ITT we post the weapon used in Dallas, the California legal assault rifle
ITT we post the weapon used in Dallas, the California legal assault rifle
fixed 10 round mag no black scary parts no pistol grip no tactical rails, even uses assault clips
A Yugo SKS was used? I have not heard any of those details yet but it would not be surprising if this was the case since it does not fit the EVIL BLACK RIFLE narrative. Also, these things are EVERYWHERE as for a long time they cost almost nothing along with the ammo so,... good luck with trying to deal with this new scourge of "Weapons of War".
and that is relevant how?
He didnt use a fully automatic machine gun so i guess that means they should be completely legal too huh?
i find it incredible how every one of these gun threads is completely devoid of anyone with even basic logic and reasoning skills.
"anyone with even basic logic and reasoning skills"
>post contains no reasonable logic
the joke is news outlets keep calling it an assault rifle while the thing is 49 state legal
your bayonet is pointed the wrong way
You missed the point completely. This is a fully legal firearm within the most strict (or at least tied in the top 3) State on firearm ownership. This firearm is 2-3 design generations behind current tech and easily gotten. It fits into what the legislators are NOT going after and yet it was used to take out multiple officers at range.
So what you are missing is, all of the focus upon the AR-15 platform, calling them "Assault Rifles", calling them "Weapons of War", etc. is such an idiotic argument.
Either man up and say you want to disarm the populace by putting all of the firearms into the hands of those who demand power or realize that your current efforts are massively illogical and have NO effect of reducing crime.
>assault rifle
Want to know how we can tell you are a literal retard?