Help Sup Forums my kitten has a worm on its neck. I'm a poor fag and don't have enough money for the vet...

Help Sup Forums my kitten has a worm on its neck. I'm a poor fag and don't have enough money for the vet. Can a vetfag give me advice to save my kitty?

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Image of the worm?

Probably a tick (pick related)

Just pull it out with your fingers, no vet needed

The hole was leaking clear fluid and blood but I gave it a bath and put alcohol on it and it stopped. I can see the worm popping it's head out of the hole but i can't grab it with tweezers. It hasn't eaten anything in the past one or two days and has barely drunk some water. What more can I do?

poor kitten

bump for vetfags

Checked, a third dubs and the cat will live.

>Seraph shall bump for da vetfags

RIP, kitty

sleep tight kitter

Don't die kitteh

if there's really a worm in that poor kitty then it will die a horrible death.

go help or give it a quick death

Human scum, dont fucking get a cat if you cant afford it. I see your cheetos stained double chin, save the cash and save the kitten. Kitten has worms, they eat the cats nutrition and its slowly starving. Get the fuck out and by some stronghold or optomicin and put a drop on the kittens neck. And snip your disgusting fingernails

So it's kill?

do the operation yourself. the worm is superficial. make a 1cm incizion. grab the worm with tweezers

Also I prefer Doritos

That's hilarious. You should put it out of its misery and post the video on Sup Forums. I recommend burning it alive.

Call up local non profit animal shelters in the area. Explain your situation. They usually can either help or steer you in the direction of help. Get the fuck Sup Forums. Do it now stop waiting.

Closest shelter is 2 cities away, i live in a small town

Don't do it yourself if you rip the worm apart the cat is rip too. Buy Stronghold 1 Drop in the neck every week

Call them anyways. If you want someone to help your broke ass you may need to drive. If you cant even do that then there is no way you are going to have the resources to care for this animal.

Dumbfucks, just let the cat die. You can get them for free on Craigslist.

Whoa there Jimmy stop being so edgy you'll scare your classmates

google botfly larvae removal in cat

if you can't do that then you should kill yourself

Why have a pet if you can't afford to take care of it in a emergency?

why do you get a apet if youre poor? thats selfish

go to a fucking vet

If everyone who couldn't afford emergencies refrained from getting animals there would be a lot more homeless animals. Besides, a $20 cat isn't worth thousands of dollars in medical fees.

Get a better pic op. hope ur cat don't die

Hmm, so I pay $20 for a leg of lamb, but youre saying I could have an entire roast kitten for $20?

Shave cat. Apply butter to wound. Worm will come out for air. Nab it.

then kill the wormo with fire, fucking asshole needs a roast

Go to a vet, urgent! Or try to take the worm(s) out, smell the wound, if it smells infected, buy some oxytetracicline spray and aply on the wormhole

Dude bring him to the vet and tell them upfront you cant pay. They wont let the cat die they are a vet hospital the life of the cat is more important than the $. They may even do it for free or atleast a heck of a lot less cost. Help the kitty ASAP dont let him suffer anymore go rn and get him help

Op, if you care about, go see a vet, dude. Don't ask retard faggot central what to do.

Vet Man or live a life knowing that your kitty died because of a work you could have reemoved by taking it to a vet.

this. do it asap. also margarine will work if you're a retard who uses margarine.

do this if it isn't a chain like the petsmart one

get a better camera maybe?

close the hole with vaseline..wait a minute or two the worm will pop out for air..grab it with tweezerspull it out slowlyand use some disinfectant

are u doing something OP? give us response when u r done

Your kitty hasnt drank or eaten anything for 2 days. Attempt to take out the worm, if your kitty refuses to eat or drink after that then go to the vet.

Don't buy things you can't afford.

Hell no hes prolly back to playing overwatch jamming doritos and mt dew in his mouth hole

you're probably rich and you don't have a single pet

shut the fuck up retards

Op looks like the type of motherfucker who digs in his ass then smells his finger. Living condition is prolly 3rd world tier

Spent 6k fixing my cats broken leg. Get a fucking job you lazy piece of shit.

Im not the user you responded 2.
I have 4 pets atm, you always need to take care of them. The vet is the best way for a problem. I have never taken my animals to the vet for health issues or wounds, only for their shots. Ive had 8 pets before who lived a healthy life (2 of them were turtles with the soft shell disease, nothing to do about that) If my pets were ever in a condition like this, i would take them to the vet. Pets are costly bud, unless you have a turtle.

if anything theyll at least tell you what you can do so you dont end up taking shitty advice from an internet stranger

I tried putting butter on it and grabbing the worm but I couldn't get it, the worm is really small

Well you tried, time for the vet.

