Americans have to wait till 21 to drink their depression away

>Americans have to wait till 21 to drink their depression away

so... you decided to start 2017 by being rude in the internet, ok.

very rude thread desu!!!

being an alcohol doesn't take your depression away

tbqh, no one pays attention to this law and doesn't drink until 21

*grabs netherlands by the hand*

I think what you said isn't nice, but I'm not going to hate you for it.


Do they really wait? Here, hardly anyone charges or says anything about freshman university students drinking.

Apparently cops often bust teenage parties to find underage drinkers. True?
Also it's pretty odd that US citizens can join the army before being able to drink.

>Apparently cops often bust teenage parties to find underage drinkers. True?
depends where you are, it's true and false. at my uni the cops would bust parties if it got too loud but noone got ticketed for underage drinking. in my town you would get ticketed for underage drinking if you got caught.

>Also it's pretty odd that US citizens can join the army before being able to drink.
yes it is weird, especially because like i said no one pays attention to it. so technically everyone's regularly breaking the law until they turn 21.

also, my friend's older brother got ticketed for underage drinking a week before he turned 21


It's one of those things nobody supports but never changes for some reason anyway. When I turned 18 my dad basically told me I could have anything in the fridge I wanted whenever I wanted because he thought it was fucking stupid, that's the case with most people I think. Sucked not being able to go out to a bar or drink at a restaurant as a grown ass adult for three years after that.

>Having depression at all

I've never gone, but in the US I think a lot of underage students will get drunk at parties. You can get the stuff, it's just not legal.

States can make the drinking age whatever they want. If they deviate from the federal drinking age though, the federal government has said that it will strip them of federal funding for things such as highways, effectively Jewing the states out of their own power.

I'm surprised the same thing hasn't happened to Colorado and the rest of the weed-legal states.


>he is not allowed to drink in public

It's only illegal for under 21 to purchase alcohol or have it purchased for them. There is no law that forbids them to drink from their parent's stock while in their own home.

>he can't smoke indoors at bars that allow it

feels free nigga

I would rather wait till im 21 to have a REAL drink than be 18 in the Netherlands only to be given a small foamy beer

Been drinking since 13 lol

Never change, Russia

>everyone's breaking the law
speak for yourself. i didnt drink until 21, and neither did any of the people who I associate with,
the people who did, i've cut out from my life, because they should be incarcerated.
