Walking down the steet

>walking down the steet
>Turn corner
>Really cute girl turns corner at the same time
>She looks at me and points behind me and she says "excuse me sir, you dropped your smile"
>I looked behind me and back and she was watching me smile when I realized what she said

What did she mean by this?

Cheer up

Was she a fucking ghost?

It means that you walk around with a frown and people think you're always down

I don't get how somebody could look that down though , I don't see other people walking around smiling at everything.

Smile is what all the lit kids are calling gay cards nowerdays

pull your lips back a tiny bit. Not smiling but not frowning.

it means you're dumb as shit for not being able to close that deal and instead posting here

>pull your lips back a tiny bit
>then insert my cock into your mouth

Well I have a girlfriend, and one is enough

she robbed you

Then why does it matter

>I have a girlfriend
I smell bullshit

It means that she's seen your face in fire, that you will be the Champion of the Lord of Lights.

aaand /thread


Heh. She lives in Australia tho you dont know her. But she's a super model and hase massif tits.

Because curiosity.

>Smell bullshit


Kek. I thought I was short 20 bucks.

If you ever see her again, walk up, point behind her and tell her she dropped her pocket.

>Lord of Lights

I kek'd my ass here

stupid bitch if I wanted to smile I'd fuck her in the pussy

Underrated post

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd fuck her in two

She seems to have leveled up in intelligence and cunning. Not sure if I could pass the speech check with her.

You're not alone user.


It's Carice

Oh. Didn't recognize.
And muh dick, that gif is amazing. I want to marry her

Here's another for your dick

fuck, here

Holy fuck yes, this just made me want her even more.