anyone who disagrees is trolling

Other urls found in this thread:


>2/6/1 yasuo

Also, 0 lp B5?

Also, kys

Start by taking flash dummy

>Heal/exhaust on the support
>Losing to a Ryze support
>kalista taking ignite
>Shen losing vs renek for some reason
>Yasuo losing vs Lux when he counters her

You are home. Accept it. When you are not out of Bronze in over 300 games, its where you belong.

gold 1 player here
Your doing thoigns wrong. A lot. Just watch youtube guied. ward tricks. support tricks, when to zone ECT.
Best is to just know laning then on to mid then late game, it takes time

As someone on the edge of gold, I know I am still shit. But there is a point where you have to look at where YOU can improve. Its called SOLO queue for a ....wait....

first thing i said:


she was the only one on the enemy team with a good kda

what does bronzey mcshitboy do?

you guessed it....

the shen was silver 4 mind you

Bronze 5 after 300 games. Jesus christ.

newfaggot i've been bronze for many years now, been posting these threads for 3 1/2 years

so if you dont agree that elo hell is real... you are trolling, period.

play a champ that can carry a bit

I believe in you

>Bronze: Brain dead at the game
>Silver: Still shit
>Gold: You know how not to feed at least
>Plat: You are good at this game (the true elo hell)
>Diamond: You are pretty good at this game
>Masters: Almost pro
>Challenger < Rank 100: Godlike
>Challenger Rank 99 up: You are pro

I agree. Elo Hell is real. But is also easy enough to get out of if you're a decent player. Smh.

wrong pic lol for some reason i cant see images before i send them

i give up

Same fag here:

If you can't get out of bronze after many years. You must not know how to play the game.

play a carry champ not fucking teemo or support. Legit, learn how to play assasins mid, or a good top laner like Irelia, Swain, Riven (not the best ATM but if you're good with her it doesn't matter) or jungle, Kindred, Nidalee, Lee Sin. Legit bounce from lane to lane killing the enemy help your laners get ahead and keep lanes shoved so if you do die you don't lose your entire fucking base.

You trash khunt. Jungler almost has more farm.


>not having friends to pair up with to carry your silly ass out


>placing bronze ever

this too, creeps literally kill themselves near you. just last hit them. It's like 35 creeps = 1 kill at normal gold value. you don't even have to kill shit cunts, just CS very well and you can carry a game.

>level 7 temmo
>complaining about bronze

thats assuming this cunt isnt trash and belongs in that elo

Holy shit this cancer. Fucking KYS

Jungler almost has more farm than you. It's not elo hell. It's you being shit.

supports win the game though son. As long as your bruiser can right click, you're golden

If you're really that good you can carry faggot. Carrying was all I did till plat.

Well yea, but he's still playing fucking trash champions. All of the pro support mains (aphro, biofrost) have come out and said they put way too many hours in to support to rank up. Support is a good way to climb if you're decent at it and willing to put the time in but you'll still lose games and you can't do much about it.

Things to do
>pick playmakers
>be supportive of your team
>ward ward ward ward
>work on map awareness

>be a toxic cunt
>pick shitty champs like teemo
>try and 1v3

hmm i must be gold then


this trash cunt can become not a trash cunt through this

Using Coin on Leona with that composition.

Still having the ward trinket when you also have sightstone.

Your only resistance is MR, and they have a ton of AD.

You're in ELO hell because you're crap.

how the fuck do you have 40 cs against a trundle, assuming he and you went top


You're just fucking trash. I have 3 accounts past Silver. That's how easy it is.

yea, but you're still relying on someone else. Bronze you can't count on anyone and that's why he's posting here he's losing games that he's playing off like aren't his fault (we can't know just off scores). I did say that supports can carry though, just more of a buddy buddy system carry.

>Still bronze

That would put you at brain dead since you obviously dont know how to use the power you get in lane and transition that around the map.

god dammit, I replied to myself on accident.

"coin" is an armor item its also the new shurelias

you guys must be the bronze shitters im stuck with every game....

what the fuck is that soraka build

Trash picks and poor objective control kek

shen was top, and he was silver 4 and still got wrecked

54 CS in a 40 minute long game. You shit baby.

Bronze V is for braindead players. I once had a friend who was in Bronze V purely because he trolled every game and did nothing but play Yi and buy Phantom Dancers.

Bronze V is easy as shit to get out of if you're actually not shit.
Also don't play support in Bronze V, because you can't carry yourself out unless you play a carry.

adding to my other comment, you should have 54 cs in the first like fucking 6 minutes.

With cs and builds that shit you deserve bronze 5, don't even try and explain how it's the team's fault. You're bad and should feel bad.

You want to get out of bronze, learn to CS and keep vision control, play jg buy wards counter ward stay on those objectives like a motherucker

Play top and look for snowballing teleport opportunities.

Play tanky supports and peel and ward. Vision wins games

Pick mid shove lane and then help others out.

Learn to CS and stop blaming your team. Quit holding yourself back.

its support genius, stop throwing my fucking games you bronze shitter



Build support items build a sightstone build sweeper.

