My coworker texted me dubs decides what i reply

my coworker texted me dubs decides what i reply

shes really hot

tell her to send boobs

Nice dubs

Kim, please don't ever text me again. I see you at work enough for christs sake.

Fuck you

listen bitch, stop sending me such shit unless you come to my place and we have a netflix and sex session

fk this

I'm attracted to ladyboys. Is that gay?

ur anus

Hi kimberley, I'd love to see you tonight, maybe drink a starbucks?

roll this

it looks like she thinks you have a gf already, this is a good time to tell her you're not if you're single and interested. Although apparently this happened like 4 years ago so idk if this is real even

fuck you

The Game, you faggot


dont have a gf jokes on you

I'm sorry Kim, but I find you fat :/

gets me everytime

Nudes or gtfo

"That's no incentive to reply :P Next time go with 'Reply or I'll have to pull my own hair and spank my own ass'. That's a winner right there :P"

Bitches love emojis.

haha! WINRAR


roll for this

Doesnt matter op is a fag and wont deliver
If he delivers its fake
Thats how it works


Get naked



faggot fuck you

Why haven't we fucked yet

I have had a crush on you since I first layed eyes on you .... I even study your every move .: like when you have your period and throw the used tampons away I sneak into the bath room and take them out of the trash . So far I have around 16 of them in a ziplock Baggie in my desk . Can't wait for number 17




This op


We have a WINRAR op don't be a faggot




Give up OP is a fagot

Why are there more and more faggots that do this? It accomplishes nothing



U fooking cunt


kys faggot

well shit

I quit

u have bad memes dood


I got some extra curricular activities to attend to. Wanna tag along?