Sup Forums I just took 80 mg of OxyContin for the first time. What should I expect? I'm at work for the next 10 hours.
Sup Forums I just took 80 mg of OxyContin for the first time. What should I expect? I'm at work for the next 10 hours
Hahaha omg. If you don't have an opiate tolerancr. Stay near a bathroom cuz you are going to puke your brains out. Have fun!
I've never done any drugs before... Maybe I should tell my boss I'm sick now before it kicks in
Good luck faggot
Nigga I take 10 mg and two shots to zombie mode for 5 hours like holyfuck
Where do you work user. I can come by and relieve you of the rest of those.
I work at a grocery store stocking shelves. I hope this passes the day quickly
lol, youre done for user.. 80mg. Sheeit.
Yeah, go tell your boss you're not feeling well. Say you're light headed or something. In case you pass out in the store..
Good job you fuckin idiot. Why don't you just stock the shelves and do drugs after when you get home?
don't worry you will puke it all up and be fine.