Place a fucking ward.

you're legit trolling. Support aren't supposed to do damage 90% of the time, leona is a front line champ instead of buying that tiamat you could have gotten more health. That soraka game, build tank get 3k hp with warmogs and you'll never run out of mana and the health regen from warmogs will keep you from killing yourself don't play fucking full ap soraka support.

Keep that same attitude you have and you'll stay in bronze.

I got a lvl 30 EUNE account that I have no need for. I'll trade it(email and all) for a skin on EUW if anyone is interested.


why? no one but me is looking at the fucking map!

This is what a support game should look like.

AP Varus. Kill yourself.

Boom see that, shitty mentality

That is why you're in bronze. Learn to ward learn to cs.

And never ever ever build varius like that again.

You can play normals to get better too shithead

Don't play ranked till your normals look like this.

Don't face check
Don't go support unless you know your adc
Learn to last hit = hit 100 cs / 10 min AT LEAST
Don't fucking face check!

Gg you're not bronze/silver anymore

True elo hell is around gold

can you show me the gold graph of that game? I'm really curious

Leona is a tank you shitter. This is how you build Leona (Disclaimer: this game was back in February when Righteous Glory was super strong)

nigga you main support

how the fuck do you expect to carry anything

if you wanna climb then learn a carry role

And you were still building MR against a mainly AD team. You pick shit items - where's your sightstone on Soraka? Oh, you needed that AP huh?


Supports can carry, but its far less likely in low elo where people can not appreciate wards, map control, and objectives. They just want to play TDM and fuck around.

Yeah, we got stomped early game until I started getting peels. Turns out a fed cait is scary

did you not see what rank OP was?

literally the lowest of the low

I can not believe you guys are refusing to acknowledge my lucky sevens.

I thought this was Sup Forums ,damnit.

thanks my dude, that was a pretty scary lead, nice job

Fuck off, attention whore.

well you got me there....

hey if you want your account boosted join this Discord server
discord.gg/s6hJf and stay in Crunkerton

he got trips tho...

you've been playing since season 2 and you're bronze. Ur shit bud.

He asked for attention tho...

i dont let anyone play my account, I would be willing to pay for a duo partner though

just join and we can have a talk. i can give you tips. discord.gg/s6hJf maybe about that duo join here discord.gg/s6hJf

builds steraks instead of ardent/zeke's
you are shit.

>36 CS @ 34 minutes
>Triforce on Ashe
>Playing since season 2 and still ass at this game

Support main from earlier in the thread with the Janna game: hell the fuck no.

Start playing playmakers and snowballers
Malphite, Azir, Jinx, Braum, Blitzcrank, Thresh, Hecarim, Vol.

You are not doing well enough to climb anyway.

36 cs Ashe please you are dreaming I have seen bots play better

This was back in February when the item was just too good to pass up. Wanted to survive the burst from their team. I get where you are coming from, but the item was just too damn strong.


its obviously support you dumbfucks

and as usual you ignore the fact that im the only one not feeding

im gonna tell you to do what i did

i mained supp at first but that never goes well in low elo

>spend the rest of the season playing normals
>learn carry junglers
>learn to optimize jungle route and outfarm other jungler
>focus top>mid in that order
>NEVER help botlane in low elo because botlane is sually about scaling late game or at the very least they are weak until 2-3 items
>most low elo players give up WAY too easily so the concept of late game scaling is foreign to them
>meanwhile many toplaners/some midlaners can solocarry games even by scrubs

on the other hand, assassins are also very good in low elo because literally NOBODY has any understanding of the concept of overextending or overstaying

Nigga that makes it worse. Vision win games fucker. How many times did you buy trinkets?

>Ashe support with "damage"

>Not feeding
Sure but you are still useless. If you are "so good", carry the game shit head.

You played Ashe, I a farm dependent ADC support.

Also not feeding does not mean doing well. We can't tell what your are doing by a scoreboard.

Try playing the meta

ashe support has not been a thing in forever dude

it's usually adcs who play ashe that play her as more utility and trust the rest of the team to carry

>that build

Jesus. You deserve bronze and bronze deserves you.

Did that ez really just go with that item first before gauntlet...

Wanna give me that account? I've always wanted a bronze 5 account

how many times did I hawkshot?

get over it, its my teams fault and i have years of proof

Frozen Heart on Lulu? No wonder you're Bronze 5

Tank supports CC Vision peel.

If you can't trust your team don't play support.

>it's my team's fault
and that's why you in b5
do you not even realize you're part of that "team"?
blaming your team instead of learning to SOLOcarry in SOLOq is why you're an idiot

any of you low bronze account want to get boosted?

hawkshot is not a ward
hawkshot lasts for like 2 seconds
wards last for a minute/forever
please stop being a retard

Hawkshot? That shit has a fucking 80 (?) Cooldown. Nigga you deserve Bronze V. Even when I first did rank I hit S2 right away after only playing the game for 2 months. Sure highest I gone was G2 only because I got lazy, but I never went as low as fucking S4.

Did you meticulously change your name in every single fucking screenshot or are you not in oce/na/eu

How can you be so fucking bad at league?bronze v 0lp?like what?fuck it just pick udyr go mid when against a melee and abuse R with ap runes and deathfire touch