You have 10 seconds to prove you are not just a product of my imagination

you have 10 seconds to prove you are not just a product of my imagination

Fuck you

I can't be a product of your imagination because you are a product of my imagination
Also why would you imagine me sageing your post

maybe i have grown bored of the way i have made you so now im making you do bad stuff because i want you to hate me for making you so that i will cease to have the abilty to make my imagination exist anymore by making make as little sense as possible to the point where it literally tears itself apart
thus finally ending this charade once and for all

I am a product of your imagination. None of this is real, you're not even real.

Pick a number between 1 and 10,000
I'm wrong. If i was your imagination i would have known what you were thinking and would have guessed it.

Niggers are not smart

I just gotta post something you couldn't imagine, right?

but what if i already knew you were going to say that because making you say exactly what i want you to say would be too boring

Here you go, done.

Well,untill this comment came along you didn't know I existed.

I didn't actually sage but you thought I did
So you lost. I'm free. I'm no longer part of your imagination.

but since this site makes you an user
i still dont know you exist

Well,if I'm in your imagination,try to imagine how I look like,and describe it here.
If you're right,Then I'm your imaginary fruit.

but saying you did not sage is just saying you didnt
its not actually proof
therefore you are still trapped

but it's all just a product of your imagination
you're just pissing your way through it in your best attempt to not end it short
when they day ends and you sit there online posting threads trying to leave something on the internet that is of merit when it'll either be erased in minutes or survive til the next stack of porn files filters through the server.
honestly the thing your should be trying to prove
is that you're not a product of your own imagination.

my imagination is not that good
also what if i made it so i could not imagine something without seeing it in person
essentially creating this world as i go along
and the reason its not perfect is so i dont become bored
because everything working out and there being no challenge or risk would defeat the purpose of this being fun

But life isn't fun,
So you claim that you might be in a coma or something and this is your imagination?

because I have free will

according to descartes meditations that is impossible

in short: i think thus i am

you can only prove your own exsistence for yourself

my fun is based on my perspective of what i find to be enjoyable
so what if what i find enjoyable is things being chaos in terms of logic or making sense

Cogito ergo sum deus
I think therefor I am god

but what if
imagined you to think you have free will just to make you seem more interesting to me
by giving you a false sense of control
just to see how you would react

Because the cake is a lie.

Because i know your dog was killed by a car, Jake