New thread Boxxy/Catie

New thread Boxxy/Catie

Forever Queen




Hey gmt Boxxy bro here hows it going?.












I've been better.







Having a rough day??.




this chick looks like a fat mole









I'm getting too old for this shit and I'm going to bed.



Why not


Oh this cunt again.

are you stopping with making threads or something?? okay night.




No, but when you realize most of the people here are children it begins to piss you off.

Eugina's Cuunty for Queen


Yeah i know that feel bro but there just trolls & newfags ignore them do not let them get to you your a good guy gmt.



Trolls and newfags don't bother me. I just mean the general attitude of people.

>not fapping to elisa in 2016
Boxyy is trash and ugly




Take this shit for example.

It's pathetic.


Current Year... a Boxxy thread....




I know that shit can get annoying but i i am betting you a lot of these people are new here & are just jumping on the hate bandwagon for no reason my advice is maybe take a few days off from creating threads so you can have time to yourself & get away from the cancer then when you are ready to come back post a new one.







No, you're not getting it. I don't care about the hate or anything like that. People can hate Catie all they want I couldn't give a fuck it doesn't effect me in any way. This isn't about Catie it's about my tolerance for stupidity and naivety.

I just don't like stupid people.








Well its Sup Forums Sup Forums its full of complete retards i as well hate stupid people but unfortunately they do actually exist.


Sorry if I sounded a little harsh. I didn't mean to.

Anyway, I'm going to get some z's have a good one dude.

Night night.

No you didn't & i completely understand your frustration & you have every right to vent alright hope to see you tomorrow night.


this is cool

good night gentlemen

I'll be here, aren't I always? Lol.

Night night.





he was just

but on a serous level man I didn't mean any harm it just got out of hand. I don't won't you going to bed in a bad mood that'd make me feel shitty because in reality I'm a good guy I just come here to talk my shit.


Hello. I am from the future.

Listen carefully: Boxxy is going to die in a car crash next month. DO NOT STOP THIS FROM HAPPENING IT WILL ADVERSELY AFFECT THE TIME LINE.

this is if you are the guy in the "new queen of Sup Forums thread"

No, that's not me. I won't post in that shit. I'm pissed off for other reasons.

You did you guys heard?
We got a new queen

The Sejm has spoken



ahh coo coo, try to keep ya head up man its a cruel world.

Of course she is not, Eliza is the new one