Itt: The purge is real and starts in 24 hours...

Itt: The purge is real and starts in 24 hours, every crime becomes legal except for the murder of people in high positions (i.e Presidents, Governors, Senators etc)

What does Sup Forums do?

Hack and rob banks for a few billion

rape and kill op

kill the president

Piss in public anywhere I want

Rape next doors kid

Bomb the Russians

Spend the week before stockpiling shotgun shells, and spend the night trying to protect my loved ones while the whole thing blows over.

How are you gonna protect your loved ones with only shotgun shells?

I'll use my shotgun.

visit 21+ sites even though i'm under 21

You sicken me.

I'd take trash from all the trashcans in my neighborhood and pour it onto the local park grass.

>be me
>lock all the doors and windows to my house
>go to my room
>jerk off to Sup Forums slut threads

Kill the man at the end of the street who vacuums his car for four hours everyday.

Fuckin rebel

Download rap music without paying to those niggers.


Go bowling without the correct footwear.

This is legitimately the same thing I'd do too.

Step on the grass.

Lol kek

Steal a ferrari even though I don't know how to drive.
Also I'm going to drive while drunk.

Awh... Summer :')

I hunt down the man I've been stalking for the past three years and rape him until the time's up, then let him go on with his daily life post-purge and watch him slowly crumble from afar.

The purge would be going on and kids would still be wondering the streets playing pokemon fucking go

Fucking asshole.


Hide in my basement on Sup Forums until it's over.

>except for the murder of people in high positions
Well then what the fuck is the point?

Take my boat, and go as far from coast as possible, being fuel tanks with me so i can go extra far, and wait the 4 hours to come back

They'd be the first to die.

My front neighbor is always doing some car related noise so i agree.

try to kill people in high positions

Jay walk

be fucked by a dog

Go on a killing spree probably. And steal as much money as possible, also I like flamethrowers, probably burn a lot of fuckers

Take guitar to neibours place. Jam and get fucking high as shit for 24 hours.
I don't wanna die


Ban children from shitposting and makin awful threads

Take 2 snorts of cocaine, put on headphones with my favorite deathgrind album and go on a killing spree. Would kms afterwards

my friends and I in cowtown usa spent everyweekend getting drunk and knocking over all trash cans in sight.

To be honest probably rape people

Go out and vacuum my car like I usually do.
If I see that little chronic masturbator from down the road, I'll put two in him.

You got it the wrong way round. Harm no-one except those in high authority.

What other people around you have done is trivial compared to what they have done to you.
