So basically

so basically
i sign a consent form to use local anesthesia instead of general anesthesia for the removal of 4 wisdom teeth.
The dentist puts me under anyway
can i sue my dentist and what is the likelyhood of winning and how much can i win?

Fuck off you mooch. Get a job and quit being a pussy.

Nothing, if you suffered no damages.

How do you not know the difference between local and general? What the fuck were you doing when they put the fucking mask on you?

Don't you take a cent from him you filthy fucking kike

You won't even recover the cost of the services performed that day

it was 3 years ago i was 16 and i thought it was to relax me or something because they said to just breath and relax

Malpractice lawsuit usually requires a doctors negligence leading to a specific injury of some kind. You weren't injured sooo...

>can i sue my dentist and what is the likelyhood of winning and how much can i win?

up to 200,000 dollars based on new federal law from like 2006, if you're in america.

> first avenue for legal advice is weaboo image board populated with teenagers, pedophiles, and bronies
i predict you won't sue, you'll end up losing money making posts asking advice about suing for millions instead of looking for a job, will attain 5 more achievements on xbox, and will gain 20 pounds drinking the next mountain dew flavor invented and whatever new promotion taco bell comes out with

Sent from my Android phone

Statute of limitations is probably less than three years in a case like this but it's different in every state. You don't have a case op

HAHAHA medical malpractice suits need to be brought up soon after the event not 3 years later you stupid fucking tard

>i was a minor
it was consented to by your guardian so no 0%.

wisdom teeth arent removed without general anesthesia. im not sure if you dont understand that or'd be agony

>it was 3 years ago
I'm not sure if you're trolling or actually retarded.

You were 16. You can't enter a legally binding agreement you fucktard.

> 16
> You are not old enough to sign off on consent by yourself. Your parents/guardian had to sign it also.

Fuck off faggot


if you were 16, you can't give consent for anything anyway. What did your mom sign?

Stop suing people if nothing bad happened to you. You make everyone's life more difficult.

what he described is malpractice. so why am i trolling by telling you reality?

you can tell how you think things work, i can tell how things actually work. you're a child and i'm 35. guess who understands more about the world

The only reason they go for general anesthesia is so they can rape.

I hope they filmed it, and its available on the dark webs now.

Welcome to America 2016. Give me money for nothing.

More trolling

my father signed the consent paper as did i u fuking faggots now tell me if i have a case on my hands

So, what? You're fucking pussy hurts because they put you under to drill/cut and remove your teeth? You want to sue them because you didn't get to be awake while they shoved those instruments down your throat?

>Pic related - It's you.

Dental study fag here
Yes you can, because you signed consent to something other than what they delivered. If you were a minor, then you can get whoever signed on your behalf in on the suit.
As dental professional fag I've learned through the paperwork mistakes of others that if someone signs for one thing, GIVE THEM THAT ONE THING ONLY AND NOTHING ELSE.

i specifically called for not being put under just on the off chance i die as ive had pre hypertension blood pressure since a child

Yeah Pre-hypertension is code for eat less salt, drink more water and exercise you pathetic fuck.

No, you don't. Quit being a fucking pussy you weak ass millenial faggot and get a goddamn job.

Ok and? You're still alive aren't you? Fucking faggot. You sound like a woman who decided she was "raped" months or years after the fact

>ive had pre hypertension blood pressure since a child

stop drinking pickle juice

You somehow just became even more of a worthless faggot.

>Dental study fag
You at least got that right

Are you retarded or just underage? general anasthesia damages brain

and yet you didn't suffer any ill effects but still want a massive pay out. this is why shit is so expensive because of faggotry like this

Sent from my Android phone

Not true...I did 4 extractions under local in one sitting and it was fine. Messy, but fine.

What a lying faggot.

Hi I'm actually a attorney in CA. I don't do medical malpractice but that doesn't matter here. You didn't suffer any damages, you will get nothing. Did you have to pay extra for the cost of teh general anesthisia? if so then you could get that back. BUT, 3 years is probably to long for the statute of limitations. Sometimes Sols are stopped until you turn 18 but not in this case. You suffered no damages so you will get nothing. You might be able to bring suite anyways, but what you would get would be nomanative damages, which is literallyt $1.

Go fuck yourself get a job.

>damages brain
Just how many surgeries have you had?

People can fall asleep under local anesthesia because sometimes sedatives are also used. I'm 100% certain OP is either a lying fag or he is a faggot that doesn't know shit and thinks because he fell asleep that he was given general.

Either way, OP is a fag and you all lost the game.

Fuck dentistry in general

Sue the shit out of them

How many lawyers actually come to Sup Forums?
Cause how the fuck would know the likelihood of the outcome and the payout.

I think they will give you a nice ass fucking OP, should be right up your alley.

fucking this and op is alive example of this

one and i confirm that this shit makes you dumber

Attorney again
HAS IT DAMAGED YOUR BRAIN THOUGH? Do you notice you have become more retarded then you already are. Do you have medical proof that you suffered damages to your brain from anethsia?
Fuck off faggot

Also all this shit im telling you isn't legal advice faggot not like it matters because im behind 500234i0923490234 proxies

You might not have actually been out.

Usually local anesthesia for wisdom teeth is done with the local numbing plus a cocktail of drugs (valium and some other stuff) to make the long and uncomfortable procedure go better. You were probably awake the whole time, but don't remember because of the drugs. That is what happened for mine.

most of my friends at the law firm I work at browse Sup Forums. granted we are all 25-30 and new associates.


I had local for the two i had removed it wasn't bad at all.

yes i fucking did and no perfect anastethia exists, this is well known fact
and i am not op, moron.

No arguments here

fuck off summertard

just fucking use google, summerfaggot

I imagine quite a few. Lawyers are pretty common

bullshit. Maybe it can have adverse affects but so can taking all that cock up the ass but you still do it.
No one cares about your self diagnosed conspiracy theories

So basically, I never consented to being circumsized. Can I sue the doctor, the hospital, the nurses, and my parents? How much can I win and what's the likelihood of winning?

>perfect anastethia exists
Perfect how? It works pretty well as it is

Your parents consented

But I never did. Babies have rights.

but he is right, just look at op.

well, by being 100% harmless, no?

you a man i guess. they had to cut into my jaw to get mine, so no local for me

Almost no forms of medicine are 100% harmless in every way. You could go in for a normal surgery and have an undiagnosed condition that causes blood thinning and bleed out right there on the table. Shit happens. That's why they make you sign a waiver. Don't like it? Never seek treatment for any medical condition ever again.

I am neither retarded nor underaged. I am a lawyer, actually.