1. Pick an album cover
2. Open Photoshop
3. Select the area of your choice, press Select Inverse
4. Use Fill (Content Aware)
5. Post it here, other anons name the album
Starting with a ridicilously easy one
1. Pick an album cover
2. Open Photoshop
3. Select the area of your choice, press Select Inverse
4. Use Fill (Content Aware)
5. Post it here, other anons name the album
Starting with a ridicilously easy one
yall niggas dont even smoke crack
i can see you a bitch ass nigga
How do i download photoshop
from Adobe's website
isnt that shit like nine thousand dollars?
1. Start Windows
2. Start Linux
3. Open Python
4. Click "Run"
5. Ctl+Alt+Del
6. End process "conhost.exe"
7. Open Notepad
8. Type "photoshop download"
9. Save as "python.jar"
10. Open Adobe Illustrator
11. Turn off your router
12. Turn off your speakers
13. Make a sandwich
14. Take Sonic Adventures 2 out of your Gameboy and stick it in D:
15. Close D:
16. Shut down your computer
17. Go to Guitar Center
18. Take a guitar off the wall
19. Stand on the cashier desk and play "Wonderwall"
20. Raise spork
21. Go home and reboot your computer
22. Open "python.jar"
23. Test out your program by setting a photo on the modem
24. Wait for Siri to tell you to open photoshop
25. open photoshop
26. Celebrate
This one should be pretty difficult
>Have fun!