>this happened 10 years ago today
How does that make you feel, Sup Forums?
>this happened 10 years ago today
How does that make you feel, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
can we get more gifs/webms of materazzi being hurt?
Proud. Decked that cunt real good.
I still think it was retarded.
He literally fell for bait in real life.
>I bait Zidane
he literally lost the finals for france
You know, it looks a lot less vicious than it did 10 years ago.
Wow, that's like half of my life, down the drain.
>being 5'8
Still don't know if he's doing the Busquets or Zidane really plowed a grown man into the ground.
I remember laughing my face off for like a day after this happened.
What a way to end your career.
What a fucking beta Zidane is.
naah jk I think it's great because the headbutt totally overshadowed Italy's victory :^)
kek, when zidane offered his shirt to materazzi after the game materazzi said he would prefer "the whore that is your sister"
what a madman
I'm 6', Mehmet Öztürkigoglu
Like rain falling into the ocean, or sand blowing away carelessly... we are all just faded memories and moments lost in time to be forgotten.
>How does that make you feel, Sup Forums?
Like I was dead for the last ten years.
He'd gotten Scots-free if it wasn't for UEFA faggot ass observer ho denounced Zizou to the tech ref who then asked the line ref to tell the main ref (which also took _minutes_ to go down).
Silly they don't call in "normal" fouls this way or goals that them faggot ass pitch refs sometimes don't see.
What Zidane did was stupid as all shit, but the way he got penalized wasn't exactly OK either.
what's amusing is how much he looks like this dinosaur
>kek, when zidane offered his shirt to materazzi
I didn't know about this... Why would Zidane even do that? Beta as fuck.
it hurts
>gives up the chance to take his team to winning the world cup and be immortalized as the GOAT
For fucks sake man. He was doing absurdly well throughout the whole tournament too.
>Why would Zidane even do that?
Materazzi was pulling his shirt(before the headbutt), Zidane replied "if you want my jersey I can give it to you after the game"(really cocky from Zidane) to which Materazzi replied "I'd prefer the whore that is your sister instead"
And thus, two browsers of the sports board of a Japanese cartoon image site decide that Zidane, highly successful and wealthy athlete, is in fact a "beta".
Based on erroneous information.
>it's already been 10 years
first time video was used during a football match. therefore sending off was illegal
Whatever its still the best player of all time
Literally a GOAT post.
Wait a minute, Materazzi kicked him when he fell.
no but seriously, I kek everytime some autist on 4chink calls someone a cuck
>irate zidane
>Le fancy youtube tricks can't control my anger "French"man
>How does that make you feel, Sup Forums?
Very fucking old.
Zidane is a dirty shitskin African Muslim.
Old. And angry.
There are some thunderous uber-lels in this thread, senpaitachi.
Hi!, friendo
I was a kid, but oddly enough that headbutt is what got me into football.
He has a talent that you never have
there life that you will never have
He has a reputation that you will never have
You, you're just a big American pork rage that the success of others
>a nos
i was eleven fucking years old, in holiday watching this live whith a friend of mine and his 87 years old grandmother, at her place, on a tiny CRT screen in the old-looking kitchen. the grandma, who was surprisingly a great football fan went like
>what the fuck zidane?!
as we were laughing as fuck. damn that's some good remeberance.
now put in its context, this shitfaggot Matterazi diserved it for real.
>pour les français que ça intéresse:
il y a un article sur vice qui parle de ça a l'occas des 10 ans allez le lire, même si vice-france est souvent bancale, voire a chier (sur pas mal de trucs) l'article est pas si mal.
>American pork
Hello abdelkrim
this form an amerifag user whose country is not even older that my family house.
>invalid argument/10
>tfw watching that with my Italian grandparents
One of my favourite sporting memories desu
>scores equalizer in final
>takes out Zidane in the most disgraceful way on his last professional game
>his team wins the world cup
This is the pinnacle of a "bag guy winning" episode.
t. 1/164 italian
here's some classic ytmnd's about it
BASED Materazzi
Very underrated post
>knocking the fuck out of a player who insults you and your family
alpha as fuck desu, without regard for the rules.
if anything, the beta is the cuck who had to resort to insults by words
Dubs has spoken truth desu senpai
He scored the winning penalty too
Here are some 10 year old gifs
>Pre Sup Forums days
>literally shit posted in a wc final Sup Forums thread
I want to die
>a nos
VPN get out.
Grosso scored the winning penalty, Materazzi scored one previously though
Zinedine gidan
Fyi the phrase goes "he got off scott-free." :)
He is not even muslim.
>mfw getting gangbanged by Indonesia and Poland
C'est quoi le nom de l'article ?
trips confirm it
"alpha" would have been doing your talking on the pitch, winning the game and smashing him in the face with the trophy afterwards