I generally don't like vaporwave, but I really enjoy these releases. I think the majority were released before the term "vaporwave" even existed, so it's kind of strange reappraising them in that context. So,
"""Vaporwave""" ;);')
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i really hate the vaporwave like macintosh plus but i recently listened to a bunch of future funk albums from macross82-99 and saint pepsi and enjoyed most of them
Should have mentioned that I heard these upon release. All IC is worth listening to, but these two are fairly special.
Vaporwave is one big shitpost
Yeah, the (very little) future funk I've heard has been decent, but I'm no authority on it, t b h
Perhaps, but as I said, these releases essentially existed in a vacuum for a long while.
There's a sample of a Win98 startup sound (can't remember the theme) utilised at the beginning of this album that merks me each and every time
Closer to sound collage than anything else. A dreamier yet more rigid extension of eccojams, really
This is also good
It is good to dye, sometimes
All these albums are very good. Finally I see a vaporwave thread where people don't post shitty meme garbage
This probably helped to formalise the meme aspect of vaporwave, but it's undeniable, imo. Pepsi side is unreal.
>the majority were released before the term "vaporwave" even existed
go back to fucking reddit
you just like vaporwave, that's ok, don't be a fag
that's very good too :)
way to spaz up the thread. thanks for contributing, though.
Pretty cool that you and your opinion are irrelevant
maybe "before the term existed" was hyperbolic, but it was far, far from a commonly used descriptor. hope this soothes your aspergers.
what's your fucking problem, uncle?
this is okay
I'm a bit confused about the origin of all these vaporwave artists (mainly because of their obsession with japanese characters. Are they *all* american?
I know this is entry level as shit but I really want stuff similar to リサフランク420 / 現代のコンピュー
As in, stuff that makes you feel at bliss, relaxed, disconnected from life
just think about it: why does that matter?
Who ever implied it matters? I just want to know.
most of them are american or brit. some are german, italian and french. but, again, who cares, since vaporwave is a virtual and supranational genre
>who cares
This is quite an insidious question. I don't *care*, I just *want* to know. Not everything borne out of curiosity and want has an importance or significance to back it up.
The question is why would you or anyone insist in depriving someone of such innocent information based on the premise that it "doesn't matter". We didn't get where we are as a civilisation by going "who cares?" and forgetting about it every time someone wants to find out the hows and whys of life.
Is vaporwave actually real now? I always thought it was some shitty fringe thing that became a meme and blew up as a meme but it's becoming genuine now?
It IS real. It also IS a shitty fringe thing that became a meme and blew up as a meme. That doesn't make it any less real.
I feel like this post has been made at least once per day for the last four years
noting mattress
You know, it kinda reflects the name, which is one letter of from vaporware, it's always about to get taken seriously but it can't shake off its meme status so it stays a meme
well, you see... if the origins of all the vaporwave artists were known, most of the magic would be lost. I know the origin of almost all the vaporwave artists who received a bit of attention through the years, but I never tell it because many of them don't want to notify and spread that info. why should I trust you, an user on Sup Forums? maybe you popularize the origin of an artist right after I told you about it. such things kill the mythical status of vaporwave, especially the oldest part of it
I originally started making shitty vaporwave EP's ironically, as a joke a while back but I've now actually started enjoying making them. My most recent (made today)
Any tips?
The horns at the end should be drawn out so they make a wall of horn noise. It sounds too much like the sample
I thought that was the point. Vaporware-wave.
Noted :)
nuvpr, are you here?
Not all of them use the xD Japanese shit. See:
Interesting to note how almost all of the good vaporwave releases don't use it.
I said good vaporwave.
I own this on cassette from the the recent 20 copy reissue run on original label Exo Tapes. I love its psychedelic eccojam style.
Been listening to the fuck out of this, but I don't think it even classifies as vaporwave anymore