What killed Rock music?

What killed Rock music?


The iron(y)ing age

Post-punk revival and post-grunge

Its audience.

pop punk

Punk. But mainly the garbage that is post-punk that came after.

nothing in particular, just lack of anything completely new

but they're what kept rock music alive during their time

the existence of hip hop and electronic music

Competition from more recent and relevant genres

David Bowie retiring in 2003.

And then that whole death thing this year.

Nu metal.

what made them relevant?

What "death thing" ?

Technological and social changes/progression

He died.

wrong, nu metal was one of the last breaths of fresh air in rock music

A shift in culture

Oh yeah, I forgot I was on Sup Forums.

kek no

prove me wrong. it sounds generic now because you grew up when it was established but the funk/rock/rap combination was something new, as was the focus on being fun party music, especially after the all-too-serious grunge trend

The last wave of "rock bands" before it was completely subsumed by nigger music was Nu Metal. There you go, there is your proof. It sounded like shit and it was the last wave of rock before rock abandoned all English speaking countries.

you're forgetting garage rock revival/nme-core that came shortly after it


calling it:

landfill indie, emo, and myspace killed rock music

black people


arctic monkeys, black kids, anco, skrillex, steve aoki

thanks tom!

>steve aoki
I don't know much about his music but I see him ALL the time in commercials.

How bad is he?



again, how did it contribute to the decline of rock music?

holy shit someone actually posted the correct answer

no though, oasis and lad rock killed it in the UK

Rave, the British version

all the bands that turned rock into pop music, especially pixies, the cure, smiths, r.e.m, sonic youth and all the other "alternative" garbage

>the bands that turned rock into pop music
rock has pretty much always been popular
>sonic youth
please understand you have no idea what you're talking about

the seventies.

Spotted the cock rock fan

the 00's

Now that I think about it, Guitar Hero came out around the same time rock music started to die.

Krautrock, that was the peak of rock.

Pussies like us that sit on forums talking shit about things instead of going out and starting bands and making music.

Rocks dead, live in the now and stop flogging a dead horse.

>cock rock
even worse

It's only dead if you let it be dead, if enough people start doing shit then maybe the mainstream will catch on. It's all about having the right people behind you. Imagine if someone like Kanye decided to make a punk record. That shit would sell in a second and contrarians would defend it into oblivion saying that "this is the new fresh thing that the industry needed" just like they do everytime a famous artist decides to do something different.

>rock has pretty much always been popular
popular music is not always pop

spotted the DMUfag

>Dying in 63
>Revived by British Invasion
>Has Golden Age/Le Right Generation
>Stagnant by 76
>Saved by Punk and its offshoots (but only underground)
>Punk and offshoots become popular by 92
>Stagnant again by 2000
>Pitchfork-core tries to saves rock by recreating 92
>Fails because it sucks and Pitchfork gives up on rock around 2012

is that mick?

Pop punk was much better than both

disco, desu

nirvana was the last rock band. They are responsible for all the shitty post-grunge and nu-metal though.

>nirvana was the last rock band.
>They are responsible for nu-metal

Pretty good. Honestly the fact that I basically don't have to worry about focusing on finding out about new rock is pretty neat. Like some day I'll probably be able to listen to literally every good rock song.

yeah but rock has.

from it's very inception rock has been a pop format, only other deviations of rock made it otherwise