What is some good music to smoke weed to?
What is some good music to smoke weed to?
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if music is good, then smoking weed while it is playing will be good.
also that's the jenkiest joint i've ever seen drawn.
Intoxicados - Una Vela
everyday we have this thread here on Sup Forums and everyday there is the same correct answer being posted.
i wish there were an artist that crossed philip glass's repetition and chord progression sensibilities with like DJ Nate syncopation and sounds also mixed with guitars and other non classical instruments
>be stoned af
Una vela....
A tribe called quest, really lighthearted music.
this or blue lines are the best albums to smoke to imo
There will never be a better album to smoke to. Dopesmoker executes its concept in such perfection.
>There will never be a better album to smoke to.
Is weed a meme drug?
>vamos los pibes
well it's not a drug
going to have to agree. this tied with "sleep's holy mountain"
Three-way tie between this, Endtroducing and Dandelion Gum
Elliott Smith and the first Broken Social Scene album are also really good for getting high, wandering around the suburbs at night and staring at the moon
I mean it. Dopesmoker executes its concept in absolute perfection. The album itself is about as long as the peak effects of cannabis last when smoked. If you start smoking as soon as the album starts you will get high with the music literally. Pay attention to how it builds itself up for the first 10 minutes, it's like the band is getting high with you and as soon as Al starts yelling you'll be there with him. By the time the first solo starts you'll be peaking and it will pull you in. From there on the album just rolls on like a trip. The concept of the album itself accurately captures the feeling of being stoned, the idea of having a caravan of stoners in a fantasy/science fiction universe sounds completely absurd, but Sleep presents it as the most epic journey. That is exactly what weed is like, the most trivial, stupid things become epic and interesting. It's ridiculous, but I cannot think of an album that pulls of a concept as completely as Dopesmoker does it.
My captcha made me grin.
this and this
kill yourself
stoner doom metal or dub (70s-80s)
>That is exactly what weed is like, the most trivial, stupid things become epic and interesting. It's ridiculous, but I cannot think of an album that pulls of a concept as completely as Dopesmoker does it.
Is Master of Reality considered a concept album?
yes, the concept is about being the master of your reality
Kid A
this guy is trying way too hard.
>no pink Floyd
it's about worshipping the Lord of This World, who is the master of your reality
If you need weed to enjoy music then you should seek help. Once you realize weed is just a crutch to make you enjoy things without analyzing them youll realize how much more satisfying it is to appreciate something sober
Also escapism in general is pretty pathetic and a dead end
Is this b8?
Once u realize u shood kys it'll be OK
How is life with a stick up your ass?
The funny thing is I actually did want to kill myself when I was using drugs but now Ive made huge strides in my life
Wow great argument maybe i should just seek all forms of immediate empty gratification because I dont want to seem like "i have a stick up my ass"
Narrow-minded world view appreciated
oh the irony
The funny thing is I use drugs and I'm not a suicidal cuck. Ironic, the moron who preaches the holier than thou rhetoric is a fucking druggie who can't handle his liquor.
Look back into suicide, my man.
>implying I only need weed to enjoy music
>implying I can handle sobriety
>implying I don't want to die
Man, this guy's self-awareness is surprisingly low.
>Ironic, the moron who preaches the holier than thou rhetoric is a fucking druggie
>who cant handle his liquor
What? Im sober and I never was much of a drinker anyways. Keep down the drug road senpai. Youll find nothing at the end
You see weed and you immediately think of your former self. Quit projecting, and get a life. All human beings are complex.
Corrects grammar. Uses poor punctuation. Missing the point entirely.
>missing the analogy
Even sober ur dumb af
Don't b such a dick
I really like listening to shoegaze when I smoke pot
The waves of fuzz are soothing
Wow you sure changes my mind. Solid points ya made there
Getting high is escapism, end of story. You get high because youre bored with life but rather than go out and make your life one worth living you choose the quick and easy route. It has nothing to do with "humans being complex", what a cop out
You must have had a revelation that you can't wait to share. Must probably be a really really old bastard with no friends. Turns every conversation into a sounding board for his worldviews.
What was his point? That because drugs havent burned him yet that they wont?
good grindcore - youtube.com
>man claims intoxication is a form of escapism
Great revelation retard
>You must have had a revelation that you can't wait to share
No. Not really. I just see people going down the dangerous path of drug glorification
A 'cop out' is when you don't even care to discuss and accept all points of views. But going on really crazy tangents to seem smart.
Not all getting high is escapism. For some they want to explore sides of themselves they never knew was there. Remove inhibitions or fight trauma. I.E. war vets.
But you're not gonna read anything i've just written anyway. You're too smug.
So what? You think escapism is ok? Jesus you people are fucking pathetic
You remind me of when i was fourteen. Dude, self-awareness. Look it up. I deal with so many middle-aged dudes who talk exactly like you. It's a real headache.
The insult of 'autist' usually applies to you. Not actual sufferers of autism. But people who live in their own world. And not in a good way. Just nutty like conspiracy theorists.
Enjoy your delusion.
I'm willing to put money that you're underage or under 100 iq.
>A 'cop out' is when you don't even care to discuss and accept all points of views. But going on really crazy tangents to seem smart
No it literally isnt. Its avoiding making an actual argument or case.
