Trump, Hillary or Bernie?

Trump, Hillary or Bernie?

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Bernie's out retard

Hey Danny you're a faggot





Bernie, but now that he's out, Trump

do i have to choose

Gary Johnson 2016!

Keep pushing him.

no one

johnson if i had to pick

Bernie is out and the other two are just awful

I don't push him, I thrust him

Hilldog for the win.




Jill Stein

I actually work nights and graveyards, and I have the day off today having worked a double.

None of them are qualified to lead a donut truck.
However in the choice between the giant douche and the turd sandwich, I'm going to pick the one that is going to be targeting people who aren't me. Sorry, it's simple self preservation

are you retarded?

Forgot pic.

As somebody who is of mexican heritage, I would rather vote trump and risk ending up being in a gas chamber in a concentration camp than to vote for her

Shillary and drump are both pretty awful tbh. I'm voting for trump because he pisses off every kind of person I hate. Hillary will just keep the same bullshit going on that has been happening since the 80s.

Burn it to the ground.

Emperor Trump, to purge the heretic Liberal filth!

None, they all suck.

If Bernie doesn't drop out due to muh bipartisan bullshit, it will most likely be for him.

Sephiroth 2016

another win for bipartisan politics.

>If Bernie doesn't drop out
It's over, friend.

According to some reports, the Green Party might offer him the ticket for more exposure and a reasonable shot at getting into the debates

We should start a movement to try and get everyone or as many people as we can to write in David Davidson or turd sandwiche or something to protest the mockery being staged before us.

Not this cunt

They already did

I'm actually from Mexico, but I came over legally and it was a pain in the ass. Illegals make the legal immigrants look bad, I want them all fucking gone. Legals actually embrace the country and we work our asses off to be a part of it. Illegals do nothing but trash talk the US and look for ways to fuck over the system. Fucking Trump 2016, deport the beaners. You bet your ass Mexico would deport Americans if they caught you over there illegally.

Man's goons get cancer at any moment just look at how old he is.

Trump will lay down the law.

If you didn't want President Hillary, you shouldn't have run an unelectable asswad against her.

Trump but only because he's not HIllary.

If you look at it everyone running for president is fucked up... lol yall are screwed. It's ok were all fucked already here in Canada.

Tell me about it.

Once a savage always a savage. You savages hate on your own damn kind.

Cool, it would be nice to have yet another legit party in the mix, I'm still all for Johnson, but Bernie as a Green wouldn't be the end of the world for me.

>Special Snowflakes and SJW degeneracy on the Left
>Bigoted, uneducated human trash on the Right
I'm voting Stein.

I'd like to lay you down in a mass grave with the rest of your gay little Stormfaggot friends.

Worst recession ever almost

Trump because I want to see the system self destruct.

Also, fuck islam.

>Implying Stein doesn't drink the same Social Justice kool-aid.


Her platform actually makes sense, and is more concerned with protecting the environment than pandering to every multi-color haired lesbian or man-bun wearing "nu-male" millennial. I like Stein, because I like the planet itself. Not so much the people, mind you (except the the Asians, except the Middle Eastern kind), but money and such are useless if we don't have a planet to spend it on.

cthulhu obviously.

>not voting Yog-sothoth
Fucking pleb.

>it would be nice to have yet another legit party in the mix

How about one that doesn't think capitalism is the end of economic history? How about a socialist party that doesn't worship the rich as part of an American national religion?

Despite being the best we have this election cycle, the green party is watered-down bourgeois nonsense - in the long run we need something much stronger and explicitly anti-capitalist.


Fuck off, you genuine Communist shit. Go to Venezuela if socialism is so good.

Hill dog for the win. Getting Trump nominated was her plan all along.

Try reading something besides The Fountainhead.


>dork, literal criminal scum or commie