Does it suprise anyone that this came out the same year as The Doors s/t & Sgt. Pepper?

Does it suprise anyone that this came out the same year as The Doors s/t & Sgt. Pepper?
For some reason it feels really weird knowing this.

The Doors is the greatest rock album ever made in my opinion.VU is defiantly one of the most influential albums ever.Fucking Sgt. pepper is overrated as fuck though , its more enjoyable as a concept then as a actual listening experience , which is annoying, considering that it is held in more regard then the other 2

my food for thought

This. Sgt Pepper as one of the most popular concept albums is pretty interesting but besides that it's forgettable. TVU&N and The Doors are easily two of the best rock albums of all time and feel really out of place with the Summer of Love

It's not held in higher regard by many people with any knowledge or sense of music. It's just enormously more famous.

Lots of weird stuff came out in 67.

Pic related.

OP here, Yeah i agree with you guys about Sgt Pepper being overrated, i put it with the other albums because i felt like it would be a good comparison of age. If anything i feel like VU & The Doors are severely underrated by a lot of people as they're some of the best albums in rock ever. On another note do you think VU&N would've been more successful in the 70's?

Also from that year: Are You Experienced and Safe as Milk.

Hell, the 70s might not have existed without it.

Lets not forget
Love - Forever Changes
The Mothers of Invention - Absolutely Free
Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band - Safe as Milk
The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Are You Experienced

So much good rock in one year

That's... wrong

I feel like it's overrated by the general public who probably think The Beatles invented psychedelic rock

>i feel like VU & The Doors are severely underrated
They are two of the most highly esteemed rock albums of all time.

People who know a lot about rock music recognize that VU&N and Doors are at least as important, is my point.

Yeah I think it's rated highly for the wrong reason (ie it didn't invent psychedelia) but it did bring a lot of psychedelia to the fore which im very grateful for

I think their point was normies and casual fans don't consider them to be a great as they truly are.

oh yeah absolutely with you there

Just dropping in to clarify that we can love ALL of these things, bros.

I hate it when threads like this just become and excuse to trash The Beatles.

Yes, they were popular. They were also really good. So were The Doors, VU, & others. Probably the best year for rock that ever happened. 1994 also kicked ass, though.

I personally do, I can't speak for the other anons here. But I personally love all these records. OP does have a slight point though I'll give him that.

SGT peppers is fucking great, there's like 3 songs I don't really care for that are on it but it is an incredible album

good morning good morning rules

Nature abhores a vacuum

you think this because you're millennials, Sgt Pepper is light speed ahead of both those albums and straight up insane asylum worthy for it's time.

What happened in 1994?

I guess it just didn't stand the test of time.


>you think this because you're millennials,

What does that even have to do with anything. We're still talking about music from the late 60s

People who come later actually have a better perspective on older music because they don't nostalgia-fag over it.

hm, that actually makes sense. I never really thought about it like that.

@@69396478 (You)

because shitting on Pepper just for being more popular among normies is such a millennial thing to do. i mean reading the thread of you guys wacking off about how forgettable and overrated it is just looks to me like you're both just voicing your distaste of normies. all three are great and very different albums, but if you say A Day In The Life forgettable then what are you doing here.

1967: the year SMiLE wouldve came out

lol shut up dude. people have been contrarian for ages. fuck off grandpa go read a newspaper or something

OP here, I love The Beatles & I liked Sgt. Pepper but it is objectively overrated & not the best Beatles album either. Pic related or White album are my favs

I thought I was the only one who loved Revolver.

You are the only one if you ignore millions of other people.

>objectively overrated

im not sure that's a thing

im all about revolver and abbey road. beatle people always fight me about it but i for one also loved spector's wall of sound on let it be


>circus music
>the great rock album ever made

holy shit i think you are!

>The Doors is the greatest rock album ever made in my opinon
>VU is defiantly one of the most influential albums ever
>VU & The Doors are severely underrated by a lot of people
>I guess it just didn't stand the test of time.
>I thought I was the only one who loved Revolver.

This thread is a fucking mess.

It's weirder for me to think that At Folsom Prison came out a year AFTER TVU&N.
I don't know a single classic rock fag that doesn't love The Doors.

The average opinion I've seen among millennials is that most of Pepper is eh but A Day in the Life is fucking fantastic. If you're going to hate at least get it right.

I always thought that Revolver and The White Album were much more stylistically similar than people give them credit for.


he better mean '91
