So I'm pretty sure I killed someones dog Sup Forums

So I'm pretty sure I killed someones dog Sup Forums
>be me

>friends with this chick, has really cute, but retarded dog

>this dog has a pretty serious hip problem, and walks with a limp

>go to walk her dog with her one day to a park nearby

>I take the dogs leash, but the dog refuses to walk forward

>try pulling on the dogs leash to get it to move along

>leash was wrapped around it's leg, and I yanked hard

>dog cries out, starts whimpering and limping

>chick has no idea

>fast forward to today, the chick messages me over facebook

>chick tells me that she had to put down the dog because the dog's hip was really fucked

>I fucking broke the dogs hip and had it put down

how do i tell this chick that I killed her dog Sup Forums

also pic related, it's the fucking dog

You fucking don't tell her.

You don't. This is a secret you take to your grave.


fucking autistic kid tell her with a dick pic

You should tell her.
It will be better in the long run.
Go for it user!

I feel so fucking guilty
but she has no fucking clue
she would never talk to me again user
i fucking killed her pet

Tell her the dog is better off dead, and that you did her a favor

It doesn't matter what you do. If you're already her dog walking buddy, there is no way in hell she was ever gonna take you to the bone zone.