You spent 6k on an animal you can get for free. You are truly retarded.

Vetfag here.
Love is like an access. I doubt there is a worm in there. Cat probably has a fever if it hasn't eaten or drunk in a couple days. You're going to need some antibiotics. What's you rough location?

Hey user, leave the user alone. Animals are still family.

If I can't get to a vet should I put it out of its misery?

Nah. Had the money sitting around in my filing cabinet for 3-4yrs so it's not like missed it. Just cause your a poor fail...


A shithole of a town in Kentucky

Bump for vetfag. Calling all vets

no put it up for adoption so it can be with someone who can actually take care of it

I use my money for useful things. Not for saving pests.

just give it to anyone like a family member or a shelter

This user knows the right stuff. Look for an animal shelter, they will take care for the kitty till someone adopts it.

>Calling all vets

Vet reporting here, how can i help buddy?

What makes you think there's a worm in the wound? Did you see it move?

What city and state are you in or province, whatever. Guarantee someone here can either help or call somebody or charity that can help save your cat. I'd even find some shitty local news fb page and message random ppl that look like animal folks. Plus help from your community is way better than help from the internet

Your $300 headset for playing cs:go with your 5 1070s is not usefull. Stop rubbing your ego. Stick to the OP and help, if not leave!

I saw a white thing Bob in and out of the hole

Help this poor kitten man, the world depends on it!


>implying I have any of that shit
>implying that this still changes the fact that you threw out 6k for something you can get for free

I am helping OP; I told him to put it imout of its misery. Either that or let it suffer. Any other option is simply irrational.

Kek. Was going to explain I'm not up but then saw the pic and realized you made a funny.

could just be a flap of loose skin, id worry more about getting to a vet to figure it out before messing around in there

Why are you stil here OP? Go to the vet immediantly!

Turn down for that!!!

Sometimes the best way we can show our pets we love them - is by putting them out of their misery.

It's relatively inexpensive to put your cat to sleep. In extreme cases of poverty, if you have a firearm, you can fire into the base of the cat's skull for a humane death.

Sorry you're going through this OP

Idk if could actually work, but if you really didnt have any money, you can try to use facebook and some of that stupid animalist groups (better if you chose a local one) to get free help for the kitten.

Take it to the vet, tell them you're poor, they won't let the kitten die and you can pay then later, then start a gofundme to pay for the bill, you'll get the money inside a week

What vet have you been to? Any vet I've ever been to won't do treatment if you can't pau

>temporary problem
>permanent solution

no no no lil retard, go back to your cave

Sounds like a bot fly larva. You have to cover the hole for a while to force it to come to the surface, then use some pointer tweezers to get ahold of it and work it out. They have like spikes on them so they don't come out easy.

Google bot fly removal and you can see examples of what to do.

Thats true, your mother should done that, instead of give birth a shitty fag like you

So much edge kid, you'll grow out of it, hopefully it's just a phase.

If you show up and say 'i don't have money and my car is sick, can you please tell me what I can do to help him'
My dog hurt himself today and before they even had me fill out paperwork they looked at him then said what they recommended.

gtfo this thread troll

op lives in kentucky so i doubt its a botfly

There's not really any parasite like that in the US besides maggots. Maggots aren't harmful in general as they only consume necrotic tissue. Best guess from shitty pic is that the cat has an infection and needs antibiotics. Do you have any human antibiotics?
Also, try some fancy feast or some other canned cat food to see if you can get some calories in the little bastard.

Holy shit user, way to go. Put this fag in his place

>14 year old catfag

op is a piece of shit.

Sent from my Android phone


This user is correct.
Botfly user lives in some shithole third world country.

OP when I declawed my cats, 1 of them actually ended up with a maggot in one of the claw stumps 2 weeks later

they only eat necrotic tissue, a vet is able to clear and clean the wound. but it's not cheap.

I'm a kentucky fag. Vets here have removed bot fly maggots from pets before. Its just not that common. Around here they don't call them bot flys, they call them wolf worms. Odds are that's what's in OPs kitty.

13 yo stupidfag

I have 875mg amoxicillin, will that work?

Come on, OP. I don't have all fucking day. Put down the weed pipe and pay attention so I can help your poor cat that's doomed, if it lives, to having your dumb ass as a caretaker.


Wait there!
first you should investigate how much you can apply, take into account that the little bastard havent eat in a while, you can hurt him, maybe it can ever kill him

Here, found an article talking about them in cats that calls them wolf worms. Like I said, you can get a bot fly maggot in the US, it's just not that common.

You've been here for 2 hours and you cant make it to the vet? That kitty needs a better owner. Poor or not, you need to treat that cat.