I'm looking for some decent space horror movies like pic related

I'm looking for some decent space horror movies like pic related.

do you know any?

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i watched 10 cloverfeild lane yersterday it was pretty good but nothing like aliens

The film is slow, and quite frankly, very bad. The ending was such a let down

i can see that i did enjo it tho and the girl was pretty i love short/medium long hair

>10 cloverfeild lane
gonna check that one out

watched the first 20 minutes and bored me to hell. never again.

She was the only good thing about it lmao

my engrish is very gud here

sorry about that

What about, Dark Skies, it gave the creeps. I mean is not in space but you got aliens in a way I've never seen.

Aliens (2)
Event Horizon

short horror

not really space horror but a good horror movie

the original of course, not the shitty remake

not even related to anything but i read "i like girls with short, medium, long hair" made me go nigha you like all girls then

kek it was written pretty shitty short and medium hair is the shit

can you name any horror movie you consider as good?

Event Horizon.

Fucking bam

My favorite horror movie.
I didn't mind the shitty remake either.

yeah i know i had to reread it but at first glance i thought the guy was trying to say something like "i like girls with green, blue or brown eyes."

looks interesting, thank you

I don't really know if pic related is strictly horror, but it's a damn good spooky space movie.

i havent seen it myself yet but i think Pandorum might a movie to check out

yes Pandorum is really good

Event horizon, ghost ship in space, actually a portal to hell.

oh man that movie was a load of shit.

Aliens might be my favorite movie of all time.

Prometheus was a movie for niggers and retards. Plot hole after plot hole, endless stupidity. If you enjoyed this movie your iq is probably under 100

Event Horizon


Eden Log!
Brilliant movie, if you manage to get into it.

if i what? sorry i dident finish reading

fuck you

This film was total garbage. Not only did you have to suspend disbelief but also rational side of your brain and ignore the plot holes so big it just did not make sense.

I was just thinking of how suprised I was that I couldnt think of any good space horror films when someone mentioned Pandorum. Which fit the criteria I had in mind (not op btw). All the movies I think of as seeming to be in class of "creepy alien from space wtf" seem to happen on earth.
Virus for example. It still takes place on a ship so the self contained aspect is there.
Event horizon..so goth..so HP Lovecraftian.
Space horror is a pretty broad..whats the word idk.

Space Platoon is always worth a watch

148 This movie was nothing special an average movie, allot of silly moments, but it had some nice effects and interesting set design, I've seen worse.

Pandorum had some good gore in it, Lifeforce was supposed to be horror but is hilarious nowadays, worth a watch.

> Aliens (2)
Already seen that, pretty good tho

> Event Horizon
> Event Horizon.
mentioned multiple times, gotta check it out

> Dark Skies
I'm also checking that one out, thx

> Prometheus
Haven't seen it yet, it can't be too bad since it's a ridley scott movie

> Eden Log!
looks quite interesting aswell, thanks

> Space Platoon
also thank you

Cargo was a decent movie as well.
I just love scifi horror flicks

One of the best

Forgot pic...

really, really shit taste.

What you were saying, senpai?

it provides the goods for sure

Sunshine 2007

Yup. End credits roll to "funky shit" by the prodigy which was a bonus too

this is the sort of movie that will stop you going to the bathroom late at night

Danny Boyle done well with this one. Duno if i would call it horror tho. More deep and dark psycholohical thriller

right? It left so many questions unanswered. Like why was Help scratched on the interior window

>director makes a few bad movies
>basically uwe boll

Was waiting for this post.

This movie is horrible. 3/10. Hope it disappears into the deep anal cavity of movie history.

Since they don't find out it goes to hell til, say, halfway through the movie, good job spoiling that you fucking cumpuddle.

tell us more about your opinion

U just didnt understand it

Infini is worth a look

If you wanna get fucked up by aliens watch The Fourth Kind.
Signs is okay, but Dark Skies is waayyy better.

This nigga... The Fourth Kind fucked me up when I first watched it.

>Event Horizon

For years I always said this movie was great. Then I saw it again after probably 10 years of having first seeing it, and it's not really that good. It's just nostalgia.

seconded, like a lower-budge event horizon, with some janky-acting and some superb acting

Fun trivia fact, if anyone ever bitches about remakes never being better than originals remind them that John Carpenter's The Thing is actually a remake.

>Damn good
>I am easily impressed by great special effects while I fail to see fundamental flaws I characterization and structure

The Mist

Ghosts of Mars, if you want a fucking stupid romp with John Carpenter industrial-metal


>people enjoying different movies for different reasons


This movie was so fucking great until act 3 and it turned into a creature feature. Why the fuck did he ruin it...

Not what I was saying. I like Ridley Scott a lot, just dont think the line of thought in it must be good cause its a ridlet scott movie is a sound one. That said, I watch each new movie he makes. But I dont expect them to be good. Sometimss they end up being good, but they could be the cringiest movie ever made, pic related

Give Knights of Sydonia on netflix a shot, if you can deal with some anime-bullshit on the side

basically floating ark in space with gundams protecting it from massive planet sized necromorphs

event horizon is good also dead space

i like this

point taken

Not in space, try Leviathan, basically Alien on the bottom of the ocean

That one is also a remake, m8.

pandorum is a great movie

The Last Days On Mars
The Colony

Independence Day, from the POV of the aliens

Shit was terriying

Lost in Space with Matt Leblanc.

The horror is in the act of watching it.