Official Rekt-Thread!
Show me your fucking shit of hate!
Official Rekt-Thread!
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you're a fucking shit!
not OP but can a Sup Forumsro post something with someone getting stabbed in the throat??
Not sawing through the entire neck, but like the throat getting slashed/ stabbed. Thanks Sup Forumsros.
did i heard rekt?
What are you looking at smooth skin
user takes a nap..........forever.
what happened to him
its been hot outside... ^^
you know this is fake right?
Looks like something one could find on a go vegan ad.
lips rollin on swoll or undrained bolls?
What is a burn
Dayammm! That must have been a hot chili
ur gay
hooded sneering man with strange nose and bloody chin
that's my teddy
Meh.... most of Sup Forums would still fuck it
soez ur mum m80
sey tht to my face bitch not on ur computor ill rek u m999999
What's with the picture of the vegetable kid at the end?
That looks fake as fuck
oh please it's not like it's a model dummy the San Bernardino County uses to train law enforcement and medical examiner workers with
that's him, he lived. It acts as a message to families residing on the land that ISIS plans to seize
Very rare disorder as born with knees facing the wrong way. Real. See the niggas laughing at him in the background too.
thats so fucking fake lmao
Nerve gas
it won't play for me. thanks.
Why not just shoot him like civilized people? Ya know kinda demonstrate that you're not fuckin savages. Oh wait you can't because it'd be against your goddamn nature.
Shiiit. Poor kid - he's terrified. Anyone know background on this as first time I've seen this one.
Salmonella simulator.
The chicken game! Just needs to place his head in an oven on 240 for an hour until brown.
This is what happens if you don't masturbate
What the fuck is this? More pls
Merica fuck yeah
>0:18 Mace Windu pulls out his lightsaber
the guy in the beanie was killed by friendly fire, that's a bit shit.
>Why not just shoot him like civilized people?
Ameritard detected.
I hope that this dude's shit rips off and he bleeds to death because he's too scared to go to the ER
Now now, that's no way to talk about your father
War is hell, son.
Like he has one.
That's the sound of that comment going right over your head. It was a reference on them using rocks like fucking cavemen. Would it be better to say slit his throat with a fuckin knife? You can get knifes over in Europe right? That allowed??? Does your government give you permission to have that sharp object, or is it forbidden too? There was no reason to make this about geographical locations.
>fucking cunt.
It's true. I was somehow born with no father
You seem upset.
it sure is dad
Why? And how?
Hail my dubs
there's nothing civilized about britbong muslims. they're fucking animals. literal savages. and they make up a significant portion of isis. sadly they're not prosecuted for it when they return home to mother England.
and that's why England will be a muslim country by 2040.
I'm guessing he struck a nerve.
Na, I'm quite alright just gauging the type of troll I was dealing with. Move along nothing to see here.
is this guy from fallout?
what game is this shit nigga
That's the point of the comment It's truly a shame really. Goddamn savages do shit like this in the name of a Pedophile and wonder why they're looked down upon, and treated with scorn.
Backwards gooks having gook fun
Pretty sure this is the face that belongs to that body... Still fake user?
a total war game i could tell you that much.
Maybe rome 2 or atilla
call of duty: roman warfare 2
ur a faget
Lol he mad.
Should I dump my rekt file contents?
thanks user
yes you fucking retard
looks pretty friggin real to me
Diamonds rn
michael jackson?
How wonderfully constructive, and perceptive might I add. You are a wordsmith of the highest order. You put the great Hodor to shame with how you effortlessly weave words into a deep tapestry of thought and intrigue.
This rekt thread is weak as fuck
>autism Speaks
SHIT... you made me lost
Why is it that rekd threads have been sucking so much recently?