Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums

I'm a 25 year old virgin.
I feel useless.
I haven't caught on to social clues w/ women

Should I just live out an abstinent lifestyle from here on out?
Should I just lock myself up in a chastity cage forever at this point?

I feel so useless. Should I just be a slave for femdoms in BDSM roleplay?

How do I get alpha? How do I be a "man" ?


>Haven't caught on to social clues
Like what, m8?
Should I just be a slave for some femdom's?
Yes. Yes. Yes. Livin the dream, user. Though I've unhappily come to the conclusion that women are not by nature dominant, and if they are, they'll eventually just balance back out hormonally and leave you.

Don't die on me you nig.

Eh I'm pretty attractive and have a great body. I've just always saved myself for "the one" only to find that that's a load of bullshit so here I find myself sexless, friendless, and extremely depressed.

For some reason I have some weird submissive side of me where I just want a femanon to take control spanking/fucking me, etc you know?

Hard tho cuz most all girls are subs, you're right.

try to find love with men, then friendship too with women, then you'll find out someone could give you her life, as you want it. But do not make her absessed with this question : zone-friend then.

Most women are submissive, yes, but there are dominant chicks out there. My ex wife was one and it was horrible. I like to be the one in charge

I'm not even a little gay. Sorry.
Yeah, deff some dom chicks out there just hard to find.

For some reason I want to be alpha outside the bedroom but a little subby inside (sometimes, not all the time)

Would that make me gay/less of a man? I know everyone has a different opinion on BDSM lifestyle..

But you said social cues, are you able to talk to them? Know whether they're happy, sad, disgusted, all that shit?
Oh I know, user how you feel, user. I'm cursed with being almost incapable of getting off unless there's femdom involved.
Exactly the same here, I've gotta keep appearances up. But I like full sub.

Be honest and forward about what you want and make actions towards it. You want to bend a bitch over and pound her TELL HER done chicks are into that.

-your friendly Alfa