Sup Forums Any tips on how to stop being a socially awkward loser?
Sup Forums Any tips on how to stop being a socially awkward loser?
pic answers your question
Roll quads
>Grow muscles
>make money
>facial surgery
>new car
Nice try spider
Realize the ultimate futility in life and accept the fact that the only thing we ever truly do is die. Not in a shitty downer way. In a "nothing I do will matter anyways" way. With time you'll find that all you needed was to let go and practice communication with real people.
Also get off Sup Forums.
Something about that doesn't seem right...
don't trust this guy
Tried it. I'm a natural introvert. Still a fucking shy nerd.
then let the outside come to your inside...
Learn to talk about shit that doesn't matter and not care if anyone thinks you are retarded for talking about shit that doesn't matter.
How does one learn?
Alcohol helps. 2 to 4 *drinks depending on your weight.
Still can't talk to women. Should I drop shrooms or something?
One Standard Drink is as follows
* One can of beer (12 oz at 5%)
* One glass of wine (8 oz at 7.5%)
* One shot of liquor (1.5 oz at 40%)
* 0.631 oz of Everclear (95%)
Practice. If someone is holding a book, ask them about it. Tell them they have a cool shirt and ask where they got it even if it sucks. If someone talks about something they are doing later ask them about it and say it sounds cool. People enjoy mindless positive feedback.
People will perceive you as likable even if you aren't or secretly hate them.
you don't. it is already in you.
you just need to not care about what other people think of you.
Shrooms enhance many things. Conversation with people that are not also on shrooms is not on that list.
Past a certain point you gotta just be like, "Fuck it. I'm gonna die anyway, let's see what happens when I do this," and just say hi to a random girl. Pay her a compliment. Be interested moreso than interesting.
This is key. Accept the life/death sandwich and fucking go for it.
this picture with shia in the background always fucking gets me.
The main thing is to ask questions and give positive feedback even if you don't mean it.
Think about what you just did. You asked a question and now people are talking to you because we think you care what we say.
I hear stories of people learning to be more outgoing via shrooms. I can easily get them. Is there any way that I can burn this lesson into my mind? It's a lot easier said than done from an overthinking introvert's point of view.
don't learn it that way though. they're only outgoing coz they're on shrooms. when it wears out they're back to being introverts...
i think. i dunno.
>Beta-cuckfag detected
wtf. you just described a kiss ass.
shrooms dont make you outgoing...
good then.
Nobody likes an ass kisser. And eventually with your nose so far up someones ass your gonna start chokin on shit
This actually
To not be socially awkward you have to learn to placate people.
yeah not that way. you're being fake.
Of course. You think people succeed by being honest?
>on Sup Forums
>asking socially awkward losers
the problem is that you are afraid of being judged or ridiculed by people. learn to accept being judged and accept harsh words. most people will not say harsh words to you directly.
just be polite, respectful and speak confidently and smile/laugh a lot.
yes because that's what is being discussed right now.
>cut your hair
>get off the Xbox
>try the bar scene out for a while
I have short hair, I don't play video games, I go to my fair share of bars. I'm not a full-on virgin loser. I've gotten laid, and I'm not bad looking (or so I've been told.) It's just my shyness. Would psychotherapy help?
Shyness is fear. What are you afraid of? Figure that out - problem solved.
go gay faggot
heres the secret to the universe
>Believe in yourself
Do you even know what "placate" means, you insufferable faggot?
People judging me for being overweight even though I'm not technically overweight. I was bullied in school for being fat, and even post-puberty, I've been conscious of it since. Hoping it isn't a scar for life. I know the reality of things, but applying them is a different ballgame.
I know tis is dumb advice and has been said many times over, but just try to go and... do it.
Just say whatever, see what happens.
Learn to hate the people around you. They hate you all and they hate each other. So you might hate them back. That way you can blend in society.
How old are you?
Did you grow a pair yet or your dick shrivel up and fall off?
then lose weight. you already know that that's the issue.
or you're just lazy and you love the misery.
The best cure for it that I've found is find a job that your genuinely good at, and do it. Throw yourself into it.
The confidence that you get from being productive and skilled at something does wonders for social awkwardness.
21. Convinced I've never truly grown a pair.
Let me put it to a test: "wow that's a nice book what was it? And your shirt looks cool where can I buy those? By the way, what will you do later on dude? whatever it is, it sound good to me."
Yes this is the quickest fix
Think it'll help resolve the issue? What would be steps two and three?
Do you smoke reefer?
do step 1 first and then come back for step 2 and 3.
i think you're just lazy.
easy for a spider to say.....
Na. I socially smoke it on rare ocassions, but I don't particularly care for the stuff.
Nothing wrong with fucking a fat girl behind your friends back. Better yet you sound alone so no shame.
Secondly you need to learn not how to give a fuck.
Your giving a fuck so hard nothing is working.
Once you do go out and find what ever your looking for well. Trust me you'll be missing these days of your life.
I'm a college student living with 3 guys. Home for summer break for a few months at the moment though
Why are you young guys such beta cucks
I was 21 in 2001 guys didn't act so weak
think carefully when answering questions and speaking, people will think your slow at first but you ll learn to think and speak clearer and faster overtime, this worked for me
I don't know, man. I don't know. Either way, I've accepted that I'm a spineless faggot, now I just need to find the solution.
You need to to start eating right just go out into the sun. Drink water regularly buddy. Exercise will be good routine to start now. Everything else just lines up when your in control f yourself your life your destiny. Coming to Sup Forums cause your half way to becoming a faggot is gay dude.
Here's a tip.
>go to the fucking gym
>Lift hard
>Lift heavy
>Eat healthier food
>Eat more protein
>Drink your protein shakes
>Drink your creatine
>Say your prayers
>eat your vitamins, brother!
after a year of that, you'll have no more problems in social situations.
dont wear these though