What's Sup Forums drinking tonight?

What's Sup Forums drinking tonight?
I started off with a white russian, now having a corona

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so you sucked 2 cocks tonight. Why are you telling us

Bitch wanna make it 3?

That would make you the bitch, user

Hungarian Irsai Oliver. Am on my third or fourth glass now, not sure. Am drinking from a glass with sheep printed on it instead of my proper wine glass. Can't be arsed to wash it.

Drinking two things.
Cheap tequila with mango soda.
And cheap whisky and root beer.
I know, pathetic shit, but I just want to be drunk tonight.

Old Forester Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whisky.Working on a 1L at the moment along with some good smoke

Yuropoor Slavshit here. What exactly is root beer? How does it taste like?

Jameson m8 how's everyone

Tired. 12:35 AM here. Probably gonna take a nap and go to the strip club around 3. Gotta get my mind off her

I'm probably not the right person to ask, but as an Ameritard, modern root beer is a non-alcoholic drink similar to cola but with different flavorings. Historically it was an alcoholic drink that involved fermenting the roots and bark of specific trees, I think.

I wish I was drinking tonight. 86 days sober and it feels shitty most of the time.

That sounds strange, to be honest. Is it tasty? Do you know what trees it was made of?

I enjoy it, haha. According to Wikipedia, sassafras is the tree it's made from.

Hang in there.

Golden Ox, Golden Ale


I wish I could join you bro

I feel the same about cigs but it's not worth it fam just go fap or something

Why do foreign faggots always think that shit is good?

I was drinking this a while ago at a bar but I got bored and came back home. I feel like drinking some more though.


Drank a bottle of Moët cuz I'm rich as fuck

>Implying that shit is expensive and can't be bought by any nigger on welfare

Sipping pretty hard on some of this stuff. About to get shitfaced and sing some Queen and Micheal Jackson.

Shame on you for posting that or shame on you for those whack titties.

>implying cost gets you drunker

I had a glass of milk, always helps settle my stomach before I go to sleep.

i don't drink piss because it taste like corona

Semi-alcoholic in cleaning process here.
Several weekes without drinking.
Once per month i drink one of this.
Drink one tonight. Just one.

Stay strong, user.

TY, user!

The fuck. You guys fucking pussies or what? This is a drinking thread and you're praising sobriety? If somebody is too weak to stop doing something that's causing them harm, they deserve to drink themselves to death. Only real men can drink and maintain a good life, water and some knowledge of biology go a long way for staying healthy.

Fuck it, this threads gonna die anyways. Sup Forums sucks dick. I'm gonna get blackout drunk and post horse cocks on 420chan.

$7 grocery store sake, cold.