>people get high because they want to explore sides of themselves
Maybe on psychedelics, but please, people smoke weed because theyre bored
100 bucks says he has NO friends. Reasoning with him is tough.
You do know there's more to life than being right, right?
What about war vets who take MDMA? Escapism too? Oh god, this guy. You're fun to tear down.
Stop projecting. You're a troll but you don't even know it. Because you think you're more intelligent.
Look up the Dunning-Kruger effect. Also, 'disappointed high horse' troll
Weed is not an escapist drug. Whenever I felt bad about something and got high it made it worse. Alcohol is an escapist drug because it drowns out the sorrows, heroin is an escapist drug because it puts your mind onto something completely different and euphorizes you like fuck, weed tends to intensify your sorrows.
>its one of those "i dont listen to adults when they give me advice because im smarter than everyone" types
Enjoy your delusion that smoking weed will ever pay off in any way shape or form.
Nice ad hominem. I guess youre right, escapism is great
You smoked weed because you're bored. We're not ALL you. We keep making arguments. You keep applying your worldviews and personal experience.
>What about war vets who take MDMA? Escapism too? Oh god, this guy. You're fun to tear down
>drug administered by therapists in a clinical setting
>the same as getting high for fun
Oh jesus christ I hope youre not seriously making this argument
>weed intensifys sorrows
Thats why people smoke it when theyre sad or stressed right?
I'm saying you're the guy who has never stepped outside the house. To actually deal with people in any shape or form. Because you've never had to take orders. You've never had to be wrong.
You're probably middle-aged. Maybe you go to an Ivy League college and not belong there. Maybe you're gay, and you're using that as a crutch for your whole life.
I'm just making guesses. I know i'm right somewhere. Dude, people like you are pests.
So why do you smoke weed? For "introspection man"? Do you honestly think you need drugs for that? Lol
>jumping to conclusions
I can only imagine what you were like on drugs.
You use 'ad hominem' knowing that you're talking to a mix bag laymen and slightly illiterate crowd. You know what Sup Forums is like. But you're doing everything you can to seem above everyone.
No one is above anyone. All we got are arguments. YOU, on the other hand, have worldviews. Fixed. You're insane.
This is the saddest attempt at psychoanalysis Ive ever seen. Do you have any actual arguments to make, or are you just going to playing Freud?
I've only ever done drugs for the experience. Curiosity. I've never done them anymore. But i don't judge people who do. I know a lot of them. They're all okay.
You need help. Like, grow the fuck up. Leave your home. Talk to people.
>dont use drugs out of bordem
>dont use them for escapism
>dont use them for introspection
Ok, so why do you use drugs?
I DID make an argument. You said i thought of you as the young man who wouldn't listen to adults. So i argued.
LISTEN, for once. I mean, read. I would concur if you were right. You cannot be right when you're an arrogant piece of shit. Dunning-Kruger. Again.
Dude me and my friends are going to hotbox in a Bronco this weekend and now I know what we'll be blasting. Thank you so much for posting this, I'll light in your honor.
>having a world view
This probably the most idiotic thing Ive heard in this entire thread.
>You said i thought of you as the young man who wouldn't listen to adults.
AHAHHAHA omg your reading comprehension is fucked. Context is key my friend. I was calling you a kid who doesnt listen to adults.
A fixed one. Read the entire post. Idiot. Slit both wrists, die faster.
> getting high is escapism, end of story
sometimes a nigga wanna get high because a nigga wanna get high. Has nothing to do with wanting to "escape his unfortunate reality that is his life"
you're trying too hard man. You should probably smoke one just to chill out
>Thats why people smoke it when theyre sad or stressed right?
Stress is not the kind of problem I meant, stress is easily remedied, like with cannabis. But I specifically meant sadness, depression, that kind of stuff. But now I realize that generalising the substance like that is wrong, not everybody has that level of self awareness to just not use it when having serious problems. But others do. So I don't think it's true to label cannabis exclusively as an escapist substance. It really depends who is using it and for what purpose. I mean psychedelics can hardly be seen as escapist, and there are people that use cannabis the way they would use a psychedelic.
Which was what you thought i thought of you. God, you're dumb
>But i don't judge people who do. I know a lot of them. They're all okay.
Ok, and I know a lot who arent ok. And ive seen a lot of people who were ok fuck their lives up from drugs
>Which was what you thought i thought of you
No its what I THINK OF YOU
How fucking stupid are you? The weed has obviously done a number on your brain
Ugh. I dont even know where to start with this one. Kys
You're making judgments on other people based on a very simple life choice - To consume drugs for recreation.
Although weed does impair the working memory a little. There are other benefits. Depending on the person or situation. But you're not gonna care or understand. Never will. You're too busy being smart to know you're stupid.
Ok thats enough of this for tonight. I actually love smoking weed ever now and again. I was just rustling jimmies, but its getting exhausting. Good night
>can't read between lines
>context and sarcasm escapes them
>fixed position with a black and white view of the world
>incapable of dealing with multiple conversations at once
So, this guy is clinically autistic. I see.
You greenlighted it. Kill yourself
- Yes, kill yourself. You made no arguments here. Just express exasperation. But you probably won't remember this. It's tough on your ego.
UNA VELA.........................
>haha I was just pretending to be dumb, gotcha!!!!!!
Don't wake up
One of the 3 best. +1 internet to anyone who can name the other two