Sup Forums is pretty slow and poor today, so let's have a chat as I have a little time before I cook supper

Sup Forums is pretty slow and poor today, so let's have a chat as I have a little time before I cook supper.

Ask a 60-yo UK Engineerfag anything. Married, no kids,; no claim to wisdom, just length of time on the planet.

I'll be honest and truthful, except if it may reveal my identity. So let's chat until Sup Forums wakes up

No-one? OK, it's off to the 404

I was late last time you did this

You might be just in time now - I was about to give up

So? You want to ask anything, or start a conversation?

Why use silver surfer pics tho

Thoughts in UK leaving EU?

Do you still feel like a youngster in an old body?

It's a joke. Old folks who use the internet are often called "Silver Surfers" (hilarious, no?).

We have to make the best of it. I'm hoping it exposes the cracks in the EU and the whole thing collapses - only needs one more country. Then we can all get back to the EEC

Actually, the body's still holding up pretty well, but yes.

Then again. most people feel like an 18=yo no matter how old they actually are. I'm aware that my memory isn't what it was - stuff like that (which sucks)