Do you see any difference? I don't. You know why? Human eye can only perceive 24 frames per second.
Do you see any difference? I don't. You know why? Human eye can only perceive 24 frames per second
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heck off
or because framerate has to do with HOW FAST THE FRAMES MOVE BETWEEN ONE ANOTHER!!!!!! You know like NOT in a moving picture. retard
The 24 frames meme is bullshit, but that doesn't mean OP is wrong about it not looking any different. 60 fps gives me a fucking headache. It looks like a fast forwarded VHS.
cringe thread
If that's all your eye sees it's defective.
It's like RL to me. Watching 60 fps is like looking through a window.
lol this is the worst bait ive ever seen
must be something wrong with you then mate
at 144 fps it looks super smooth, almost real life
lol even though OP is bait, you sound even more retarded