Hey Sup Forums I'm on drugs

hey Sup Forums I'm on drugs
>trip me out

surf around on Sup Forums no more than 20 people are ever on at once.
Also I'm not real

what are you on?

are shrooms for the first time week a go Missdosed and ate 5grams, worst feeling in life the first hour was fine when suddenly i had a bad trip and Fuck never doing it again. im also off of all Drugs. for good.

Death is comming

44 tabs of lsd. first time using. absoloutly incredible

Do you still smoke the ganja?

that applies to everything alive :p

44 tabs? is it just me or is that TOO much

my bad idek how i could afford 44 tabs. just 4

Close ur eyes

imagin that ur made of a sjeleton inside of you

wow that's spoopy

lmfao "spoopy

Did alot of shit and drugs in my life and used to smoke and grow weed for a straight 2 years.but stopped because believe it or not i now fear god ,took an oath for good now.its fun now to just be awake

Yeesh, you were making me nervous for a second. I think that would fucking destroy your brain in seconds.



wut convinced you god was real?
dopamine ; )


We avoid to talk about something more than a final death. We die everysecond. I don't exist


you tryna kill me?
I think it's cool how all the cells that made you and I a year ago have been replaced

holy fuck I cant even look at that for longer than 2 seconds

fucking insane

i love to stare at it

That's a myth. A lot of core cells like those in your brain and organs etc. are not replaced every year. Blood cells and skin cells are high circulation that get replaced a lot.

Aproximately 7 years, user. And also our thoughts are replaced everytime



That was not the point, kid


Hell exists and you are going there because god hates you.

holy shit these are incredible


Watch "off the air" user

even tho im on acid i still don't believe in any particular religion if anything the patterns are worth worshiping. i think i talked to them earlier

I'm thinking of taking lsd. Is it safe to get some on the deep web?

The christians are wrong about god, but hell is real.

omg ur right I love that show

thats where i got it. i heard street lsd was dangerous because of research chemicals and nbome

Anyone heard of Anklepants? great on acid. like visiting a whole new world


>first time
did you died?