You're in a comfy hotel room with Malala Yousafzai. It's early evening...

You're in a comfy hotel room with Malala Yousafzai. It's early evening, nobody will disturb you until late tomorrow morning. What happens next?

Allahu Akbar


She would be in for a bit of a rape I'd say.

Sex i guess

i'd wax the shit out of that monobrow

...and then sex?

remove kebab

She wouldn't strip :(

>Malala Yousafzai
literally who

Shoot her in the head.

Won't work, she's immune to that.

Well she has a Fake nose... Im not that interested...

If she is down... Ok let's fuck...
If not... Ok. I'm goin to sleep now...

I won't do anything to her unless she wants it...
Also wont kill her.

It will be killed. I can't stand that inbred shit.

i will make her dinner and massage her feet

Well some goat fuckers shot her in the head so she deserves some fun. I'd fuck her.

shoot her in the head and fuck the bullet hole. maybe the bullet itself wont kill her because she has bullet resistance but i wanna see if she has cum to the brain resistance


>implying sex with you is fun

Finally get a good nights sleep.
I live next door to 4 spoiled cunts who are loud and inconsiderate as hell.


Room service. Five pounds of bacon. Strip naked and draw a dick on my dick with a Sharpie. Take the Bible out of the drawer and start reading random parts out loud while helicoptering my double dick.

Tuck her in at 7 PM.

sex (duh!?!)

Fuck her right in the pussy !

Melt her face with acid

Just out of curiosity, where do middle eastern guys get acid from? They must sell that shit in 7-11

they sell it in the marital supplies section
next to the whips and chains

shoot her in the head..