, huh?
>"he was a nigger and he dressed scary he most likely was trying to kill the cop"
Way to pull quotes out of your ass, nigger.
>What evidence, that he ressembled the Robber?
Yes, that evidence. Not just that he resembled the suspect but that he had certain features similar to the suspect that could not possibly be explained by coincidence.