Im scared of this

Im scared of this

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What is it?


da sea

its just am image
why are u afraid of a fuking image

As long as I have a point of reference while diving I'm fine but once I lose it is can panic pretty quickly. But I mostly dive in lakes so it's not that bad.

it's so fucking big i cant even imagine. fuck ass i would be scared in those small diving balls they use to go deep in water



cool ass reaktor

What is an ass reactor?



Is no one going to talk about that 9gag watermark

And this worries me
we have seen a 77% population drop in the scombrids(tuna,mackerel, bonito) with some species like the bluefins as much as 97%. Completely do to human exploitation.
This isn't just scombrids either it's nearly every large, commercially fished pelagic, or bethinic fish.

All I hear is the theme to Jaws playing, mixed with the beggin' strips dog voice.



Me too. It's unnatural - we don't belong down there.

We don't belong underground either, so I guess you should get out of your mom's basement, faggot.


but the water is all nice and clear


I spent half the day working over a 900' deep shaft yesterday with 60' of water at the bottom. 2spooky.

what is that?

Sharing my fear

How about this?

>hehe LOLOL

a black whole eating our sun?
Thats your fear?
Dude you'd be dead even before someone would recognize it as such.

Probably not, as it doesn't matter. A picture is a picture.

Got he video ?

The extinction of everything.

This phenomenon is caused by beta radiation moving faster than light in the local area, forgot what its called tho


Oil rig you plain retard.
Those are commercial divers

Why not just be nice?



your mother's derriere

whats that?

wat do?

under water water fall

ayy fake n gay

autismo units detected

governments need to regulate their shit so we can repopulate. It is doable, but most countries don't give a shit.

this looks shopped


user are you a fish.

I just like fucking fish

becuase its pretty obvious is all. what else would that be? it has a large center column seemingly supported but columns that go very deep. what else would it be?


Nope, real:
It's a bigfin squid

what are those flat things at the bottom?

how's that work?


Baba yaga?

why are we trying to preserve the natural enviroment again?

Cause we live in it out something similar

>moving faster than light
Lmao, you're retarded