Just picked up 2gs of shrooms... What am I in for?

Just picked up 2gs of shrooms... What am I in for?

depends on where you do it. who you do it with, why you are doing it, and when you do it.

Lots of giggling

2 grams? a bit of a euphoric buzz, your head might feel a bit heavy and youll be at ease. you'll probably get some slight visuals if you close your eyes.

you probably wont have much of a trip though

eat 3.5 and watch naked lunch

Gonna do it on a camping trip with good friends.
There'll only be us at the campground (it's winter here nobody in their right mind goes camping now).
Doing it for fun.
Not sure whether to take during day or night... Any suggestions?

A good time my friend.

Terrence McKenna said the best way to experience mushrooms is
-Dark room
-No sound
-5g of psilocybin mushrooms
-by yourself

....... what strain, big difference between cubes and subs

I've done LSD before and i thought it was pretty intense (albeit great), although my dealer reckoned that it was only 100ug. Any idea how this might compare?

Cubes aren't common here so I've probs got something a bit stronger. Would post pics but I'm out ATM and I dropped them home before

i suggest one friend remain sober.
i also suggest something to play music.
and id say do it during the day.

personally, i don't think psychedelics are generally used for fun. some people trip reacreationally though, its something ill never understand as i always have really intense spiritual experiences that are not fun but just extremely introspective.

Good luck hallucinating about eating your friends

2g? Eh. Another gram and you'd be going places.

Interesting insight, thanks. And I'll definitely make sure to have a sitter lined up.

Like I said before I've done LSD and found that to be pretty recreational... Are mushies more spiritual than Lucy?

looking forward to read about som looser junky kid that forze to death


What kind of shrooms should I look for.
I want to buy spores for shrooms, but I don't know the types.
Give me a hint on what type you think is the best.
If you know where I can get spores that would be helpful too.


have only ever tried lsd.
not sure if theres any difference.

Prepare a good meal, set a good vibe, eat the shrooms first, enjoy yourself, and let things get trippy. And when they hit, you'll know what everyone's been talking about your whole life

Always a good kek when Amerifags forget that people exist outside of America

If you've taken LSD before, you'll know you're able to control your trip. With mushrooms its not as easy. You have to let things just go with the flow, enjoy the ride and let it take you.

Is a low dose of mushies less intense than an average dose of LSD? Or does the lack of control with the mushies make it as/more intense?


it should be about the same intensity from what ive read, tho i havent done lsd

Fuck this guy. "One friend remain sober" is bullshit.

Nature loves courage not a sober sitter

I suggest molly my friend eat 2 eighths man up